Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Loser Hands Out Phones to Other Losers

Looks like the reason Halburn is pimping Obamaphones on his shitty little blog and Facebook is that he's actually peddling them beside the road somewhere in the area.
He wasn seen yesterday on D Street in South Charleston handing out Obamaphones.
How appropriate.

Now he will be bragging,
"I manage my own telecommunications business."

He is so desperate for business, he even posts on his blog:
"If you don’t have transportation or are a shut-in, a Tempo rep can come to you.
(I am) working with a Tempo agent to help spread the word. Tempo reps are at different locations, each day, so telephone (me) and we will let you know where you can get your free phone!"

Bonus points to the first reader who sends a pic of him at his little sales stand.
Double secret bonus points if you sign up and harass the shit of him while doing it.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Fats goes Krogering!

Last Tuesday night at the Dunbar Kroger store, Halburn was standing in the middle of the store yelling into his enormous phone headset. Accusing whoever was on the phone of  "smearing his name to a business with untruths," which of course means it's 100 percent true.  Shouting that this person never contacted him to get his side of the story which was rude and unprofessional.
The man has absolutely no self control. He no doubt called the poor schlub at home. 

People were turning to stare.

And here's this fat asshole who isn't holding a phone but he's yelling a one-sided conversation in the middle of a busy supermarket. 

Sure he could had had this conversation in his car. But he wants people to think he's some powerful, intimidating person who handles his business like that. He wants people to see it.
Nothing says power and intimidation like a fat guy in shorts and sandals screaming a conversation in a grocery store.
And it's not the first time it's happened in this same store.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

A Thanksgiving Buffet

 A reader writes,
"We went to Golden Corral today for dinner and who else was there was big, fat-ass Hallburn with his son. Even on Thanksgiving he had that damn headset on and seemed to be doing nothing but eating and talking on the phone while paying little attention to the kid."
We're sure the experience will somehow be terrible enough to him to harass them for free gift cards.
We are also curious who the fuck he talks to on the phone so much when his family doesn't even talk to him.

Monday, November 21, 2016


So Halburn, in his crusade to be declared mentally fit to be a father, has latched onto loads of other mysogynistic, sketchy losers who have lost custody of their kids too. One of the latest guys has written a Facebook post that Halburn lifted verbatim and placed on his blog. But that's not the point this time.

Here's the kicker. In his zeal to smear his second ex-wife, Halburn apparently is too fucking stupid to realize that EVERY SINGLE THING this guy is writing about fits HIM to a T.
Have a read.

The Mental Health of an Alienator
David Shubert 
November 20, 2016

We all have someone in our lives that has caused us undue stress and discomfort at times but, when it goes beyond this point, it is nothing short of unbridled evil…or so we think. There are many reasons that people go to extreme lengths in the effort to injure others emotionally but, the actual reasons may escape us. What causes these actions are many times as much a mystery, as the people behind them.
When we put a label on someone with specific behavioral disorders, it’s important that we educate ourselves in knowing what the various causes are and how they apply to each individual. It is for this reason that we must examine some of the more common types of disorders associated with parental alienation and abduction so as not to confuse them.
In an effort to find out what some of the possibilities are that trigger such behaviors, we must first start by trying to understand the psyche of these individuals. In doing so, we may be able to better understand who and what we are dealing with. We’ll begin with the more common mental health issues that tend to surround people involved in the area of parental abduction and alienation.

The first one is NPD or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. This is one that most people commonly use to describe their former spouse or partner after the breakup of their relationship. These individuals have an overwhelming need for admiration, is totally consumed with self-gratification, and is completely lacking in empathy for others. It is by far, the most common and destructive personality disorder.
Further, they often have high self-esteem and may believe they are superior or special compared to other people. However, they seem to need excessive praise and admiration, and they may react poorly to perceived criticism. Narcissists also tend to exaggerate their own talents and accomplishments, while downplaying those of others. They are usually preoccupied by power, success, and beauty. 

Next, we’ll examine Borderline Personality, also known as BPD. This is a condition that affects an individual’s ability to maintain a normal functioning relationship with other people. BPD and parental alienation behavior are similar because, borderline parents often alienate their children against the other parent prior to the dissolution of their relationship.
People with borderline personality disorder are usually very impulsive and suffer from turbulent emotions and exhibit unstable behaviors that persist for long periods of time. These people also show signs of impulsive behaviors that result in the difficulty of interaction with others in their life. This can range from home, work, friends, among family members and in personal relationships.
Now, comes the sociopath and this is a personality disorder characterized by a flagrant disregard for the rights and needs of others. In terms of Parent Alienation and the family environment it typically begins with an instigating parent who engages in causing a child to be alienated from a targeted parent and is therefore engaging in psychopathic behavior.
Much of the time this behavior is actually a severe manifestation of a larger disorder, it can be difficult to detect until you become familiar with the individual's behavior patterns. Sociopaths are extremely manipulative and can come off as being grandiose and charming early during a relationship. Not surprisingly a great number of people will fall for the delusional fairy tales and lies spun by the people.

After learning that not everyone suffers from the same disorder, we can now look at what the characteristics of an obsessed alienator and see if they fit into the patterns of your former spouse. Each of the above mentioned may suffer from some, if not all of the list below.
• These people are obsessed with destroying the children's relationship with the targeted parent.
• They were successful in combining the children's personalities and beliefs about the other parent with their own.
• The children will imitate the obsessed alienator instead of expressing their own feelings from personal experience with regards to the other parent.
Their beliefs sometimes become delusional and irrational. Nobody, not even the court, can convince obsessed alienators that they are wrong. Anyone who tries is the enemy.
They will often seek support from family members and friends that will share in their beliefs that they are the victims of the other parent and the system.
• Their anger has no boundaries because they believe that the targeted parent has victimized them and whatever they do is justified.
• They have a desire for the court to punish the other parent with court orders that would interfere or block the targeted parent from seeing the children.
• The court's authority does not intimidate them.

