Friday, January 15, 2010

We Know

Otis Halburn

The Dipsy Doodle's the thing to beware
The Dipsy Doodle will get in your hair
And if it gets you, it couldn't be worse
The things you say will come out in reverse
Like "The moon jumped over the cow, hey diddle"
That's the way the Dipsy Doodle works

You might as well get in the closet with the rope.


  1. I heard all about it at church this morning.

  2. I heard about it at Tudor's yesterday morning, didn't find it too hard to believe though.

  3. You can't post a gem like that and not expand. For your out-of-state readers, please...

  4. Ooh. Somebody do tell.

  5. background? I missed this...

  6. ?????????? Pray tell????

  7. Bummer...the publisher seems to have removed his daily rant (again). Probably just trying to posture himself before the trial of the decade.

  8. Don't let the link being gone fool you... it's still there... and I've archived up to Jan 17th as a .pdf, for your entertainment!

  9. Lenny's right. He's just taken the link off his page.
    He got his panties in a wad because people were picking on him and his family. Again.
    So he pulled it down. Again.
    What he doesn't seem to realize is that people are picking on him and his family for one reason. Him.
    It's his asshole behavior that brings it all on.

    There's a link to the blog in the Assholery links section.

  10. I love it when he keeps harping on us "out-of-state" trash bloggers.

    The thing is, I'm more of a WV'ian than he is, I work there, my mother worked there for more than 25 years, and I have many friends there. He has none of these.

    Another thing, he's the only one bitching about Wal-Mart. Oh sure, there's others...but he made those up to make himself look like some champion of noise pollution or some shit. He's a champion alright, a champion of shit!! He pollutes this very planet with his mere presence.

  11. It's amazing how word travels in Hurricane, I was in Tudor's the other morning, and someone told me about it.... I went the next day to the Post Office and was standing in line and talking to someone I didn't even know and they knew and told me and I told them "well I know too now that you mentioned it", I then went to get the oil changed at a local garage on Teays Valley Road and another customer there I knew couldn't help but bring up the news.. it sure does travel quick in this part of the woods for sure! Amazing to say the least! Poor guy, we need to have a pity party for him.

  12. Ok, I'm giddy about the update Tuesday

  13. Think it happened the same day he posted a story in support of the PCDA
