Friday, November 13, 2015

Halburn Loses Before Supreme Court Again

The big fat loser loses again.

That's right, Halburn. We're laughing at you again, bitch!

Mark Vance Halburn's parenting plan will not be modified.

He will however have to pay $1000 in sanctions to the Family court for filing frivolous motions.

Halburn wanted permanent custody of his child or substantially more visitation and the freedom to take the kid out of state. The child's mother wanted Halburn's visitation restricted to supervised visitation.

He lost.

Here are the highlights.

The Court wrote:

"In their original 2013 order The Court affirmed the family court’s order directing Halburn not to take the child from the State of West Virginia..The Court noted petitioner’s diagnosis of personality disorder and determined that the family court properly “recognized and emphasized that there exists potential for grave harm to this child” when he is in Halburn’s care given petitioner’s “confirmed propensity for interpersonal conflict.” 

"A court shall modify a parenting plan order if it finds, on the basis of facts that were not known or have arisen since the entry of the prior order and were not anticipated therein, that a substantial change has occurred in the circumstances of the child or of one or both parents and a modification is necessary to serve the best interests of the child."

"To show that such a substantial change in circumstances occurred—i.e., Halburn is now better able to control his personality disorder and resulting behavior— Halburn presented the testimony of two witnesses. Both witnesses admitted that the information they had about the parties’ case and Halburn’s conduct came solely from Halburn, which the family court found diminished their credibility. As the family court noted, Halburn’s psychologist “specifically declined to give any recommendation regarding the expansion of Halburn’s time with his son.

They didn't believe Halburn or his witnesseses.
NO modification of visitation or custody


The family court found that “Halburn has clogged the courts with frivolous, harassing, offensive and impossible demands and has exhibited little to no self-control. He has made a number of impossible-to-achieve and nonsensical requests and demands of the Family Court and this Court during the course of these proceedings.”

The family court  sanctioned Halburn on two prior occasions. He was sanctioned $250 for the first incident and $500 for the second incident. He kept on filing motions.
After he filed a tenth disqualification motion that was denied, the family court sanctioned him in the amount of $1,000.

The Supreme Court determined that the family court implemented a graduated scale for sanctioning Halburn. They found that to be proper and concluded that the family court did not abuse its discretion in sanctioning Halburn in the amount of $1,000.

Pay up motherfucker.


Halburn complains that the family court improperly restricted his examination of his witnesses by preventing him from asking questions that contradicted statements made in an email Halburn sent in 2012.

Halburn lies that the email either never existed or was fabricated.

The family court ruled at the hearing that the fact that the email DID exist and contradicted the basis for certain of petitioner’s questions.

Fatboy loves to whine that the judge somehow kept his son from seeing his grandmother. He conveniently ignores his words from that email that the court quoted in the final divorce order.

He told his self serving side of the story on his blog. Read the real story from the WV Supreme Court's memo.

"However, the day prior to filing his emergency motion, Mr. Halburn emailed his wife that "My mom is too far gone for (the son) to visit her now. She is incoherent and might scare him. Unless something changes we have missed the wonderful opportunity for him to see his grandmother and for her to enjoy him."

The Court concluded that during the December 18, 2014, hearing, the family court properly prevented Halburn from asking questions that contradicted statements made in the 2012 email.

Read the entire order denying Halburn’s appeals of the family court’s orders here:

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Like Father Like Son

Kar Killer
No-Shame November continues for Halburn
Halburn follows in the steps of his Dad when he admits to killing someone with a car.

Not sure what brought this lie on.
He was responding to one of those inane "Twenty Six Things about me" Facebook lists, when for the letter K he wrote this:

"K- Killed someone?: Yes. In 1994 I purposely ran over a man in a parking lot that was shooting at the retail store where he just robbed a clerk. He landed about 150 feet away... The gun went farther. The cops thanked me!"

Now, this is a guy who will trot out the most outlandish stories to gain sympathy but there's never ever been a reason for him to use this to his back-patting advantage until now?
This is something that would have been on every media outlet in the country had it actually happened.

This ranks right up there with his lie of saving the family from the burning car.

He should have followed that with "L- I'm a congenital liar."

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Preferential treatment and theft

Halburn has a feature on his hate blog that he calls "In The Kitchen," where he regurgitates restaurant inspection reports that he has harassed the Putnam County Health Department into sending him.
What's so unusual about that, you may say?
What's unusual is that he has NEVER printed the results of a Health Department inspection for any Gino's, Tudor's or Barnyard Barbeque restaurant, all three of which "advertise" on his blog.

In addition, he stole the graphic for those articles from the Food Network show "The Kitchen"
Just two more examples of his continuing unethical journalistic behavior.

