Friday, October 30, 2009

Oops, I did it again

I don't know how I find them , but I found another great graphic to use for my crime stories.

Isn't that great? Really eye catching. But unfortunately, once again, it belongs to someone else. I'll just say I had a subscription or something.

Click to enlarge

Which, if you can't read it, here's where it came from:

I hope they don't find out.

UPDATE: I forgot about another one right at the top of the page.

Click to enlarge

I think somebody left this one in a basket on my front porch.


  1. Putnamblob sure is a grabby lad that's for sure...

  2. Hey, you've got to get content from somewhere.
    Otherwise, it would be nothing more than scans of arrest reports and sex offender stories.

  3. He probably found the graphic while searching for other sex offenders.

    I'm curious how many of his November letter writers sent in a copy of their driver's license?

  4. Sent by a reader.... Now go do something positive.... Oh, nevermind. You don't know how.

  5. Someone has to supplement income for putnamblob's blog that's for sure. I think he's due for another year end audit soon.

  6. Maybe he found the graphics in his trick or treat 55 gallon drum? Or soaked in grease at the bottom of a KFC tub?

  7. Is that the best you can do? You are obsessed with me. You LOVE me. You LIVE for ME! You WORSHIP me! Because you have NOTHING better to do with your life but to idolize EVERY MOVE I MAKE!

    And, no, my dog didn't drag it in. He is too busy doing your girlfriend. Same for the guy in the trailer. They take turns .

  8. There is an old saying. "Hire the handicap, they are fun to watch." Mark? You are the handicap. This is why we watch.

  9. Man, that really set him off didn't it?

  10. Just a little push more...just one more tiny mental nudge or two....he is so close to either homicide or a hemorrhage! And I just had to buy yet another keyboard!

  11. Admit it, pork love the attention, that's why you spend hours online Googling yourself to see if anyone has talked about you or mentioned your name. Self-esteem issues much?

    Mike, I think we need to hunt down some people he went to high school with, I'm sure they have plenty of good stories to tell. I'd also like to hear from his ex-wife and current wife..

  12. Try Warren High School and La Puente High School, both in California. Not sure of the attendance years, but likely mid to late 1970s.

  13. What amuses me... he stole an image from
