Thursday, February 24, 2011

Halburn Endorses Ireland

Her Lack Of Action Indicates Acceptance
Free Ad Obviously An
Anti Sorsaia Measure

In 2009, Halburn deliberately misrepresented the fact that Debra Girimont, a candidate for the House of Delegates, was a sponsor of the Putnam County Tailgate Party when she was merely a participant. A fact that revealed and Halburn refused to retract even when the candidate called him on it.

Now he has done it again. On February 13, Hallburn placed an ad on his opinion blog for Betty Ireland, a candidate for the Republican gubernatorial nomination, without her permission. The difference is, this time the candidate is not willing to do anything about it.

After spotting the ad, knew that Ms Ireland was not at fault, she was yet another victim of the unscrupulous publisher of, Mark Hallburn. He was merely using her ad as a means to further his own political agenda and satisfy a personal vendetta.

Her campaign was notified about this immediately and has taken absolutely no action. And as the ad is still up, there are only two explanations. Either they just don't care or they approve of Halburn running the ad. Neither bodes well for her.

We believe it is a case of just not caring. Maybe they believe that Halburn doesn't have enough readers to make it worth their time. They're right about the readers, but not right about letting this slide. He is a content thief who makes a practice of doing exactly what he did with her ad.

Betty Ireland
Ms. Ireland, we have just two questions for you.

If you're this indecisive as a candidate over this issue, how effective would you be as governor?
If you're not willing to take a decisive stand on Halburn running this ad without your permission, how can the people of West Virginia trust that you'll do the right thing when faced with tough decisions?
You could have picked up the phone yourself and told the fat thief to remove the ad.
We're sure you have lawyers working for your campaign, you could have used one of those.

By letting him continue to run this ad, you are accepting his endorsement and condoning his theft.
Having a Governor that says one thing and does another is not what West Virginia needs. The buck stops with you. Your word should be your bond.
For you to allow this unauthorized ad to continue to run on his site is a slap in the face to every voter in Putnam County and West Virginia. Halburn is a bully. This is exactly how he gets away with things like this. People think it's too much trouble to do anything. Which emboldens him even more. It is simply political poison for any candidate to have anything to do with him. You should run away from him instead of being Facebook friends with a domestic terrorist.
You stand up to a bully. A public denunciation from you would have gone a long way with your would-be constituents and demonstrated some leadership against this civic menace.
Halburn, we condemn your biased, underhanded, unscrupulous, unethical behavior. These examples show just how low you will go to to make yourself appear to be a legitimate journalist.
Once again you have proven yourself to be the hack we all know you are.

UPDATE: Here's a comment Halburn left elsewhere because he's not man enough to leave one here:
"It also reported that the ad is not endorsed by the candidate's
campaign. Again, not true. It is paid for by her supporters who also
supplied the logo for the ad."

Someone's lying. Who do YOU believe?

Halburn Refuses To Remove Political Ad
Halburn Ordered To Remove Ads!
The Facts Don't Lie
Halburn Continues to Prevaricate In Election Ad Controversy

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dog Swim Cost Parks No More Than $250

Dog swim 2010 was not a very expensive project.

No more than $250 was spent by the Putnam County Parks and Recreation Department to maintain and operate Waves of Fun for the September 6th, Labor Day fundraiser.

Halburn goes through all sorts of contortions trying to prove that it cost an exorbitant amount of money to hold this event. And as usual, he lies to his shrinking readership.
He does this by including the week before in his costs. The pool closed for the season on August 29.

First of all you can't determine a day's cost by of electricity by dividing the total of the bill by 30 days. You can get an average cost, but not the true usage cost. Costs are based on peak and non peak hours. Nights, Saturday and Sundays are non peak times.
Weekends cost less than weekdays.
There is also the basic cost of operating the facility. Even during the winter when it's closed, it uses approximately 4000 kwh a month in electricity.

Using Hallburn's suspect math for utilities & chemicals, + Scott Williamson's personnel numbers it looks like the cost for the swim was somewhere around $211.25.

Electricity $93.75
Chemicals $37.50
Personnel $80.00
Total $211.25

The pool was closed for the preceding 7 days. The water wasn't treated or filtered.
Since the pumps weren't on there wasn't any wear and tear on them that week so that cost is zero.

The days the pool was closed is immaterial to the cost of the fundraiser.
The day of the swim the water was treated then the next day the pool was drained.

Halburn just doesn't get it. He whines every year about the pools closing before labor day. He just can't seem to get it through his thick skull that you can't open a pool if you have no lifeguards.
The kids are back in school so there's no one to go to the pools anyway.
He thinks the pools should stay open just to serve him.
Should a pool stay open an extra week just to serve a handful of patrons?
We say no.
Would he be willing to pay an admission fee based on the number of swimmers that use the pool that week? We don't think so.