It took him less than 24 hours to change those graphics after we called his hand.
And he s̲t̲i̲l̲l̲ hasn't ever printed a health inspection involving a Gino's, Tudor's or Barnyard Barbeque the entire time he's been writing his blog.
Disagree Fatboy?
Prove it.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Big Trouble at the DMV

Trouble with a capital "T"
And that rhymes with "DMV" and that stands for Halburn!

The Putnam County Sheriff Department reports on 10-15-15:
"Assault, 1000 Block Liberty Square Drive, Teays Valley, suspect listed at time of report, pending investigation."
That's the Teays Valley DMV office.

Want to guess who the suspect was that was involved?
That's right. Mark Vance Halburn.

He came in last Thursday afternoon at his typical time, just before closing, about 10 'til 5:00. He had a bunch of papers with him and they said he had been told again and again that he needed a lien release. He then demanded to talk to the director in Charleston. So they called Charleston and put it on speaker phone. He didn't like what he was told.

That’s when he went nuts and allegedly said “I have a box cutter out in my car and I’m not afraid to use it!” 
At that point they told him they couldn’t help him and told him to leave and he continued to cause a big scene.

He was then escorted out of the building. Then he got in his car and drove circles around the worker who escorted him out. Apparently he saw them calling 911, so of course he called in a complaint as well.
And as usual, he left before the police got there.

What is it going to take for Putnam County to lock up this menace?
The sheriff is all buddy buddy with Halburn and the prosecutor is gutless.
They'll probably give him an award for "Helping Test Emergency Readiness" or something.

Ignore his psych report at your own peril.
"Mr. Halburn's psychological profile and behavior would suggest that he has propensity for aggressive behavior. Given his degree of agitation and volatility, any threats made by Mr. Halburn should be taken seriously and dealt with appropriately."

Monday, October 12, 2015

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Last week, Mark Halburn attended a candlelight vigil for victims of that crime.
How do you think the people who attended this event would have felt if they knew an abuser was lurking among them, taking pictures of them?

Halburn is someone who bullies and verbally abuses virtually every woman he comes in contact with. There is no doubt he treated his ex-wives in the same manner.

He writes, "There's NO Excuse For Domestic Violence." There's also NO excuse for a misogynistic hypocrite trying to pass himself off as a concerned individual at an event like this.
Then he has the gall to run a banner ad for the Branches Domestic Violence Shelter on his blog.

This psychopath has no shame.
Verbal and emotional abuse are domestic violence too.

Monday, October 5, 2015

ANOTHER Speeding Ticket in Dunbar

Halburn got another speeding ticket in Dunbar recently.
Now he's whining and harassing Dunbar officials about it. This is his second speeding ticket in Dunbar. And both from the same officer.

Doesn't mean 30

The first time it was 39 in a 25. This time it was 30 in a 15, twice the posted limit.
And whether he agrees with the 15 mph limit on that street or not, the speed limit on all other residential streets in the city is 25 mph. He was exceeding even that limit by 5 mph.
He was been breaking the law regardless.
You don't get to decide what the normal rate of speed is on a residential street., Halburn The city does that.

And then he whines he also got a ticket for no proof of insurance even though he was in a rental car.
You know why, Fatburn?
Because you gave the cop shit. Had you kept your mouth shut and taken the original ticket, you'd have gotten away with only one charge. But you, being you, just had to run your flabby cocksucker and you got an added bonus.

You're entitled to courtesy if you've done the same. If you get singled out for being an asshole, you brought that on yourself and shouldn't expect a break. Piss on the cops and they will find every little reason to pull you over.
Take it up with the judge,  Fatboy.

We wonder if you speed with your son in the car on the days when you get to visit him?

It's particularly ironic that the man who is criticizing safety is holding a video camera and driving.
With a speed limit of 15 miles per hour, a child in the street has a chance to survive, but at 30, when he is hit he is dead.
But I'm sure that somehow Halburn would attempt to make it the child's fault.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Business Owner Rebuffs Halburn Shakedown

Halburn continues to demonstrate his lack of journalistic ethics. 
Now he's upset because a local business owner refused his offer for her to pay him $25.00 to write an "article" about her business on his blog.
His reasoning? She charges, so she should pay him for a story. In his words, "No pay, no article."
Amazing that he now publicly admits that he's a shakedown artist.

His post of almost a month ago has really gotten under the Halburn's thin skin
Why did he wait so long to whine?
Obviously something happened to trigger it. Whenever he makes a post separately to draw attention to something posted here, it's almost always because someone's said something to him.
Now he's begging, "PLEASE contact me if you're a new business that I haven't shaken down before and I'll run a free article (and then shake you down to run an ad.)."
We stand by the opinion that he's a shakedown artist.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sleazy Funeral Home

Over the past few weeks, numerous stories have appeared in the media about Gatens-Harding Funeral Home filing almost $1 million in false insurance claims.

