Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Halburn Defends Convicted Child Abuser

The manatee wrote:
"January 10th, 2010:
One of the trash blogs is now attacking a local YouTube legend. It must be nice to have so much time to waste. I'd rather inform the people of Putnam County!"

Troy the boy Suxton is a legend?
Right. In his own mind.
He ought to be attacked. With a taser.
Lee handed him his ass over at Cryptic Bullshit and he hasn't been back.
The pussy.

Leave it to you to defend a convicted child beater.
You've got a bad enough reputation without aligning yourself with this whackjob, but you sociopaths have to look out for each other.
That and his father is general manager of one of your advertisers. Don't want to alienate a "paying" customer, I guess.
What are you going to do next? Send Charlie Manson a friend request?

We wouldn't expect any less from you, fatboy.

The Walmart problem can't be as bad as you say if this is all you've got to bitch about.
Shouldn't you be playing canasta with your grandmother?

And you'd rather inform the people of Putnam County?
When's that going to start?
The news, I mean. Not your opinions.


  1. According so some emails I got...there's more than meets the brown eye...

  2. How anyone could defend this walking pile of crap is beyond me.

  3. Hey gang. I know a few of you visit the Putnam(blob)LIVE site to read the daily BS on Enduring Wal Mart. Well, no need any more. I have created something new so that we can now comment to his daily rants.

    Take a gander!


  4. Putnamblob has gone to lowest of lows and I didn't think it could go any lower.
