Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Here's one of the holiday pictures I love the most.
I hope you're as excited as I am.

I guess it's OK for me to use Santa Claus as a keyword for the next few days.


  1. All I want for Christmas is a soldering iron to burn out my eyes with.

    Wait... I don't need it now... I've seen this.


  2. My life revolves around stalking Mark Hallburn.

  3. ::blargh:: I just threw up in my mouth...a lot.

  4. Don't forget his homosexual obsession with a baseball player.

  5. I understand that this is one of Mark's favorite pictures.

  6. I wonder who wrote his anti-school closing rant...obviously he has no clue what the road conditions are like away from his hovel near Wal-Mart.

  7. Another poster comments in a previous thread:
    "The Blobster complains about Putnam county closing schools Monday. If they kept them open he'd complain that they were endangering kids lives.

    And blaming AEP for the power outage shows not only his lack of understanding about how power distribution works, it also shows his lack of touch with reality.

    But, apparently he's more than willing to help fund the hundreds of thousands of dollars it would take to put generators in every school in the county.
    I guess that's easy to do when you don't pay taxes."

  8. Can you imagine his whining about the noise a generator of sufficient size for a school makes??

  9. What would he say?
    I think it would go something like this:

    "Those generators create EXCESSIVE NOISE!!!
    Why can't they just cancel school instead?
    The IDIOTS that run Putnam County's schools are gambling with our children's safety!!!!!"

  10. Or the Blobster would want to build a "sound wall" around the generators!! Especially for his (or is it?) soon to be school age son....

  11. Now the blob is all sad because Hardees is closed. Poor blobby, he'll have to stuff his fat face somewhere else.
    He's drooling over Jack in the Box or In & Out Burger, neither of which are ever coming to WV much less Putnam county.
    There's not even a In -n- Out east of Utah for god's sake.

  12. Halburn pats himself on the back once again with his inflated website numbers. "Verified annual readership mark" he says.

    Except if you go where he sends you you see this:
    "Site not quantified. Data is estimated.
    Note: Due to a small data sample, estimates are rough."

    REAL rough.