The one outlet where absolutely no mention has been made of the story? Halburn's fake news blog.

Why would a blog that claims to be a "news leader" ignore a story like this?
Two reasons.
1. Harding is an "advertiser" there.
2. Mark Halburn is an unethical piece of shit.

For someone who constantly demands ethical behavior from others, he is unwilling to hold himself to those same standards.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Annual Pool Whine Begins

It's September and Halburn has started his annual whining about the pools closing.
What is his obsession with pools?

After all these years, he still doesn't get it. Most lifeguards are high school and college students. Once school starts the "pool" of employees dries up. The customers are back in school. Pools don't exist to solely "service him."
And then he makes the ridiculous assertion that pools reduce crime because they give burglars and shoplifters something else to do. Which is hilarious because heroin addicts and meth heads aren't the ones using the pools even when they're open.

His solution is for taxpayers to build pools at every high school. So he could swim there for free, no doubt. And those lifeguards that pools can't find after school starts? Pay them more.

We've got a solution for you, you fat fuck. If you want to swim year round, join the YMCA. But that costs money.
If you actually had a real job, you wouldn't have time to lounge around by the pool all day anyway. You'd be working to pay the full amount of your child support obligations.

Then he closes with the demand,
"Change our way of thinking and get moving!
Lose that weight!"

A polish sausage eating, 330 pound diabetic has no business giving anyone health advice.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sound Familiar?

A description of the Virginia shooter:

“He quickly gathered a reputation of someone who was difficult to work with. He was sort of looking out to people to say things he could take offense to. Eventually, after many incidents of his anger, we dismissed him. He did not take that well. We had to call police to escort him from the building.”

Sound familiar?

Harbor Freight
Union Mission

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Fat Boyz N The Hood

A real g don't care what the sign says.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Pizza Time!

It was Pizza Time Saturday at the Wave Pool.
Mmmmmmmm, pizza.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Y R U Fat?

Halburn is now giving health lectures.
He says we need to eat three healthy meals a day.
And then the 3̶7̶0̶ 330 lb., diabetic lunatic, pardon the pun, weighs in on how to eat healthier.

"Step away from that Big Mac and order a salad - with low-fat dressing. Eliminate French Fries. Cut down on breads. Eat low-fat."
This is coming from the "father" who feeds his son nothing but fast food on the mid-week evening and weekend days he gets to see him.
 This is coming from the "man" who eats nothing but fast food like polish sausages and pizza from a Speedway gas station and heat & eat microwave meals.
This is coming from the "man" who thinks Applebee's, Barnyard Barbeque, Bob Evans, FireSide Grille, and Panera are "quality sit-down restaurants ".

When you get down to under 200 pounds lardass, you can lecture people about eating correctly. Not until.
Y R U Fat?
Because you're a lazy, overeating bastard who will be dead of a heart attack or stroke soon enough.

He always has to jump in with his sock puppets.

He must have forgotten his logins for Joan Butler and Pappy Parker.
Today in sock puppet theatre...

"Scott Anderson I get that you don't like this guy. You are a narcissistic whack job. I've seen Hallburn in public. He obviously weighs less than 300 pounds, contrary to your lie. My family has seen him take his son to quality sit-down restaurants including Applebee's Barnyard Barbeque, Bob Evans, FireSide Grille, and Panera. They are always polite, which is more than I can say about your rude attack Facebook page. You are a poor reflection of Putnam County and our positive West Virginia values."

Bullshit.. Way to come up with a new FB profile, Crisco.
You want to see a narcissistic whack job? Look in the mirror.
Your latest arrest record says 330 lbs. Want to see the scan?
Only you would qualify Applebee's, Barnyard Barbeque, Bob Evans, FireSide Grille, and Panera as "quality sit-down restaurants." They're shitholes masquerading as restaurants.
Your kid eats once a month at Barnyard BBQ because it's free. You get a free meal in trade for advertisement and favorable articles.

It's Taco Bell, Speedway, Tudors, McDonald's, Billy Bob's.
Every. Single. Time. You have the kid.
You claim that's "being good to my son."
No. Feeding that boy that stuff because "dad" is too poor, lazy or his hovel is too dirty borders on abuse.

"Scott Anderson Good morning cyberbully... You must feel proud spreading lies. The father and son that you are harassing were enjoying themselves at the park recently. Completely appropriate. Unlike your behavior."

Translation: Junior was wandering around the park unsupervised while dad was immersed in his notebook computer. Get another sock puppet, lardass. You and your son may have been at the park but the boy wasn't enjoying himself. He was being forced against his will to spend time with you.

