Thursday, August 22, 2013

Samaritan Or Liar?

Halburn Claims To Be Lifesaver Exposes Hoax

Monday, got this screen grab in the morning mail.

Here's the story.
Very early on the morning of August 19, PsychoPublisher Halburn posted this on his Facebook page.

Some say Halburn should be honored as a "hometown hero."

Who says that?
No one.
Not even Halburn.
He says, "I seek no recognition for helping people."
Except from the sycophants he's befriended on Facebook.

Then why post it? Especially at 2:10 AM?
What's his real motivation?

Image crafting and narcissism.
Perhaps the real reason is that he did it was to gain sympathy because he could have gone to jail Monday. Maybe the judge would give a life saving samaritan a break.

Touching, isn't it? The problem? It's all bullshit!
The Sunday, August 18 America concert was part of the Parkersburg annual homecoming. Along the riverfront. Maybe 6 or so miles off I77.
America played at 8. Which means he was on the road home by no later than 11. Which means this wreck happened sometime between then and midnight or a little later.

Wood County knows nothing about a crash.
Jackson and Kanawha don't either.
Neither do any of the counties in Ohio.
It wasn't on the WV 77 twitter feed or the WV511 twitter feed.
Bottom line is, a rollover anywhere gets police and EMS. Someone would be able to tell you if a rollover happened anywhere between there and here.

Even if there were no fatalities, there absolutely would have been news coverage of a rollover accident involving 5 people.
No TV reports.
No radio reports.
No newspaper reports.
Nobody has a record of it even happening.
If any of our readers knows about this "accident," please send us the information.

"If mom makes it."
"Is my mommy going to die."
What a fucking sick bastard.
How sick you have to be to make something like that up?

So how about it fatboy?
Let's hear your brave story of heroism.

Let's hear how, equipped only with a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher, you disregarded your own personal safety and bravely led the rescue of 5 injured motorists, all the while struggling to remain in control of your delicate emotions.

You're a brave hero and we'd like to notify the local news stations to get them to do a story about your selfless bravery.

How about some detail, like when & where it actually happened or the names of the responding agencies or the other samaritans so we could honor everybody?

You can't do it because your story is bullshit. It never happened.
Or maybe it did. Prove us wrong. Provide some scintilla of proof.

We're sure he'll have some explanation.
Halburn's excuses? Maybe he'll say, "I never SAID it was along the interstate."
Maybe he'll pull out the old "Oh! But I went home the Ohio way! I went down to Gallipolis and picked up 35 home to go back to Dunbar" story out of his ass.
Even though it would take at least a half hour longer in the dark and fog and he'd have to drive the deadly Route 35. The same road he was avoiding when he had his "accident" on I64 on the way back from King's Island in May.

When those excuses fall through he'll claim he made a side trip to Delaware. He's running out of options. There are a million ways he will attempt to weasel out of this.

The only way that this story could be less believable would have been for him to say, "the the West Virginia State Police Superintendent called me at home to personally thank me for saving that family's life, and shared with me the little girl's name-Sarah Nicole."

Every time you think he couldn't possibly be more batshit crazy, he goes and does something that proves you wrong.

Halburn has been caught yet again in another blatant self serving lie to try and make himself look good.


True to form, it takes Halburn two weeks to think up an excuse. And as predicted it's a variation on the "I went home a different way" story.

On 9/1 he posted this on his Facebook page:

"Here's what the trash bloggers missed: After the America concert I took some friends home far away from Parkersburg. That accounts for the time difference... And the location difference... Happy hunting!!!"

9/11 UPDATE:
And AS PREDICTED he has now trotted out the side trip lie.
It took him an additional week after his previous lie didn't work..

On 9/11 he posted another attempt at an explanation on his Facebook page.

"The trash blogger is still talking about the accident after the America concert. He needs a life... And he needs to stop assuming that I was on my way HOME after the concert! First, I took some friends home to another part of West Virginia... On my way to... drumroll please... to another state for a day trip... Happy hunting!!!"

Every time he brings this back up, after almost a month, it makes the story look less and less truthful.

Why the constant need to justify it happened? Because someone, somewhere, challenged him on it in real life. He ignored his Facebook friends' questions the last time. He not going to answer anyone this time, either.

I guess he left off the part where he was going to say,

"What these trash bloggers don't know is I am personal friends with Joe Biden and we had lunch in Delaware the next day."
Probably for security reasons.

