Saturday, December 29, 2012

Another Not So Merry Christmas

It was another depressing Christmas for me this year.

After being thrown out of the home where I lived for almost 10 years, I was left to fend for myself. After failing in South Carolina, I was forced to move back to West Virginia, where I spent the holiday all alone because I'm an unfit father.

Now that all the excitement has died down, I thought I'd share some of the joy with you.

The fun started for me on Christmas Eve. I met some great guys at a dumpster where I was diving for Coke points and they told me about a place that served dinner FREE!
I had a feast with my family, my NEW family. This one couldn't be beat. Best of all, it was all free!!! Suckers!

Halburn Holiday Feast

Afterward, I waddled back to my HUD garage apartment.

christmas at the crib


All the excitement (and free fish sticks) got to me and I fell asleep underneath the tree in my new crib.

I was awoken during the night to find Santa standing over me. As I looked up at him he said:

Hey Halburn! Here's your fucking Christmas present!!!

When I looked on Christmas morning, all I got was some coal in my stocking.

coal in the stocking 

Why would Santa do something like that? I'll bet Chip Watkins, Mike Kelly  and those darn trash bloggers put him up to it. They're all out to get me. I think I've been a good little boy this year. There was that arrest and those two restraining orders but I don't think he'd hold those against me.

The folks at did give me even more shit this year than last year if that's possible.

Later I went over and drowned my sorrows with a big bucket of my favorite Christmas pick me up.

christmas KFC

What a crappy Christmas. I guess I'm still not used to it yet.

I hope the new year is better! It couldn't get much worse. I just hope I'm not in jail next Christmas.
Many Thanks!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

From Scumbar's Scumbag Santa.

bad halburn

Another Christmas is destroyed by EXCESSIVE NOISE.

I am awakened during the night by some kind of jingling bells coming from a sled in the neighborhood and someone laughing loudly. HOW RUDE!!! There is NO reason why someone should be so rude!!! What kind of IDIOT would do such a thing so late at night?

I'm living in a garage apartment in Dunbar and I still can't get any peace and quiet ON CHRISTMAS EVE!

Peace on Earth and good will to all especially Mike Kelly, William Watkins, AEP, Scott Edwards,
Steve Andes, Raymond "Joe" Haynes (do the Amish even celebrate Christmas?), Mark Sorsaia, Gary Walton, Ben Newhouse, Girl of Words, Lee, Lenny, Tyler Hollywood, Tybois, Harry Stamper, and all the great readers and commenters at!

You know what I got for Christmas?


Here's to ya!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Halburn Posts Shocking Confession

"I Lived With A Child Molester"

Every time you think Mark Halburn couldn't do anything more outrageous, he goes and proves everyone wrong.

Wednesday night Halburn posted the following on his Facebook page:

"Mark Hallburn For those critics of Bob Harper and Troy Sexton, here's some info for you:  1) Bob lives about 1/4 of a mile from the Sissonville blast epicenter. I could not reach him for 24 hours by phone and was restricted from driving to his home. (The one where, like Troy Sexton, I was allowed to stay for weeks before finding a place in WV to be closer to Matthew). I would not have found Bob at home anyway. ...The 63-year-old diabetic/amputee was VOLUNTARILY DIRECTING TRAFFIC to assist police in the hours after the blast. Seriously! That is, until his son, Jake, had to be rushed to the ER to have his appendix removed.  2) Troy has assisted me by posting videos of Judge Watkins and Kelly (on YouTube) for publication on Those videos exposed Judge Watkins screaming at people-including Harper-in court. Now the state wants to suspend Watkins for the remaining four years of his term. That would not have happened without Troy's help.  Bob and Troy have made mistakes. They've also been falsely accused and had situations exagerated that have smeared their names. Neither claim to be perfect. None of us are. However, despite their human flaws, beneath all of that, they are good men who want to expose injustice and make West Virginia a better place to live. We need more people with their conciences (sic)...  Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at 11:46pm"

Sex offender Harper & Halburn BFFs

Wow! What a swell bunch of fellows! 
Bob Harper is a convicted child molester.

