Friday, September 18, 2009

Mark Halburn IS Steve Bosell!

The other night I listened to the Phil Hendrie Show on the radio.
There's a character on his show named Steve Bosell. Steve is an overly sensitive guy that sues everybody at the drop of a hat.

Well, Hendrie's met his match. Halburn's going to sue Hendrie for basing the character on HIM.
Here's what I mean:
Bosell is from Southern California, Halburn's from Southern California. Bosell likes to sue people, Halburn likes to sue people. Halburn was on the radio, Phil Hendrie's on the radio.
Although he's now in the hotel business, even though all he really does is scrape the jizz off the sheets and look at internet porn and while he's there.

Listen to how Steve bitches and moans. Listen to his sense of self-entitlement.
Look at some of the lawsuits Bosell has filed. It's exactly what Halburn would do!
How RUDE to base a character on HALBURN and not compensate him!! He's a continuing character! He's not getting a dime from this and it is clearly based on him!
Somebody's going to PAY!

Listen to this example where Steve calls in:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Here's a couple more:
"666" check
Now you tell me that Bosell's not based on him!

1 comment:

  1. Is that thing loaded? ROFLMAO!

    That was awesome.

    Many Thanks!