What fast food did you feed him Wednesday night?
I saw your kid at the Wave Pool a few weekends back and the kid looked lost. You were nowhere to be seen. 
Turns out you were off in the deep end of the pool while the boy was left to fend for himself.
What high
quality sit-down restaurant did you take him to that day?

Sunday, May 3, 2015

First Pool Problem Of The Season

It's the first weekend of May and Halburn is already bitching about the area pools.
What is his obsession with pools?
He showed up at the South Charleston Community Center Pool on Sunday along with his "son" to take a dip. Unfortunately for him (and the employees there), there was a problem with the heater and the pool was closed. Crisco immediately started babbling about the 80 degree temperature outside and demanded they bus the staff up the hill and open the outdoor pool at Little Creek that's not scheduled to open until Memorial Day. Never mind that the water temperature hadn't even reached 65 degrees yet. What's a little hypothermia? "SERVICE ME IMMEDIATELY!!!" His hissy fit immediately brought the kid to tears, so now he's included the boy into his drama. 
I can't believe he actually acknowledged his insane request to move the ocean to Charleston!

South Charleston Community Center Pool

"My poor little guy... I check the web page of a local indoor pool for its hours, closure status, etc. All good. We get there and it's CLOSED due to the heater "cooking" the water. Now it's an 80 degree day, and they ALSO have an outdoor pool. They have staff. Outdoor pool isn't scheduled to open until Memorial Day. 
With temps in the 80's and the ONLY other pool closed, logic says they open the OUTDOOR pool and bus the staff up the hill... (Yes, there IS a bus!). "

Your "poor little guy" is right. Who wants to go through life with you as a father?
Logic says
the OUTDOOR pool would have a water temperature of about 60 degrees.
It's the FIRST fucking weekend in May. The temperature hasn't been above 70 degrees before this. Do you have any idea what the water temperature would be in an outdoor pool? You'd be bitching that it was too cold if it were open.

Little Creek Park Pool

"When I talk to the director, (after he calls me back after his staff LIES to me and says he isn't working) he acts as if it's crazy to use the second pool. Invites me back tomorrow AFTER I tell him that I only get the boy every other weekend. 
The boy is in tears because he can't go swimming. (He LOVES his TMNT bathing suit, towel, and ball for the pool!)"

The boy is in tears because Daddy is ranting and raving and generally behaving like an asshole in public. He's weeping from embarrassment.

"A word to civic leaders: West Virginia has an overweight population. STOP closing the pools on 80 degree days!!! Now if I was allowed to take him to The Carolinas, there is always the ocean. And, yes, PsychoJudge Kelly banned me from taking him out-of-state and refused to order the ocean be moved to Charleston! The OTHER issue cannot be publicly discussed... 5/3 10:27pm"

A word to Halburn:
West Virginia has an overweight Halburn problem. A pool being open or closed is not going to help you. It's just your excuse.
And a whackadoo demand like wanting a judge to move the ocean is exactly why you can't take the kid 
to the Carolinas, or any place out-of-state, for that matter.


Friday, April 10, 2015

I Just Threw Up In My Mouth A Whole Lot

This is the number one choice for the most revolting comment made on Facebook this year:

Monday, March 23, 2015


A North Charleston U-Haul employee gets a scathing online review.

Want to guess who it is?

Of course. Mark Halburn.

Andrew B. shares the details.

"ANDREW B. on 1/18/2015
The pick-up experience was awful, the man named Mark Halburn was rude, a liar, and generally just plain nasty, had I not been in a time squeeze, I would have NOT used U Haul, (in the past I have never had a bad experience with U haul). The wonderful young lady who handled the return of the vehicle was the total opposite of Halburn, smiling, helpful and deserving of a raise! It is my intention to write a letter of commendation concerning her, just have not gotten to it yet, and at the moment can't recall her name, but I do have it somewhere. What can you do to improve things for the next customer? FIRE HIM, FAST!!!!! He will cost you return business. Just a complete JERK, and slow as well. Seriously, an incredibly bad employee you need to terminate. If you would like to call me to discuss this, you are welcome to do so, I am sure you have my contact information with the contract."

It appears he was working this job while he was off injured at Harbor Freight.

Friday, January 9, 2015

No Fly

Halburn has been named to a very elite group at Charleston's Yeager Airport.
His picture is posted as a potential disruptive visitor after he got into argument with staff there.

The only way he will be getting back on a plane is to get two Police Dept letters of reference. He will probably get one from that dipshit Chief in Winfield  and it's possible Putnam County Sheriff Steve Deweese will come through for him again since he seems to be in Halburn's pocket. 

Could he have also been added to the TSA's No Fly list?

Congratulations, lardass! We knew you'd make it!
If you fly out of Yeager, look and see if you see his photo. Extra credit if you send us a picture.