Monday, October 19, 2009

Who is Joanne Case...

and what is she telling us about Mark?
You only have one chance to tell your side first.


  1. OK he has had his chance. Let's hear it.

  2. Okay, I have been waiting for a few days for the answer.


  3. Have you aked Clifford Case what he thinks about his first wife's truthfulness?

  4. The last I heard, Clifford Case lived in the Vallejo, California area. He should have plenty to tell you about Joanne's "truthfulness." I can add more. There were plenty of reasons why I filed for divorce.

  5. Tell you what, Halburn.
    You want to explain and give your reasons, we will give you all the room you need for it.

  6. I don't want to trash Joanne. You're the one that dragged her onto your slimeball trash blog. I only will say that there are valid reasons why two men divorced her in about 5 years.

  7. You've already called her a liar.
    You might as well go ahead and tell your side before she tells hers.

  8. Having bad taste in men does not mean she is a liar, but I can not wait for her side to be posted. I would make sure Delores does not read this site if I were you Mark, she may see some some things that are all to familiar to her. wink wink mwhahhhhaaaaa

  9. Ah, what the hell. Just for the fun of it. Tonight on the Bad Side Live. The mark Halburn is Eating Free Chicken sighting segment. With KFC kicking off it's newest giveaway, we all know where greasy hands are gonna be. Only question is, where and how many.

    Call, text or email your sightings into the show!
    Tonight at 11.

  10. Hold up! I haven't been paying attention. Are you telling me this man has gotten 2 women to marry him in his lifetime??? And meanwhile, people like Flava Flav and Brett Michaels can't find one. What a world we live in!

  11. Why do you think he kept calling you Joanne?

    Women were really attracted to Ted Bundy, too.
    Although he didn't weigh 300 pounds.
    Maybe King Kong Bundy.

  12. Yes, that's right folks. Joanne is Mark's 1st ex-wife.
    Married in 95. Divorced in 97.

    A Las Vegas wedding, a Mexican divorce. A solid gold Kama Sutra coffee pot or a baby's arm holding an apple.
    More to come.
