Monday, October 12, 2009

Over 20 Years Of Assholery

For loyal Putnam readers, It's not hard to believe that I've been an asshole for over 20 years now. And this proves it.
Look at this Article from 1986. I was a fucking know-it-all even back then.

Click image to enlarge

It's always the same old shit, I make a "suggestion", nobody listens to me and then I start making accusations and demanding things be done immediately.

And here's another one from 1987.
Once again you can see the tenacity with which I grab onto an issue and won't let go. By this time I've been bitching about this for a year.

Click image to enlarge

The same thing here. I'm worried that my fat ass is going to have to waddle a block farther to park and there's no fish taco cart that way. Nutrition is very important to college students.
I portray myself as a crusader, but all I am is a self centered piece of shit.


  1. I see the publisher's grasp of math hasn't got much better over the years...the parking lot must have been huge for re-striping to generate "hundreds" of new parking spaces.

  2. An emergency meeting to restrip a parking lot? WTF is wrong with this man? He seems to do nothing but cause trouble every where he goes.

    Mr Halburn, please get a clue and some therapy.

  3. Congratulations! You went on a deep-sea fishing expedition and discovered that I have a 20-plus year track record of advocating public safety. And, the parking lot WAS huge. (until they put a hotel on it) So, yes, the re-paving and re-striping (which hadn't been done in years) as well as the relocating of rows of trees (an issue which the reporter missed) would have resulted in the addition of hundreds of spaces.

    About the proposed tree location. President Jewell Plummer Cobb ruled against RELOCATING them for environmental reasons. But when it came time to build her beloved Marriott, dozens of those trees were DESTROYED!

    That busy street that students were crossing? Yorba Linda Boulevard is worse than MacCorkle Avenue. It was a very dangerous situation. And the parking garage has since been built!

    You need to also know that EVERY liability expert will tell you that the farther a person walks across a parking lot the higher the liability and probability of injury.

    And you missed a parking lot issue: I was part of the committee that advocated creating a network of emergency telephones across the campus so that students could call for help. This was before cell phones became affordable and convenient. Who knows how many students were able to utilize that system?

    And the Chief of Police that was quoted in the article? He urged me to become a police officer because I cared about people.

  4. Many thanks for the congratulations. Obviously you know real reporting when you see it. Too bad there's none of it on your blog.

    There wasn't any fishing to be done. This stuff is out there for the taking. There's lots more of it.

    And you know what? Nobody gives two shits about what the problem was out there or what your explanation of them is now.
    Unfortunately for us, the problem is here now. It's YOU.
    This story is all about you being an asshole even then.

    If you're so goddamned civic minded, why aren't you running for office? That would be entertainment for everybody. We need more clowns in office.

    The police chief that wanted you to be a cop is like the Secret Service agent that wanted to recruit DeNiro in Taxi Driver.
    He knew a nut when he spotted one and wanted to keep tabs on you.

    Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back lardboy.

  5. "Mike"

    The congratulations was sarcastic. But you aren't bright enough to realize it. I work to make our world better. You attempt to be funny by being mean. You aren't funny. You aren't entertaining.

  6. Oh, you were being sincere. We all know it. Don't try to weasel out of it now.
    Don't be embarrassed that your blog sucks. It's OK.

    If you were truly concerned with making the world better, you'd have gassed yourself long ago.
    The only thing you're interested in is making the world better so that it benefits Mark Halburn.

    Ooh, I'm a big ole meanie.
    So go and boo-hoo to your momma, you crazy crybaby.

  7. Ya know Mark, walking your fat ass across a big parking lot is good for you. I bet you are the kind of fat ass that will drive around for 25 minutes until a space opens up near the door instead of walking over 100feet.

  8. Anonymous, you never speak the truth.... All you do is take cheap shots from your cave while hiding behind anonymity. You have ZERO class and LESS credibility!

  9. This coming from someone that has repeatedly lied about things that appeared and then disappeared from his blog.
    So let's examine Anon's statement.
    Your ass IS fat.
    Walking IS good for you.
    Both absolutely truthful and credible.

    Cheap shots are easy for people to take when the target is as large as you, meathead.

    And you want to talk about caves? I saw a big blue one with a big tub of shit hiding behind his wife and mother-in-law across from the Hurricane Walmart . It was full of donuts.
    Now crawl back into yours and shut the fuck up.

  10. Just an FYI Mark, there is more than one person posting as anonymous.

    I also do not give a rats ass if you call me rude. Compaired to what you are being called and what is said behind your back these days, I am sure you would rather be known as "rude" to.

    Many Thanks!!!

  11. Anonymous posters are worthless liars. No name=no credibility.

  12. Hello Hallburn,

    This is your old friend, best friend, Hurricane Resident. I am here to help set the record straight and protect you. I want to make sure you get the treatment you deserve because I firmly beleive in helping others. My offer to buy your property is currently at $97,000, and being reduced daily.


    Putnam-Hurricane Resident

    P.S. This insanity may have been ended months ago but you refused to accept my offer and apologize to the city of Hurricane and Putnam County. You must enjoy the insanity, or maybe you are just insane?

  13. Hurricane Resident: You never made a legitimate offer. You never proved that you had the money. All you did was talk trash. And that apology has to come from Scott Edwards, Gary Walton, Steve Andes, Joe Haynes, Patti Scheon, Mike Hall, and Troy Andes.

  14. SOMEBODY made a legitimate offer.
    You just chose not to accept it, you greedy bastard.
    It's one of the reasons your lawyer fired you.

  15. Seriously? Mark has been doing this since he was a pimply faced college student? Mark, you and every student since 1960 at any college are frickin pansies. It's worse today. Can't do things on thier own, bemoaning about having to park 10 minutes away.

    I say they are be getting an education, period. You were lucky too. Too bad you never did anything successful with yours.

    You waste air.

  16. "Mike." NOBODY made a legitimate offer. But we will take YOUR certified check for $350,000. Bring it by the house tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. Put your money where your mouth is!

  17. That's not what your ex-lawyer says, shithead.
    So, who's the liar here? Him or you?

    I say it's you.

    Get real.
    I wouldn't give you $3500 for that dump.

  18. A big welcome to Tyler Hollywood!

    Tyler called out Fatboy on the air and Mark called in and demonstrated why he's Putnam Counties most hated douchebag.

  19. Hello Mark,

    I DID HAVE the money and that certified check for $350,000 went to a local charity.... Not you, because I don't have sympathy for you. I think you are a worthless piece of molded cheesecake. Although you would probally eat it regardless....

  20. Which charity? Post the name here so we call all verify your "generosity!"

  21. If it has anything to do with you, it's probably the Mental Health Association.
