PutnamLIESis published solely for entertainment as a humorous parody.
This web site is not authorized, sanctioned, sponsored, or approved by PutnamLive.com or Mark Halburn (Hallburn), is not authored or published by PutnamLive.com or Mark Halburn (Hallburn), and there is no affiliation, connection, or association between PutnamLive.com or Mark Halburn (Hallburn) and the authors, publishers or creators of this web site.
He’s back in jail!!!
He was arrested today for violating a Family Court order. The case
number has a D which makes it a domestic case. So it has something to do
with his never ending divorce case. Probably contempt of court.
He was booked into Western Regional Jail at 5:50 pm this afternoon. Our guess is that it has something to do with his appearance in a fringe video, threatening Judge Keller by saying, “I’m coming for you Judge Keller”, and violating a standing order to not discuss his case in public.
Does this violate his probation in Putnam County?
Magistrate Hunt clearly told him, “Understand me, If you violate that
probation, I will have no choice whatsoever but to put you in jail for
(90 days).”
BUT… Family Court is a civil court so probably not. This is a civil,
not a criminal matter. So he is being held in civil contempt.
BUT… That means the judge can hold Halburn for as long as she wants until he complies with her orders.
Pussy Mark Vance Halburn talks big but doesn’t have the sack to back up his lippy rhetoric.
Seems he’s aligned himself with a bunch of fringe groups consisting of
paranoid losers, malcontents, and disgruntled unfit parents who claim to
be out to “reform the system.” Many of these are borderline sovereign
citizen types.
The latest whackadoo he’s latched onto for his crusade is a woman who
started a “group,” of "advocates", called the “National Coalition Family Court & CPS
Reform”, which seems to consist of 8-10 fringe nutjobs from each state.
She has declared January 3, 2018 as “National Citizens Arrest Day”
where she and her gang of Gomers plan to go after judges, CPS workers
and others involved with the family court system and place them under
citizen’s arrest. She’s having her minions post names and photos of
judges and other court workers on her Facebook page. Some of the posts
appear to come real close to making terroristic threats.
It’s odd though that Mr. Court Reform hasn’t posted the names of any of his persecutors on her list.
This is a guy who for months has been going on the worst produced and
engineered internet radio talkshow in existence, beating his gums about
judges and how he’s going to show up at events to ask “the hard
questions” to judicial candidates and bad mouthing every person
associated with his never ending family court case.
And now, showing up at a
seedy hotel room in Parkersburg to appear on the above woman’s vanity
video project in order to verbally bully and threaten the current judge
and guardian ad litem who are overseeing his case. Tough guy talked
about how he’s going to put all sorts of stuff about the judge on the
internet. He’s swinging his dick around looking into the camera saying
things like, “I’m coming for you Judge Keller” and then … he has it
pulled off within hours after it appears.
Because at the end of the day, Crisco, you know you can’t do shit.
I’m coming for you Judge Keller
Last night on his Facebook page he tried to whip his crowd of flying
monkeys into a froth by announcing the event. Most didn’t seem to be
taken with the idea. “Gee, what could possibly go wrong?” “Insane” “Attempting a citizens arrest of a judge could get someone killed.” “There is no way this citizens arrest thing could possibly end in a positive way” “It’s got a nonsensical sovereign citizen hype vibe to me.” “Don’t sound like the best idea. “I think anyone that participates in this is off their rocker, and will more then likely end up in jail themselves.” “Or a psych facility… This is all bad…”
And of course Halburn trots out his standard non-denial denial. “I didn’t say I was participating… Only reporting…”
“I didn’t say he was on crack, I just asked the question.”
If the response had been, “This is awesome, you’re a hero, you go” he would have been all about it.
And he may still be.
His angle will probably be, “I’m a reporter. I’m just here covering the event.”
Ask that other reporter who showed his ass at the Capitol earlier this year how that worked out for him.
Why his lack of participation?
