Thursday, September 10, 2009

Down the Memory Hole

A few weeks ago, called Halburn's hand on his unethical and disgusting practice of keyword stuffing to get traffic for his pathetic "news" site.
For those of you that may have missed them, let me reprint those keywords from articles on his site again:

sex, nude, porn, naked women, santa claus, girls, Putnam, news, County, West Virginia, sports, information, children, animals, Freedom, America, Liberty, sun, travel, pussy, cock, ass, tits, pepsi, coke, masters, uno, teays valley, hurricane, nitro, applebees, dodge, dakota, layoff, workers, mary kay, cigarettes, smokers, marlboro, winston, nascar, SPORTS, CLOTHES, KROGER, Cars, sheriff, crime, seniors, flu, shots, pneumonia, hospital, ford, ginos, tudors, chevy, food, pizza, rain, dog, cat, weather, snow, hot, cold"

(emphasis mine)
I kind of like the way that it goes from Santa Claus to girls to that string of
smut. Don't you?
Disturbing? You bet!
But Halburn doesn't care. Never has. Never will.

By the way, he'll be out and around Putnam County at school
events and festivals taking pictures of your underage
Just sayin'.
He wasn't man enough to respond here even though he read the article numerous times. So now over at Cryptic Bullshit, Lee has called him out on it again. He posted some links to pages he said had those disgusting keywords.

Only this time Halburn thought he showed him.
Being the unethical scumbag that he is, he went to those pages and changed them at 8:13 AM on September 10.

And then he pointed out to him that there was nothing inappropriate there...NOW.

Josef Stalin would be proud.


  1. Dude...that Santa picture had me rollin'!

    Outstanding work, once again!

    I expect nothing less from the REAL Putnam County News Leader!

  2. Those words were inserted (without my knowledge or permission) by a consultant hired years ago to increase readership. Some years ago, they were brought to my attention and removed from current and future stories. (It would be impossible to remove them from past stories.) The consultant was fired as was the web hosting company that failed to sdvise me of the issue. They have not been used for years. You are bringing up a dead but sensational issue in your continued campaign to smear me. This, as well as the Photoshopped Santa and desk shots are examples of your continued unethical conduct. You continue to show that you have zero credibility or professionalism.

  3. As soon as I learned about the problem I took responsibility. As I said earlier, that was years ago. The offensive key words have not been used in stories for years. You are grasping for ways to harass me. Go find something positive to do with your time.

  4. Mark - Clear the air. Name the consultant or the company that you used. Since you claim that they are the ones who stuffed your blog, and you fired them, this shouldn't be hard. Just give up the name of either the company or the consultant.

  5. Key words are a marketing tool used by many web sites. There is nothing unethical about using them. Nor is there anything unethical about removing words that were placed without my permission or knowledge. It sounds like you wished that I leaved them. Obviously you are upset that your comments helped me fix a bad situation. Your effort to hurt me was a help-in this situation. And that burns you. Move on to do something positive with all of your idle time!

  6. I know what keywords are asshole.
    I never said there was anything wrong in using them.

    What is wrong is using keywords the way you do.
    You've got words that have nothing to do with your site. And if you had a real consultant, they'd tell you that and that it probably hurts instead of helps.
    I'll bet you that there's not a story on your site with the word Marlboro in it.
    But it's in your keywords.
    The only reason they're there is to drive traffic to your site. Period. It's a deceptive practice that has no place on an alleged news site.

    What is unethical is removing the words and pretending that they were never there. Which is what exactly what you did.

    I didn't help you do jack shit. Those pages are long gone. The only thing you changed was the source code of some unused pages on your server in order to deceive the readers of that post.
    Personally, I don't give a flying fuck. Nobody's going to see them anyway.

    It just goes to the point of you being a scumbag that would do anything to avoid appearing wrong.

  7. Go do something positive with all of your time. Your venon and hatred are not good for anyone.

  8. No, seriously, Mark. My entire JOB is focused on keyword relevance. I guarantee you that anyone who has as many irrelevant keywords jammed into their keyword stream IS NOT a professional.

    But prove me wrong. Tell me the name of the company or the individual that you used. hell, you can email it to me, it doesn't even have to be posted here. girlshawn(at)ymail(dot)com

  9. Mark's sausage-like digits often strike the wrong keys.

  10. Lenny:
    Just got a comment from Shamu.
    Mark says it's Sig-Alert Marketing, based in Los Angeles.

    The rest of his message was more of his excessive noise, blah blah blah, Walmart,blah blah blah, whining bullshit.

    We're tired of the whole thing Mark, we've heard it all before and we're not rehashing it here.
    We're also not sending traffic to your site.
    So if you have anything else constructive to add, do that instead.

  11. Sig-Alert is actually NOT a fake... but it is in NO WAY associated with website content or consulting. It's a defunct automobile security company in Victorville, CA... in addition to being a traffic term in California.

    Mark... Please... you're embarassing yourself. And frankly, it's uncomfortable. Just fess up to having shoved a bunch of words in there because you wanted to up your readership. It's not possible for anyone to think LESS of you than they already do... and in fact... it might actually help your cause.

  12. Mark Halburn did WTC!

  13. I stand corrected.
    See how easy that is Mark?
    If it was you, you'd have deleted the previous post and then said, "What post?."

  14. Mark Halburn, with one L, said...

    "Key words are a marketing tool used by many web sites ... It sounds like you wished that I leaved the."

    Um, yeah. Halburn, perhaps you could employ an editor for your blog ... er, I mean "news" site ... seeing as how you don't concern yourself too much with grammar.

  15. Well... Blubber boy has some new keywords: girl of words, putnam lies, lee, mark, mays, blogspot

    I guess his "consultant" added those without his knowledge?