Though there are other types of underlying mental disorders not mentioned here, these are just a few that we can examine and decide if they fit into your individual situation. Remember, only the assistance of a qualified mental health professional can accurately pinpoint what your former partner or spouse suffers from but, this at least gives you an idea of some possibilities.

Nov 22 Update:

So Halburn writes today:
"Word is my trash blogger critic is whining because we are printing David Shubert columns. Don't worry, we have permission! The trash blogger needs a life AND a clue!"

It strains credulity that he thinks that the reason that post was made was to point out that he printed the whole thing on his blog.

The point was and is to demonstrate how he fails to recognize that everything that guy wrote describes HIM perfectly.

He's playing that sympathy card for his audience of flying monkeys.
Maybe they believe him.
We know better.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Dad of the Year

Halburn's son is playing basketball in a local league. 

At a recent practice, the Dad of the Year kept going outside on his phone. He never really watches or pays attention to what is going on inside. Ol’ dad cant even be bothered to be in there to watch his "son" and NOT be on the phone.

When practice ended, he wasn't in the gym. As everyone exited, he was still on his phone screaming loudly at someone about  how he paid $500 towards his vacation. Everyday's a vacation when you're not working. Not sure why he'd pay $500 for that. Like he has any money anyway. Maybe Steve Deweese is paying for it.

Everyone heard him and was staring. 

How embarrassing for his son. He has no regard for the boy or his own behavior in front of others.

He's so self absorbed. If he was a super hero he would be Sponge Man.

Friday, November 11, 2016


Last Wednesday, as virtually every elected official in the state prepared for the election, Halburn once again emailed a bipartisan group of legislators from all over the state demanding that they call themselves into special session to get his numerous wacky, self-serving bill ideas and constitutional amendments passed and signed into law by midnight that day with no excuses.

Once upon a time, a teenager came home an hour late from his midnight curfew - again. His lame response was, "I had a flat tire." The exhausted, and frustrated, father said, "You have a cellphone. You should have called me." The boy responded, "That would have delayed me further." The father rolled his eyes. "Last week, you blamed traffic. The week before, your girlfriend was sick. The week before that, you forgot to check the clock. The week before that, the movie was long... I don't want to hear any more excuses. No more excuses will be accepted Your curfew is midnight. You know what you need to do!"
When it comes to family law reform, I don't want to hear any more excuses. Here is what YOU, immediately, need to do: You need to re-open the 2016 session, TODAY, and get the reforms passed, and signed, by TONIGHT, if so that you have a positive to bring before voters next week!!!
Many thanks!
Mark Halburn

Sorry, lardass.
A cute story you plagiarized from somewhere doesn’t make your batshit demands any more palatable.

 The plus side is the enjoyment everyone will get when the day comeswhen Hallburn encounters Jim Justice and shouts, "WHY DO YOU ENABLE CHILD, ELDER. AND FAMILY ABUSE, MR. JUSTICE?
Then maybe they'll permanently ban him from the building. The Capitol Police let him in just to screw with certain lawmakers.

I'd be surprised if they would do anything though. They had plenty of opportunity in the past and basically did nothing. It's like he has naked pony party pictures of everyone and no one will stand up to him.
He's an undeclared sovereign citizen nutjob.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The New Meme

Everyone seems to be posting their version of this post-election meme.
Here's ours.

Friday, November 4, 2016


"Back in 2006, I had a similar situation... After a week of heart tests, they found: 1) I had an allergic reaction to some food. 2) My heart is BACKWARDS. LITTERALLY BACKWARDS! After a discussion, they decided against open heart surgery. (I was 44 and had lived that long without it...) My cardiologist looked at me STRAIGHT FACED and told me not to play professional basketball or football. (Baseball doesn't put as much stress on the heart.) REALLY? At 44, what were the odds that I would be signed by a NBA or NFL team? ROFL!"

We're calling BULLSHIT on this one!
That’s a pretty big-ticket sympathy item for him to have never brought up until right now.
Never in any of his prior attempts to get sympathy for anything has this come out.

And since we've been nailing him for using a child as a sympathy ploy, he's had to stop that pathetic practice.He’s not dishonoring the memory of a dead child because he can’t get away with it anymore.

And, really? No doctor in any way caught that before then? Interesting.
That sounds a little major. Like it would have caused some kind of issue earlier in life, before he was morbidly obese.

And as stated in his 2008 mental evaluation when he was 47 years old:
"a). On hospital admission to Putnam General Hospital on July 28, 2006,Mr. Halburn was seen by Enrique Santana, M.D., and patient gave a history of sleep apnea for two years with the use of a C-PAP machine.
b). On July 31, 2006, Mr. Halburn had a cardiac catheterization which was unremarkable"

You’d think a heart cath would have caught that and wouldn’t have labeled A BACKWARDS FUCKING HEART as “unremarkable."

Well, fortunately, he’s at zero risk of being an athlete, because nobody’s gone pro in eating or stalking yet.
We would be surprised if he even has a heart considering the way he treats his second ex-wife and son.

Too bad it's not true.
Maybe he would die sooner.