9/12 UPDATE:
Halburn called in to the Tyler Hollywood Show tonight and claimed that the "accident" happened "on the interstate" in Washington County, Pennsylvania. Which means either I-70 or I-79.
Once this lie is proven wrong, the next thing the Hog With A Blog™ will say is he gave Tyler a fake location to, quote, MAKE HIM LOOK LIKE A FOOL ON HIS OWN SHOW!!!

9/18 UPDATE: 
Exactly one month to the day after the imaginary accident, a Washington County, Pennsylvania  911 spokesperson confirmed what we already knew:
"We checked our CAD records and have no record of an accident (on I-70 or I-79) during that time frame."
So there you have it.
Game. Set. Match.

We continue to call bullshit. You're STILL a liar, Halburn. and we just proved it.

The fact remains that there were no accidents like the one you described on that Sunday night in West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia or Delaware, regardless of how far away your imaginary friends live from Parkersburg.
Like many of his FB friends, we'd also like to know why he's trying to claim credit for something that never happened? 
Maybe the reason he believes this is because it was a vivid dream or some kind of fucked up fugue state. Maybe he got a hold of some bad acid or had a few too many Bartles and Jaymes at the America concert.
Whatever it was, it's still a lie.

Keep digging that hole, shithead.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Four More Years?

Whatever It Takes Celebrates Another Birthday

2013 marks four years since we decided psychopublisher Mark Halburn wasn't going to be able to continue to give people shit without someone responding. He is through being able to abuse West Virginia's citizens, government officials and anyone else that disagrees with him without a response from us.  
ur mission when we started was to expose the lies, hypocrisy and unethical behavior of "publisher" Mark Hallburn and his shitty opinion blog
And we have succeeded.
We are THE
outlet for people to answer the scurrilous charges that he makes. He has discovered that it's not so fun when the sandal is on the other foot.

It was a BIG year for
Hallburn continued his self-inflicted long slow slide into oblivion and insanity. He's done for, he just won't accept it yet.

The past year wasn't a good one for him. He was hammered in his divorce. He got absolutely nothing, getting
even LESS visitation than before, due to his irrational behavior. He was arrested twice, convicted once, jailed once and has more jail time hanging over his head.

So, let's have a look at what has happened since's last birthday

Continues To Attack Judge Kelly 
In his on-going attempt to gain more than 7% custody, Halburn continued his attacks against Judge Mike Kelly.  Why he thought harassing the judge that controlled the fate of his visitation rights was a good idea is beyond us.

Stalks & Harasses Governor 
Over the Labor Day holiday, Halburn drove 60 miles, one way, from Putnam County to the UMWA's Labor Day Picnic in Racine WV, to harass Governor Earl Ray Tomblin and shout questions at him.

halburn confrontationAs part of his divorce process, Halburn was ordered to take part in a parenting class at the Putnam County Courthouse. When Judge Mike Kelly appeared in a video the class was watching, Halburn became enraged and began shouting. Hilarity ensued. 

Halburn Arrested Again!
cuffsAfter losing his unemployment benefits in August, which he collected all summer even though he was working at a Myrtle Beach pier, Halburn made continued, repeated harassing phone calls to the Unemployment Office. After a divorce hearing in October, he was arrested for telephone harassment.

Harper & Halburn BFFsAs election season heated up, a sweaty, slovenly Halburn showed up at a meet and greet for WV Supreme Court candidates with a registered sex offender, going so far as to be photographed smiling next to him. We would find out later the full extent of Halburn's involvement with this reprobate.

Gets Very Public Ass Chewing
One evening in October, Walmart shoppers were disturbed by some excessive noise. The source this time? Halburn's second ex-wife was giving him a verbal ass reaming for associating with the above pervert.

Couldn't Keep A Job In Myrtle Beach Either
After failing at his job at the Apache Pier in Myrtle Beach, where he worked the bait counter and arcade change window for less than six months, in November Halburn moved out of his HUD trailer and returned to West Virginia, like an unwanted venereal disease. Turns out the people of South Carolina hate him too.
fraudHalburn douched up this year's election by once again running ads on his opinion blog for candidates that were neither authorized by nor paid for by their campaigns, going so far as to make up fictitious groups to "sponsor" the ads, a blatant violation of WV election law. None of the candidates or their supporters wanted ANYTHING to do with Hallburn or his blog. 
As part of his petulant frenzy, Halburn threatened to stalk Judge Kelly at the next election and picket his house on Christmas day. He also admitted contacting some of Kelly's neighbors.

