Monday, March 1, 2010

Halburn Caught in Another Lie

Here's the latest in a long string of drivel on Halburn's there, then gone, then back, then gone again, then back again Walmart blog.
"February 28th, 2010:
"Speaking of noise, the out-of-state trash bloggers are up to their lies. One is accusing me of calling him on his cellphone at about midnight, late Saturday. There are several problems with his blatant lie: ... 2) I don't have any of his telephone numbers, including his cell number, so I can't call him. 3) I was asleep. 4) I have witnesses who know that I was asleep. 5) I have a CPAP machine with a memory card that proves I was asleep at the time that he made his accusation. In fact, I went to sleep more than 15 minutes before he accuses me of calling him."

There are several problems with YOUR blatant lies, shithead.
The call was made at 11:56 PM on Saturday February 27.

Firstly, you were right here, reading, Putnam County's REAL news leader, at 11:35 PM.

And when you left here you went to Tyler Hollywood's site:

Secondly, you DO have Lee's number. He called you asking for comment after your trespassing conviction.

Thirdly, a machine can't tell if you're asleep. All it can tell is that it is running and applying pressure.

And lastly, those when machines run, the noise they make masks out background noise, so there is NO FUCKING WAY IN HELL that you could hear what's going on outside.

Next you'll try the "There are are lots of people living here" excuse.
"I ran outta gas. I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from outta town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake, a terrible flood, locusts. It wasn't my fault!! I swear to God!!"

So you're either lying about wearing a mask to as a pity ploy, or you're lying about hearing all of this imaginary noise.
We think both.


  1. Excellent use of "The Blues Brothers". *claps*

  2. This dude appears to be in serious need of extensive mental health care...

  3. Oh, he doesn't just appear to be in need of extensive mental health care. What did that Dr. Daniel B. Thistlethwaite say? Something like "Chronic impairment due to personality disorder" haha

  4. I wonder if all the "noises" he's been hearing are delusions caused by the breathing machine?

  5. I bet his CPAP machines blows oxygen that smells like gravy.
