Monday, December 18, 2017

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Mark Halburn Out Of Jail!!!

The Bad News?
No One Shanked Him

Day 13 was lucky for Mark Vance Halburn.
He was released from jail this afternoon after being jailed on November 29 for violating a Family Court order.
Has he learned his lesson?
He better have.
One thing is for sure. Judge Patricia Keller isn’t afraid of him in the least, or his band of disaffected losers.
She locked his ass right the fuck up.
And she will again if he gives her a reason.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Down The Memory Hole II

Sunday, Mark Vance Halburn’s hate blog disappeared. Not completely though. All the pages have been replaced with a placeholder that says,
“Please Be Patient
Site under Maintenance”

putnum down
It probably should read,
“Please Be Patient
Publisher in Jail”

He has obviously gotten one of his associates, or more likely his sugar mama Barbara, to turn off all access to his fake news blog.
Shortly after that, his personal Facebook page and both of the Facebook pages that he uses to pimp his blog were disabled as well.
The most likely explanation for this is that there was some content on there that violated the family court order that he is currently in jail for violating and he’s hoping that will help get him out.
Halburn can be held indefinitely until he complies with the order. In the past, he was ordered not to discuss the case on his blog or social media. This seem to point to something similar.

Sugar mama Barbara is out collecting checks from “advertisers” while Halburn  is in jail. Do you think she’s telling them that their ads aren’t being seen?

Less than 5 hours after he was released from jail, he reactivated his personal Facebook page. Shortly after that, his fake news hate blog reappeared.  The blog had been scrubbed of any banned references, save one, which was removed in the overnight hours. His personal FB page, however, still has numerous, numerous, numerous pictures of his second ex-wife as well as screencaps of text messages, etc.