Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hallburn Verbally Attacks Joe Haynes - Again

County Psychopath Continues To Harass Commissioner

For some reason, every year when the pools close, Halburn takes it as a personal affront to himself.
It's always some evil conspiracy to prevent him from swimming, usually headed up by his nemesis, County Commissioner Joe Haynes. Then, as always, he goes on a FOIA fishing expedition.

Earlier this year, after his latest FOIA, he said that, "the commission produced some documents that proved it cost more than $1,142 to maintain Waves of Fun for the Dog Swim."
They produced nothing of the sort. They produced an electric bill and an invoice for some chemicals. The monetary amount was something he pulled out of his big ass. Which proved nothing. PutnamLIES.com proved it cost less than $250 to hold the swim last year.

During that Dog Swim, he browbeat Putnam County Commissioners Steve Andes and Joe Haynes and harassed them both with questions about the dog swim. Andes didn't answer. Haynes wisely refused to speak to PutnumLIVE.com, Halburn's opinion blog.

That's a typical tactic for Hallburn. He exhibited similar boorish behavior at a doctor's office last week.

Then Halburn trots out the old tired canard of the so-called Park Commission firings. Hallburn tries to say that
Parks Commission President Sally Holliday didn't resign from the Parks Commission. Again, with Halburn it's all about semantics. It all depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is. This fat fuck is greasier than Slick Willy.

It's just more Hallburn bullshit. He always spins the story to make it more favorable to himself and his friends.

Here's what really happened.
In February 2006, Halburn's hand puppet Cordie Hudkins was fired over his belligerence and bad attitude. Sally Holliday said at that time that she would resign on March 10. Parks Commissioner John Samples also planned to resign at the same time.

At the County Commission meeting at the end of February, both were notified that their terms were up and they were replaced with new members.
Holliday's term had actually expired in August 2004 but she continued to serve beyond then because county commissioners had not updated the commission.
Replacing Holliday and Samples was nothing more than a response to their intention to resign.

But it gives Halburn another reason to attack Haynes. Fast forward to 2011. Halburn acts like the date for the Dog Swim was picked the week before Labor Day and the weather was known. Wrong again, lardass. It was scheduled at the end of July. Nobody knew what the weather was going to be.

Due to the rain on Labor Day, the Dog Swim was canceled, and re-scheduled for the following Saturday. Halburn says, "Again, humans were denied the right to swim in their pool for a week before Labor Day Weekend, including Sunday when it was 88 degrees."
Was it 88 degrees on Sunday? Maybe it was. But was also pouring the rain.

So at the dog swim, Halburn barges through the gates of Waves of Fun and immediately accosts Commissioner Haynes and begins harassing him by shouting questions at him in his squealy, high pitched, lispy voice. Which Halburn apparently thinks is tough but fair.

Then Haynes responded: "I won't talk to you. I refuse to talk to you," and added "You're a psychopath, stay away from me." Halburn then states, "Coming from Haynes, that's a compliment." No, crisco, coming from anyone that's the truth.

Haynes also added, "You've been arrested."
Halburn then tries to deflect attention away from his criminal record by saying, "What he failed to state for everyone within earshot is that this publisher was acquitted-twice-of politically motivated charges based on lies. Twice. And one of those false arrests was instigated by the Putnam County Parks and Recreation Commission."

Yeah? Prove it, lippy.
Your mouth and your actions are what get you arrested.

What you failed to state is that you were convicted of trespassing at a Kanawha County pool. Was that arrest politically motivated? Was your California arrest for strong-arm robbery politically motivated?

At that point Halburn turned and ran away like the pussy that he is.

Raymond Joe Haynes does not have to answer to you about anything, Hallburn. Your questions, coverage and attitude are neither tough nor fair.

We don't blame Hallburn for being an insufferable asshole. Few people would want the world to know that they can't hold a full time job and that they have a severe personality disorder. The mentally ill often do not know they're mentally ill. Verbally attacking public servants because of a vendetta is an old, tired game that the public can see through. And we know Hallburn doesn't want people to know about his bullying tactics, because of his reaction last week to his outburst at a local doctors' office. However, as long as Halburn chooses to act this way in public he is fair game.

With the proliferation of audio and video recorders on everyone's phones, PutnamLIES.com has a suggestion. If you are being harassed by Mark Halburn or see him harassing ANYONE, take out your phone and start recording. If he tries to intimidate you into stopping, keep on recording. It is your defense against him. Then send it to us. If enough people did this it would really expose his behavior to those who he'd rather not have see it. Remember, many people believe his bullshit because it's the only side of the story that they hear.

There is a way that Hallburn can avoid such scrutiny in the future: Let the humans and their dogs enjoy Waves of Fun and stop harassing the citizens of West Virginia. Or he could die in a fire.

PutnamLIES.com has long said that the Parks And Recreation Commission should ban Halburn from any coverage of future Dog Swims and ban him from visiting Putnam County Parks. He's a ticking time bomb.

You're lucky I'm not running the show, Hallburn. I'd give you a roundhouse kick to the sack.

Stay tuned.


  1. Someone get Mike here a Morrow award or something. Seriously, this is good work. :)

  2. He sure gives you plenty to write about. Thank you for exposing this plague

  3. $1.00 says the last post was from Hallburn.

  4. "post" meaning "comment".

  5. Someone should attack Halbrun with a clue bat.