Fear of jail. He’s scared shitless of getting locked up again.
All talk, no action.
UPDATE: So now
the flip flops have started with these assclowns. The furious
backpedaling began shortly after we posted this story. The explanation
now is they didn’t mean go out and actually arrest anybody. “That
comes later,” their crazed leader tells her drooling audience.
Even though Halburn, a so-called “team member” wrote on his hate blog that the group “is
collecting names of CPS and Family Court officials and judges and plans
to place them in silver bracelets because of their misconduct. PutnumCountyNews.com plans to cover the local arrests and bring you photographs.”
Now they say they mean arresting the nation by not buying anything.
The sheep have been instructed not to buy gas, coffee, cigarettes, beer,
groceries, crack, anything. Don’t go to work, banks, the post office .
Don’t use electricity, phones or internet. They actually think Walmart
is going to close that day. They think they’re going to shut down the
We have news for these losers. What their “arrest” calls for is the
lackeys swearing off using or buying things for a day. All that does is
shift their purchases by a couple of days at most. Because the “arrest”
doesn’t call on consumers to make a sacrifice by actually giving up
something, the threat it poses is a hollow one.
Not buying things on a designated day might make people feel better by
providing them a chance to vent their anger at “the man”, but the action
isn’t going to have any real impact on anything.
Those who really want to send a “message” to “the man” should try not buying anything for several months in a row. See how dedicated they are to the cause then.
The effect of a couple hundred disaffected parents not buying anything
for a day will make absolutely no difference to the economy or the
courts. There’s not a court in the land that is going to take notice of
this buffoonery, much less change anything about the way they operate
because a bunch of gullible Gomers didn’t buy coffee & smokes for a
So the story is now “arrest” = don’t buy anything.
What it really means is “this effort” = bullshit.
What did we screw up?
The fact you haven’t seen your son since June because of a restraining order? No, not a screw up. The truth.
The fact that Judge Keller has forbidden you from seeing your son for the next 18 months? No, not a screw up. The truth.
The fact that you were found guilty by a jury and sentenced to two years
probation and two years of mental treatment? No, not a screw up. The
You know who screwed up, Halburn?
YOU screwed up.
You know, for someone who doesn’t read this site, you sure do complain about what’s written on it a lot.
What exactly did we screw up, fatboy? Why don’t you tell us?
You like to flap your liver lips. Tell us, pussy. Leave a comment. Take as much space as you need.
In addition to the ongoing restraining order that has forbidden Mark
Vance Halburn from seeing his son since June, he received more bad news
on Friday.
The judge in his never-ending family court case, Cabell County Family
Court Judge Patricia Keller, has issued an order that bars Halburn from
seeing his son for an additional 18 MONTHS! In addition, he must post a $4000 bond if he wants to appeal the order.
Looks like he’ll have to find another prop to use instead of his kid for his upcoming nuptials to his sugar mama Barbara .
If Halburn keeps this shit up, the next time he gets his picture taken with his son, it will look like this.
Halburn’s Harassment Goes Too Far Loses Visitation With Son
So, what’s Mark Vance Halburn’s vendetta against the Nazarene Church all about?
Here’s a partial explanation.
West Virginia Nazarene Camp in Summersville
Law enforcement sources tell PutnamLIES.com that Halburn’s son attended a church camp in Summersville run by the Nazarene Church last June.
Shortly before the camp got underway, Halburn found out the boy would be
attending camp there, and began harassing the camp operators
He started publicly on May 27 by asking on his Facebook page: “FB
friends: Would you allow your child to attend a church camp, in less
than a month, that was cited for 15 violations, by its county health
department, a few days ago?”
Nice overuse of commas, by the way, from a so-called professional writer.
He wasn’t worried about the condition of the camp or concerned for
the campers. It was just another one of his attempts to harass, abuse,
control, and punish his second ex-wife by preventing his son from
attending that camp.
