Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Halburn Threatens Judge Kelly

A Threat? You Decide.

Mark Vance Halburn continues to have his enormous panties in a wad over his divorce case. The target of his wrath is Kanawha County Family Court Judge Michael Kelly.
Judge Kelly rightly ordered that Halburn could not take his son out of state, suspecting that he would never return.
What Halburn really can't stand is that the Court in Kanawha County sees through his bullshit. This court will not tolerate his bullying and lies.

Halburn though, tries to portray himself as a crusader for justice to all his Facebook friends, when in reality he is just a nut with a computer.

Should Kelly be concerned that Halburn has threatened to come to his house? To stalk him on the campaign trail?
We say yes.

Halburn threatens kelly on facebook

Halburn conveniently ignores the fact that his son is five years old. He had plenty of opportunities to take the boy to see his Grandmother before she ran off with the grim reaper. Halburn visited her in January of this year. Without the boy. And before that in November of 2010. Again without the boy. And other times before that. If Halburn was so anxious for her to see her grandson, why didn't he take the boy with him on those occasions?
This is now the THIRD time he's used a DEAD PERSON to perpetuate a vendetta. I'm sure Halburn's Mommy would be real proud to be used this way.

He also ignores his erratic and irrational behavior which have resulted in several arrests and brushes with the law, some of which occurred while his son was with him.

Halburn's Mommy was right when she sent him to the psychiatrist because he cried too much. He has never stopped.

We're again calling on Mark Halburn to do what he's demanded to be done in other Family Court cases.
Release the videos of his divorce case.
ALL of the videos of his hearings before Judge Kelly. EVERY SINGLE MINUTE, not just “cherry pick” the portions that make the judge look bad.

He screams for these proceedings to be made public. Yet he won't do it in his own case. What is HE hiding?

You have 25% custody right now, Halburn. The final order has yet to be issued. Threats are certainly not the approach to take if you're hoping to get a favorable resolution in this case. Kelly not kissing your fat ass is not grounds for recusal.

Enjoy your supervised visits with your son. Enjoy the settlement check you won't be getting.

It's a crime to threaten a judicial officer. 
Kanawha County authorities should heed the warning issued in Halburn's mental evaluation:


  1. Halburn couldnt crush an egg with a sledgehammer. He is all talk plus judge Kelly isn't a woman so he can't intimidate him

  2. I want to see the entire halburn divorce video!!! Halburn the Coward!!!

  3. Why anyone would associate with this guy is beyond comprehension. For him to remotely question someone's mental stability is also beyond can't make this stuff up.