I think this question has been asked before, but what was he thinking?
Very little Halburn does surprises me, but this shocks the fuck out of me. 
Just how goddamn dumb are you, Meathead? Your job as a substitute teacher requires you to be around kids, yet you post on Facebook that two child predators are great guys?
How the hell can Kanawha County Schools continue to justify this?
You're trying to get custody of your son? No court is going to award you anything with the friends you hang around with.

I don't know if his second ex-wife has seen this, but she needs to.
I wouldn't let my kid anywhere near this so called Dad. 

A mistake is rear-ending a car. Or running a red light. 
A mistake is not the willful disregard of a court order to pay child support and molesting children. A mistake is not when someone is almost $50,000 in arrears in his child support. Hope he's not going to make a mistake and stick Jake with the hospital bill.

Also, being a retard with a YouTube account isn't a contribution to society.
Though isn't it interesting Troy has lived there too?
Apparently, all of them are down with molestation. CPS probably didn't know that about the "Putnam Abuser."

It makes total sense now why he told the court he "couldn't remember the address" where he was staying. If Bob Harper is someone to be so proud of, why hide that fact? 
He sounds like a regular church going Boy Scout from Halburn's post.

We definitely need more people with the consciences of a petulant child abuser and an angry, deadbeat molester. Good call, Crisco.
Halburn should have saved the court time and just walked down there and handed that to them and said, "No interest in parental rights. Many thanks!"

No, he tells us, the problem is the child beater and peg-legged kid toucher are just misundersood.
Falsely accused.
They didn't really do those things ... The court is smearing them.
You know who else got a bad rap? Jerry Sandusky.
He was smeared too.
Just helping those boys to get clean. I know it looked bad but...

That's exactly what he is saying here.

Good luck in that custody battle, Fatsack.
Enjoy your supervised visits.

UPDATE: On Sunday evening Halburn posted the following, trying to cover his tracks:
Mark Hallburn Once again, my FB Page has been hacked. I've had to delete a few postings made by a trash blogger that then posts them on his blog and attributes them to me.  Sunday, December 16 at 7:41pm
One of the posts he deleted was the one above.

Seriously? A hacker? It was you Fatboy. Nobody hacked your page.
Do you seriously expect anyone to believe that posting sat on your Facebook page since Wednesday night and you didn't notice until Sunday? You only update your status about every couple hours. Liar, liar, big ass pants on fire.

Here's what happened. He started getting tons of heat about his association with a child molester and child abuser. He's desperate to save his substitute job. He's in full on survival mode now.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Halburn Unhinged

Demands Court Resurrect Dead Mother -
Obviously A Woman With Dementia Is Not Going To Appreciate The Visit Of A Grandson

 In his latest irrational attack on Kanawha County Family Court Judge Michael Kelly and the court system, Mark Halburn has gone completely over the edge.
In his latest demands, Halburn believes that the court can order that his dead Mommy be brought back to life.

Revive a corpse four months after she died and was cremated? 
Hmmm. Yeah. Not crazy at all. Not. At. All.

Halburn's Mommy
"That boy cries too much."

He writes:

"For this, Kelly must be removed from the bench, admitted to a mental ward, ordered to revive the grandmother, pay for the trip, and be fined every penny of salary and benefits ever paid to him. Mentally stable judges do not keep dying grandmothers from visiting their grandchildren."

Mentally stable people realize the old woman has been burnt to a crisp and is now on the ash heap of history. NOBODY is going to resurrect Mommy. Look on the bright side Halburn, you could get her urn and a little lye, make some soap and wash your stinky self.

Halburn has the gall to selectively edit an out of context, 13 second clip out of a longer video and use that to say that Kelly made an arbitrary decision in saying that he couldn't drag his son across country under the guise of "seeing his dying grandmother."
Halburn is more than willing to hack up the video, but doesn't have the balls to post the entire thing because it would show just how unreasonable and insane his behavior is, even before the Judge who holds the future of his child's visitation in his hands.
Halburn was  still so bereaved after arriving home after Mommy's funeral that he made all his harassing phone calls to the unemployment office the next day.

And then, as all of his rants do, it comes down to money.
The entire last half of the column is pretty much "pay me."
And his buddies the kid toucher and the child beater.
It always comes down to someone giving him money. Everytime.