Not a big price to pay such for a good cause
Karen Haynes, organizer of the Dog Swim, reported that the event raised exactly
1884.58 dollars this year.

Hallburn complains that the county doesn't do enough to fund the construction of a new animal shelter, but when they do he complains about that too. He is the worst type of hypocrite.

Halburn will do or say anything to put his political enemies in the worst light.
His petty personal vendettas are not news. He is not a journalist and his opinion blog is not a media outlet.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hallburn Terrorizes Parks & Recreation Office

A Menace To Society

Halburn has been frothing at the mouth for the last 6 months about the annual Dog Swim at the Wave Pool. He's convinced there's some hanky-panky, shenanigans and tomfoolery involved. So he filed another one of his FOIA fishing expeditions for documents.

On Wednesday, he went into the Parks Office to pay for for his FOIA. He brought $35.75 in rolls of pennies then demanded to have the wrappers back. Then he then he said he was threatened and feared for his life and called the police. In reality, he was the one shouting and making threats. He just called the cops before the Parks people called them on him.

Why would he do this?
Because this is nothing new for this shithead. He's done this before.
And he brags about it.

"In the late 80′s I bought a new truck. License plate was renewed several times with no problem. One day I am pulled over by one of West Covina’s finest. He cited me for having a station wagon plate. I had to go to the DMV and pay $51 because they screwed up and sent me the wrong tag. Nevermind that my renewal was in 2 weeks, they refused to eat their screwup. I went to the bank, brought in $51 in pennies, and they tried to refuse it. The clerk actually brought out the DMV cop and asked him to arrest me, which he could not do. Instead, he told Mr. Clerk about how they had to accept legitimate coin. Finally Mr.Clerk agreed, handed me the receipt, then had a stroke when I unwrapped the pennies. Clerk demanded the penny rolls. I advised that I was not required to give the DMV penny rolls, only the $51, which I did, and had the receipt to prove it. Clerk called out the cop again who, again, backed me. Clerk then asked me what it would take to turn over the penny rolls. (Keep in mind the mountain of $51 in pennies on the counter was huge) We negotiated a $15 price for the penny rolls and I walked out with a small moral victory."

What kind of a point do you think you're making with a stunt like this? That you're a prick? 'Cause that's working.

Here's a lesson for you Hallburn. They are not required to take your coins.
There is no federal statute mandating that currency or coins must be accepted as payment for goods and/or services. People are free to develop their own policies on whether or not to accept cash unless there is a state law which says otherwise. Like when you go to get a greasy hamburger and the place has a sign saying "No bills larger than a $20." The county can have a policy saying "No coins accepted for transactions over $1.00". All they are required to do is take payments denominated in dollars.
They can have a "No Cash at all" policy if they want.

"He's re-enacting his big triumph, the cheese investigation."

"Ahh, but the strawberries that's... that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with... geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist, and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Caine out of action. I, I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow officers... Naturally, I can only cover these things from memory. If I've left anything out,just ask me specific questions - and I'll be glad to answer them one by one."

Keep it up, fatboy. We need a new mugshot of you.

Halburn Refuses To Remove Political Ad

Ad Is Unauthorized

In his zeal to promote anyone else than one of his "enemies", an ad for Republican Gubernatorial candidate Betty Ireland
appeared on Halburn's opinion blog Sunday.

The strange thing is that nobody from Ireland's campaign authorized its placement.

"This was an unauthorized ad placement"

Apparently the Ireland campaign doesn't have the guts to order him to remove it.
When will it go? We will see.

Halburn's hated nemesis Mark Sorsaia is also running for the Republican nomination. Which explains Hallburn's motivation to run the ad.

"PutnumLIVE is not a legitimate media source."

Subscribing to the old axiom, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," he took it upon himself to run the ad without anyone's permission.
At no charge.
Like all his other ads.

At no time did he contact anyone associated with her campaign.

Which begs the question, If he ran Ireland's ad without her permission, is there any question he is doing the same thing with Natalie Tennant's?

This is just the kind of sleazy, underhanded, biased reporting that Hallburn has become notorious for. People have come to expect this type of unethical coverage from
Any candidate that would stoop so low as to run ads there is not fit to hold office.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

From Putnam County's corpulent, crying cupid!

Especially to Walmart, AEP, PCDA, Scott Edwards,
Steve Andes, Raymond "Joe" Haynes (do the Amish even celebrate Valentine's Day?), Mike Hall, Patti Schoen, Gary Walton, Ben Newhouse, Girl of Words, Lee, Lenny, Tyler Hollywood, Tybois, Harry Stamper and all the great readers and commenters at!

