Free Ad Obviously An Anti Sorsaia Measure
In 2009, Halburn deliberately misrepresented the fact that Debra Girimont, a candidate for the House of Delegates, was a sponsor of the Putnam County Tailgate Party when she was merely a participant. A fact that revealed and Halburn refused to retract even when the candidate called him on it.
Now he has done it again. On February 13, Hallburn placed an ad on his opinion blog for Betty Ireland, a candidate for the Republican gubernatorial nomination, without her permission. The difference is, this time the candidate is not willing to do anything about it.
After spotting the ad, knew that Ms Ireland was not at fault, she was yet another victim of the unscrupulous publisher of, Mark Hallburn. He was merely using her ad as a means to further his own political agenda and satisfy a personal vendetta.
Her campaign was notified about this immediately and has taken absolutely no action. And as the ad is still up, there are only two explanations. Either they just don't care or they approve of Halburn running the ad. Neither bodes well for her.
We believe it is a case of just not caring. Maybe they believe that Halburn doesn't have enough readers to make it worth their time. They're right about the readers, but not right about letting this slide. He is a content thief who makes a practice of doing exactly what he did with her ad.
Betty Ireland |
If you're this indecisive as a candidate over this issue, how effective would you be as governor?
If you're not willing to take a decisive stand on Halburn running this ad without your permission, how can the people of West Virginia trust that you'll do the right thing when faced with tough decisions? You could have picked up the phone yourself and told the fat thief to remove the ad.
We're sure you have lawyers working for your campaign, you could have used one of those.
By letting him continue to run this ad, you are accepting his endorsement and condoning his theft.
Having a Governor that says one thing and does another is not what West Virginia needs. The buck stops with you. Your word should be your bond.
For you to allow this unauthorized ad to continue to run on his site is a slap in the face to every voter in Putnam County and West Virginia. Halburn is a bully. This is exactly how he gets away with things like this. People think it's too much trouble to do anything. Which emboldens him even more. It is simply political poison for any candidate to have anything to do with him. You should run away from him instead of being Facebook friends with a domestic terrorist.
You stand up to a bully. A public denunciation from you would have gone a long way with your would-be constituents and demonstrated some leadership against this civic menace.
Halburn, we condemn your biased, underhanded, unscrupulous, unethical behavior. These examples show just how low you will go to to make yourself appear to be a legitimate journalist.
Once again you have proven yourself to be the hack we all know you are.
UPDATE: Here's a comment Halburn left elsewhere because he's not man enough to leave one here:
"It also reported that the ad is not endorsed by the candidate's
campaign. Again, not true. It is paid for by her supporters who also
supplied the logo for the ad."
Someone's lying. Who do YOU believe?
Halburn Refuses To Remove Political Ad
Halburn Ordered To Remove Ads!
The Facts Don't Lie
Halburn Continues to Prevaricate In Election Ad Controversy