He complained non-stop that the camp had health code violations. He
actually went to the camp on June 2 and met with an inspector for the
Nicholas County Health Department there.
Were there violations? Yes. Minor violations like peeling paint,
burned out light bulbs, and missing mulch on the playground. The
inspection was made a month BEFORE THE CAMP EVEN OPENED and all
violations were corrected before it opened.
It’s a CHURCH CAMP, not a Hilton resort.
On June 15, a hearing was held in Cabell County and over Halburn’s
objections, the mother was granted the right to send the boy to camp.
Once the camp started, the harassment increased.
Halburn inundated the camp director with texts.
The director finally texted Halburn telling him he was not allowed on camp grounds.
But on Wednesday, June 21, Halburn returned to the camp anyway. At that
point, HE called the Sheriff’s Department and demanded they help him get
to the boy.
When they arrived, they escorted him onto the camp grounds. Because the
police brought him onto property, he was not trespassing.
Halburn’s plans were unknown. What
did exactly he want? To see the boy? To talk to him? To kidnap him? It
was unclear.
Think of how embarrassing it would be for a 9 year old to have his
400 pound, sweating bully of a dad barge into his camp with a police
escort demanding to see you where you’re with other kids. This poor
little boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.
Despite his efforts, Halburn was not allowed to see the boy and was was escorted off the property.
Shortly thereafter, a protective order was issued in Cabell County.
The kicker here?
It wasn’t the Nazarene Church that got the order.
The DVP was issued to the mother on behalf of the son.
It states Halburn cannot directly or indirectly contact his second ex-wife or the boy.
It has since been extended.
The Dad of the Year has not seen the boy since late June.
However, Halburn has had it in for the Nazarene Church for much longer. It could be connected to his Matusic obsession as well.
Dr. Matusic tells that part of the story:
“My ex-wife’s Winfield Daycare was scheduled to move into the Teays
Valley Nazarene Church on Teays Valley road in August of 2013. Mr.
Halburn’s child was still enrolled at the daycare. When Mr. Halburn
found out where we were moving, he called many of the church board’s
members and threatened to sue them if they allowed our daycare to move
to their church. The church board then terminated our lease, effectively
closing that daycare.”
Halburn even posted video of him going to that church to harass them about it.
Three months later Halburn attempted an explanation for his actions concerning the camp .
“I run a news site. I do kitchen inspections. I did one on a Nazarene camp where they sent my son. I’ve done it on many camps and 280 locations I’ve done kitchen
inspections on. The health department does them. I just report the
The camp had 15 violations which is
about 3 times what other camps have had. And I met with a health
department administrator by appointment, Next thing I know they’re
falsely accusing me of taking pictures of the girl’s dorm. One, I didn’t take pictures. two, I (unintelligble). and three,
there were no girls because the camp wasn’t even in session for two and a
half weeks later. But yet they went ahead and lied and said that I did
that. We have an affidavit from the health department administrator
saying I didn’t take pictures. None of this matters to the court. All
they say is well you can’t see your son.”
Except Halburn DID take pictures at the Camp on his June 2 visit.
One of the pictures of the camp Halburn claims he didn’t take.
And oddly enough, Halburn NEVER previously reported about any camp inspections until AFTER his vendetta against the Nazarene Camp began.
What kind of asshole harasses a church and its leadership ?
It’s not their fault this godless heathen’s obsession with his blog, his
vendettas against virtually everyone, and his abuse of his second
ex-wife destroyed his marriage.
It’s not their fault that he had almost no visitation and now has NO visitation.
That’s ALL on him and his aberrant behavior.
It’s your fault Halburn. All of it.
You walked away from your family through your actions and bad decisions.
How’s that crusading journalist bullshit working out for you now?