We just do not understand how anybody can make the death of his mother not about the loss of the life of the person who birthed and raised him, but about how, rightly, a family court judge who knows that Halburn is a kidnap risk and correctly points out that this kid wouldn't remember the visit anyway. 
When I was 5, I went to Disney World. I barely remember it. And my grandfather died when I was 8. I saw him pretty regularly and I don't remember a lot about him either. Halburn had numerous opportunities to take his son to see his grandmother before his divorce but chose not to.

Plus, Mommy was in a vegetative state as proven in the hospice paper he published on his own blog. She wouldn't have known the child if she had seen him.
Why would he subject a kid to that? He wants to traumatize the poor child just to satisfy his own sick needs. 
And that's what it's all about.
This is all about Halburn winning, not what's best for the boy.

He even admitted as much. On May 29 2012,  Halburn filed an emergency motion stating that his mother had been placed in intensive care in a hospital in California. He demanded that Ms. Halburn be ordered to transport the child to California to see the grandmother. He further demanded that "the Court order the wife to pay for this trip and to submit to a full psychiatric exam upon her return,"
However, the day prior to filing his emergency motion, Mr. Halburn emailed his
wife that "My mom is too far gone for (the son) to visit her now. She is incoherent and might scare him. Unless something changes we have missed the wonderful opportunity for him to see his grandmother and for her to enjoy him."

Halburn has made irrational demands in past "motions" before the court. Earlier this spring he demanded that the State build a zoo near Charleston by 5 pm April 22, 2012 and bring the Atlantic Ocean to Charleston.

It's really telling, in our opinion, that his entire mourning of his mother's death has been exclusively to harass a family court judge.
We would be far more broken up about losing such an important person. But maybe it's because we're not bat shit crazy.
This is more fuel for the fire to have Halburn's 25% custody reduced even further with only supervised visits allowed. 
For the sake of the kid.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Halburn Threatens Judge Kelly

A Threat? You Decide.

Mark Vance Halburn continues to have his enormous panties in a wad over his divorce case. The target of his wrath is Kanawha County Family Court Judge Michael Kelly.
Judge Kelly rightly ordered that Halburn could not take his son out of state, suspecting that he would never return.
What Halburn really can't stand is that the Court in Kanawha County sees through his bullshit. This court will not tolerate his bullying and lies.

Halburn though, tries to portray himself as a crusader for justice to all his Facebook friends, when in reality he is just a nut with a computer.

Should Kelly be concerned that Halburn has threatened to come to his house? To stalk him on the campaign trail?
We say yes.

Halburn threatens kelly on facebook

Halburn conveniently ignores the fact that his son is five years old. He had plenty of opportunities to take the boy to see his Grandmother before she ran off with the grim reaper. Halburn visited her in January of this year. Without the boy. And before that in November of 2010. Again without the boy. And other times before that. If Halburn was so anxious for her to see her grandson, why didn't he take the boy with him on those occasions?
This is now the THIRD time he's used a DEAD PERSON to perpetuate a vendetta. I'm sure Halburn's Mommy would be real proud to be used this way.

He also ignores his erratic and irrational behavior which have resulted in several arrests and brushes with the law, some of which occurred while his son was with him.

Halburn's Mommy was right when she sent him to the psychiatrist because he cried too much. He has never stopped.

We're again calling on Mark Halburn to do what he's demanded to be done in other Family Court cases.
Release the videos of his divorce case.
ALL of the videos of his hearings before Judge Kelly. EVERY SINGLE MINUTE, not just “cherry pick” the portions that make the judge look bad.

He screams for these proceedings to be made public. Yet he won't do it in his own case. What is HE hiding?

You have 25% custody right now, Halburn. The final order has yet to be issued. Threats are certainly not the approach to take if you're hoping to get a favorable resolution in this case. Kelly not kissing your fat ass is not grounds for recusal.

Enjoy your supervised visits with your son. Enjoy the settlement check you won't be getting.

It's a crime to threaten a judicial officer. 
Kanawha County authorities should heed the warning issued in Halburn's mental evaluation: