Sunday, December 20, 2009

Letters To The Publisher
"The People's Voice"

Ask Before You Give To Halburn

One of the traits that I respect the most about West Virginians is how generous we are. People can always be counted upon to help a neighbor who is having trouble making ends meet. Whether it is the need for a TV, coupons for formula for a retarded child, or free laptops.

But unfortunately there are dishonest people who know this about us and are looking to take advantage of it. They are looking to play on our willingness to help each other. Actually, there is only one. His name is Mark Halburn.

Halburns are only looking to make a dollar for themselves and not the people who really need it.

There are charities in West Virginia that have been doing good work for years. There are soup kitchens, domestic violence shelters, and free clinics that provide valuable services to the people who otherwise would not be able to afford them. Mark Halburn and his friend Troy Suxton have been taking advantage of all of these services, taking away from those who actually need them.

Just how much money are we talking about? Would you believe the figure is in the billions?
According to the most recent figures compiled by the Secretary of State’s Office, in the past year... more than $1.2 billion dollars to put up with his assholery.

Halburn is always looking for more ways to take when the holidays draw near. Hopefully, you will not be a target of a Halburning. There are some easy ways that you can spot a Halburn, protect yourself from the scam, and then notify the authorities to help protect others.

Here some easy to remember ways to spot a Halburn:

- Evasive, vague, or unresponsive answers to specific questions.

- Making up a submitter's name then changing it when called out.

- Allowing you no way to comment on his shitty website.

- Reserves the right at any time when you decide to not donate to mention his dead daughter

- Emotional appeals that are supposed make you feel guilty about not donating to his retarded son and dead daughter.

- Crisco stains on decomposing sweatpants.
- Bills or invoices sent to you even though you never pledged money to the organization.

If you have any questions regarding Halburn, write down the name and then log on to There, you will find a complete listing of all manners of Halburn assholery. State law says if Halburn's business doesn’t expect to raise more than $5 in one year they do not have to register.

There are so many worthy charities doing good work in our state. These charities will continue to do their good work as long as there are caring people in West Virginia who give what they can. Please support legitimate needy cases, and not this asshole, his retarded kid, his obviously brain damaged wife, his mother, Christy, PutnamJohnny, Sal Marino, or any of the other "people" who "reside" at 194 Grace Drive.

The Secretary of State’s Office has provided exceptional tools that you can use to make sure you do not become a victim of Halburn fraud.

Thank you, and Happy Holidays!

Tate Nutts

Halburn Antics Watchdog Group

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