Halburn loves to post under other names. Here is a partial list of his noms de douchebag:
Mark Hallburn Jeff Camp PutnamJohnny Christy Dave Dennis3Kids Dawn Duane Edwardssucks TV Dude Randy LeeIsAFraud LeeLovesGOWAndJoanne Mark in OC It's Mark GrandStrandGirl DollarDannySucks HuntingtonRocks 1015RiverRat Carolina Mark CleanBreeze NewsguyMark James1977 Earl MacArthur John T. Reed Randall Scott Tom Potter Jacque Jo GirlOfWords aimguest5889903 Rich Chrampanis Sal Marino James Mark H aimguest3942786 David Blair McGinnis meeboguest839442 AndesSucks Outraged Mountie daily reader parks lover Jeffrey C. B Earl of Hurricane Angry Taxpayer EdwardScott Lee Tax Truth Ex-Hurricane Resident Octoberfest fan Tyler Aragomme Mark V Hallburn Flip Flop fan Lee Lies Just Asking Smart Money Fact check Scum Edwards Netramoron comm Incompetent parks Ex-Sitel Manager PutnumLIVEcom fan reds fan sad commentary Tired of it too sweatervest101 Tired of it WV Journalist Putnam County reader Ethics Matter Yo Qiero PutnumLIVEcom Phil Get real people In the know Mag Get the real story WV Journalist hurricanecitizen Backwards Scott Edwards Fact check Old files Who cares City-zen cain Hurricane Resident Bringing the news VHF wvguy We were watching Tell it like it is CoolBreeze The truth is More truth no kidding Go Mountaineers Breaking news WTF Reality check Do your homewrk Wally World sucks In the know Wally World Hornet teacher Spider Monkeys worst fear Napoleon Williamson Awful Electric Power Customer Sorsaia is a joke Rodney tHE JUDGE Richard Nixon Freelance reporter Hurricane business Legal Eagle Court Watcher Lucifer Sam is a fraud Truth Patrol Putnam worker He serves who Hurricane likes Kim Blair Sucks Newsie He is correct Breaking News Newshound Politico Driver Tony Say what Legal eagle Galvanized pail award Patriot Fernando Let me sleep Tired of it too Putnam Conservative Blogger News Bulletin Putnam Reader Election Watcher Radio head Ex TRG Employee news talk lover be nice keeping it Real Blame Joe Miller CAMC sucks Careful Tyler This aint news Tyler Hollyweird Best Buy customer Ted Koppel Just sayon Election Watcher Zack is a liar Tired of You Tyler is a coward Roid Boy Tyler Hollyweird Tiny Parsons Sorsaia sucks Gee Duh We want to know Just the Opposite Money man Blame bad planning Putnam Politics Legal one Galvanized Pail huh Lifeguards rule Educator The Truth Beach dude Watching from Walmart Johnny Quest Computer Expert Viewer The Real James Bond The facts You Are Both Wrong Twelve inches long The real Hurricane further evidence Swimmer Hypocrites club Whipped Joe Williamson Hater Mark Hallburn Rocks liberal Tyler Money Talks We Know Better than Joe Edwards hater Shame on Haynes RiverRat1015 Oscar Rodney King Working American WVSU student Ethics Count Proud parent Try Eleanor Yard sale Nice wheels Proud American Hound Dawg Awful Electric Power Ice castle Crime Watcher Truth and Justice Savilla Sucks Not Sorsaia RememberingLogan AnybodyButCarpers AnybodyButBlair Hotel Guest No Eagloski Fielder's Choice Blair ignores the rules Mike Hall the politician Says me Bad intersection Get Real Cameraman Angry Father Yeager traveler Texas Dad Kelly is out of control Shafted By Kelly kelly sucks Kelly is a jerk Jurist watcher Parents have no rights Swimmer Plants Sucks Kelly Hater The Law Rules A dose of reality Bean counter Pappy Parker Charessa Owens David Casto Mike Williamson Dwayne Casto CourtWatcherWV Joan Butler Scott Anderson Jeff Camp Redskins Scott