I have a heart on for all of you!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Birthday to Our Favorite Girl of Words!

I still have that special little birthday "package" for you.
I'd like to deliver it in person but you forgot to send me your new address.

Happy birthday anyway!

Monday, February 7, 2011

OFF THE MARK: Halburn Sucks!

Halburn Harasses Utility Before He's Even Connected.

Whether it's AEP, Frontier, Suddenlink, or the water company, after more than 10 years of dealing with West Virginia utilities, the evidence is clear: Mark Halburn won't be happy with anything they do.
Halburn says it took about a half-dozen complaints to the West Virginia Public Service Commission to get decent electrical service from AEP.
There's the first lie. He filed exactly THREE complaints against AEP. ALL of them were dismissed.
Then he says that the WVPSC allowed a sewer project to tear up a portion of his front yard and didn't have to replace the grass.
Another lie. The Putnam Public Service District planted grass. That wasn't good enough. Halburn wanted sod put down. He wanted them to come over and water it every day.
And he says complaining about Suddenlink's service doesn't do much good.
Not for him obviously. Because he lost both complaints he filed against them.

He says he doesn't know which is more worthless. West Virginia utilities or the WV Public Service Commission.
How about a third choice Halburn?
You're the most worthless sack of shit we've ever seen. The world doesn't revolve around you. You would complain about anything. You waste government employees' time and cost West Virginians tax dollars by filing frivolous complaints. You cost the utilities and their customers money having to defend themselves.

Several weeks ago, enticed by a free HDTV and Blu-Ray (he calls it Blue Ray) player offer, (Halburn always wants something for nothing) and a better rate, he called Frontier and ordered their bundle package.
Is he in for a rude awakening.

The funny thing is that Frontier's TV service is provided by Dish Network. He's really going to blow a gasket every time the wind blows hard and he loses his signal. Plus, he'll need a receiver for his other 7 televisions which is going to cost him at least 7 bucks per receiver per month depending on what bells and whistles he gets.
And then he'll be even more pissed when he finds out that the PSC has no jurisdiction over Dish Network whatsoever.
He won't be able to file a complaint against God about the weather when it rains hard and he can't watch Extreme Makeover or some other lame show.

Frontier just does the billing for Dish. They don't have anything to do with and aren't responsible for supplying the service.

When he eventually gets pissed off about this deal, and you know that he will, they'll be happy to let him cancel his service, except he's going to have to pay Dish $18.00 a month for the remainder of his 24 month contract. Plus Frontier's going to want their $400 early termination fee fee as well.
He's not even connected yet and he's already harassing the Frontier employees. He thinks he can just keep calling until he get the results he wants. This is how bullies work.
Remember, he's a serial phone harasser. He was arrested for harassing a construction supervisor via phone while the Walmart was being built. He called the Hurricane City Building so many times (30 times in a day) that they had to get the city attorney to send him a cease and desist letter.
He goes on:
"When I ask for a supervisor, you guessed it, I am disconnected. When I call back, I am disconnected AGAIN! Another call bounces me around Frontier and I finally get someone who wants to argue with me about the HDTV install."
And that's what it's all about folks. Halburn WANTS to argue. He's looking for any reason to show everyone how right he is. And he'll argue until they finally submit to his will.
It's no wonder he was disconnected several times with the abuse he was heaping on them. The spit was probably shooting out of their phones. His squealy voice probably damaged their hearing.
After that, they gave him a roundhouse kick to the sack:
"After getting bounced to three different people, a tech rep drops the nuclear bomb. "Your HDTV and Blue Ray won't arrive for four weeks."

And then when the tech does show up Hallburn says:

"Of course, they don't bring the HDTV and Blue Ray"
Of course they didn't dummy. They just told you that you weren't getting it for a month. Get over it. You already have 8 other TVs for fuck's sake. Watch one of them.
Then he tops off the whole pile by saying:

"The worst thing about this is that on a Friday evening, I can't run down to the WVPSC and file a complaint- not that I think it would do much good"
No, you'll just have to wait until Monday and we're sure that's exactly what you'll do.
And you're right. It won't do any good at all. You will lose this complaint exactly like you lost the others..

We'll have his latest PSC complaint here at as soon as he files it.

UPDATE: As he always does, and being the pussy that he is, once he got heat for his article, he pulled it from his site.

UPDATE 2: Within two weeks of this story, Halburn filed a complaint with the WV Public Service Commission against Frontier. They filed their answer. And he responded with his.
Unfortunately for him, as we said previously, the WV PSC has absolutely NO jurisdiction over internet services or satellite TV services. He had no basis for a claim and his complaint was DENIED once again.