In one of his most irrational and bizarre actions, Halburn demanded that the court bring his dead mother back to life. He then used her to attack Judge Kelly and the courts. We're sure the late Mrs. Halburn would not approve.

Posts Shocking Confession
shocking admission
As if his demand that his dead mother be brought back to life wasn't bizarre enough, the end of the year brought Halburn's most disturbing admission to date. He admitted he lived with a child molester for weeks before he moved into his Dunbar apartment. And that the molester was a "good man."
After posting that love letter on Facebook, it remained there for almost a week, when Halburn then deleted it saying he had been hacked. The truth is that the repercussions were just too much for him to handle. Rumor has it that this was one of the things that got him suspended the first time from his substitute teaching job in Kanawha County. It's certainly not something a responsible father seeking more custody of his son would do. 

Moves into Garage Apartment In Dunbar 

After his stay with the child molester was over, Halburn found a shitty little garage apartment in Dunbar. 

Harassment Of Judicial System Continues

judicial harassment
Clutching his new video camera in his pudgy hand, in mid December Halburn descended on the offices of the Judicial Investigative Commission. He demanded they service him and he lurked around the lobby until he was able to follow a staffer to her car, harassing her the entire way. Without the intercession of a Judicial security officer, who knows what mayhem could have ensued? The last minute of the video shows her terrified reaction.

Makes Veiled School Threat

Halburn ends the year with yet another crazed screed. He uses the Newtown school shooting to blame the family court system in his ongoing custody battle with his second ex-wife. By the end of the article, he's making veiled threats. 

The Divorce Is Final

In January, 14 months after his second ex-wife filed for divorce, the final order in the case was issued. Unfortunately for Halburn, he got nothing. No settlement and LESS custody.  What he did get was a $631/month child support bill and a court order to pay almost $10,000 to the ex for running up her legal bills unnecessarily.
Halburn immediately filed an appeal to Circuit Court.
You can read a full copy of the order here
Spot The Halburn Feature Started's readers send us pictures of their Halburn sightings so we decided to start a photo page entitled "Spot The Halburn." It contains many of the reader submitted photos. It is one of our most popular pages. 

Fired from Kanawha County Schools

As a result of his behavior and concerned parents contacting the school board, Halburn was investigated and suspended twice last year before being shown the door as a substitute teacher in Kanawha County.

Cops A Plea

At the beginning of March, Halburn avoided an embarrassing trial in Kanawha County for his October 2012 telephone harassment arrest by agreeing to a 6 month pre-trial diversion. Basically probation. All charges are still pending until completion of the 6 month period. As part of that agreement, Halburn agreed not to violate any Federal, state or local law. predicted at the time he wouldn't make it 6 months. It only took him one.
Health Department Arrest
In April, Halburn was arrested at the Putnam County Health Department after repeatedly calling the administrator and being warned two weeks previously not to step foot on the property. He didn't heed the warning, returned and was arrested.

Divorce Appeal Heard

In May, Halburn's appeal was heard in Putnam County Circuit Court. Unfortunately for him, Halburn lost on all counts except his visitation was modified to what it was before. Every other weekend and Wednesday evenings. Plus he CAN take the boy out of state but not overnight.
He still owes almost $10,000 to his second ex-wife.
Halburn then immediately appealed to the WV Supreme Court and began a harassment campaign of the justices there.
He's all giddy like a little girl now because the Court "accepted" his case.
What Halburn doesn't realize is that EVERY case that is filed gets a docket number. Every case gets a full review, but very few get accepted for an oral argument. There probably won't be a final decision until 2014.'s prediction? He won't get shit. Again.

Kelly Suit

As he worked himself into a froth over the divorce mess that he generated, Halburn filed yet another frivolous lawsuit in May, this time against Kanawha County Family Court Judge Mike Kelly. Once more, irrational requests were the order of the day.
Calling judges "sub-human excrement," Halburn demanded punitive damages, Kelly's removal from the bench, a court order for Kelly to revive Halburn's dead mother, and for Kelly to pay for a final visit. Halburn also demanded the Kanawha County Family Court complex be named after his mother. and large portrait of her be hung in the lobby and in every courtroom.
That suit was dismissed in July.

Publisher Finds New Job-Loses New Job
In June Halburn got a part time job at the Barboursville Target pushing around carts on their parking lot and cleaning the shitters in the store. Apparently this was the only job that this 51 year old loser could find. And if reports are true, he only lasted about two months before being fired.

Fatboy Flies to California

In July, the guy who refuses to pay his second ex-wife the court ordered money he owes her had enough scratch to fly to California for a week's vacation, rental car, trip to Disneyland and attend his niece's wedding.

Found Guilty-Gets 45 Days
Two days after he returned from his little vacation, Halburn stood trial in Putnam County Magistrate Court for his April arrest at the Health Department. After it was all said and done, Halburn was found guilty and sentenced to 45 days in jail.

Jailed For Contempt

Less than a week after Halburn was convicted in Putnam County,  a contempt hearing was held in Kanawha County over his refusal to pay the money the court ordered him to pay his second ex-wife as part of the divorce settlement. The hearing didn't go so well for old Marky. After it was over, he was taken to the South Central Regional Jail and jailed on the contempt charge. He then spent the next 24 hours behind bars desperately trying to find a sucker to bail him out because he couldn't come up with the $250 to do it himself.
We bet the motherfucker pays that money now. 

Pre-Trial Diversion Revocation Hearing
Halburn still faces the revocation of his pre-trial diversion agreement in an August 19 hearing in Kanawha County. He could receive a $500 fine and 6 months in jail on the still pending telephone harassment charges. After 2 arrests in 3 months he may very get both. 

Form Letters From Politicians

Halburn continues his pathetic practice of running press releases from politicians promoting their agendas and running other people's Facebook comments as letters. He also resumed his practice of making up letters and signing fictional names to them, usually supporting his jihad against the WV judicial system.

Continues Running "News" Stories About "Advertisers"
Halburn continues his unethical practice of running fawning stories about his so-called advertisers under the guise of news. Or, just as bad, running stories about new businesses in hopes of pressuring them to advertise with him.
We continue to put Halburn, all his "advertisers" and anyone else he promotes, on notice. We are going to parody and belittle all of you. If you're a business and you don't want it done, don't associate with Hallburn. If your ad appears on his blog, you're fair game. He is a boil on the ass of civilized society and we're here to lance it.
So in summary, his baseless attacks and bullying have slowed slightly, except now he has picked new targets.

His theft of other photographers' work has dried up as has his serial plagiarism.

His PutnumLive blog also continues to decline:

His readership numbers, which were greatly exaggerated in the first place, are WAY down, many advertisers have left and more businesses are turning down his demands that they advertise with him.

He's made several weak attempts to defend himself here, only he tried to do it anonymously. He didn't even have the balls to sign his own name. And even though he reads us every day, he has never once offered any defense for his actions or complained of any inaccuracies in our reporting.

Which says a lot. It's hard to defend yourself against the truth., has forced Halburn to cut way back on his assholery. Oh, he's still douching up the state, but he knows that will be all over any misstep that he makes.

Our mission all along has been to force him to act in a more civilized manner. Before he started getting pounded from all sides he would attack anyone for any reason without repercussions. Those days are now gone for good. will answer any attack that Halburn makes. And now his output shows it. Well over half of his "articles" last year were nothing more than news releases reprinted word for word from various outlets or copies of other peoples Facebook posts.

PutnamLI has become the number one resource for people seeking the truth about Halburn. When a business where he has showed his ass or harassed employees wants to find out just who this Mark Halburn guy really is, they come here.
Whenever a future employer Googles his name, they'll be able to find this site and see the truth about him.

Someday, and that day is not too far away, a little boy will be able to see just what kind of asshole his daddy really is and how the two faced sociopath has treated his Mommy.
The internet is forever. This site and the information on it will follow Halburn around until the day he dies. Which cannot come soon enough.

We'd also like to thank all our loyal readers, correspondents and the other members of the Trash Bloggers Alliance: Girl of Words, Tyler Hollywood, Lee, Lenny, Tybois and our thousands of other readers and contributors. We couldn't do what we do without help and input from them.

What does 2014 hold? Only Halburn's continued presence here and his behavior can determine that.
The chickens are coming home to roost for Mark Vance Halburn. It is entirely possible that by this time next year he will either be in jail or have served jail terms for at least two different charges in two different counties.

Our work here is not done.

We are not going away. will be here one day longer than Hallburn and his cluttered opinion blog.

We invite everyone who is sick of Halburn's abuse to continue to contact Putnam
Leave now, fatboy. Shut down your blog, go back to California and leave the good people of West Virginia alone. It will only get worse for you here.
We're always watching you, Halburn. The all seeing eye never blinks.

all seeing eye

If we've forgotten anything, please submit it to and we will consider it for publication.