PutnamLIES.com correspondent Leonard Bernstein uncovered the blatant copyright violation and contacted the photographer whose rights were violated by Hallburn.
PutnamLIES.com excerpted that email in that story. Upon request of the reporter we are now releasing the entire email exchange.
From: Leonard Bernstein
Subject: photo use on website
To: Bernard Zee
Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 1:22 PM
I noticed one of your photos on a blog located here: http://putnamlive.com/HotShots2009BlueAngelsBernardZee.jpg
(from the main nav page you would go to the "hotshot" section.
(editor's note: Readers will have to cut and paste to see the above link as we will not link to the site.)Which appears to be http://home.comcast.net/~bzee1a/DSC_8128.jpg with your copyright cropped out. Just wondering if you were aware of this?
The owner of this blog tends to snag photos without credit, and seeing how your photos are for sale, I figured the least he would do is give credit for that great photo.
From: Bernard Zee
Date: Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 4:55 PM
Subject: Re: photo use on website
To: Leonard Bernstein
Hi Lenny,
Thanks for letting me know about the picture. You're right in that I did not give them permission to use it (I would have, if they asked).
At least they credited me indirectly in the filename of the image.
I'm very honored that you recognized that picture! You've got a great eye for details!
This picture didn't come from an image service.
If it was submitted by a reader, there was no due diligence to check if the reader owned the photo.
Halburn says he won't print a letter to the editor without a scan of the writer's driver's license.
But apparently he'll post any picture anyone sends him regardless of who owns it.
By the way, did you get a copy of Rick Ray's license for his letter or did you just copy the letter verbatim from the Herald Dispatch, Crisco?
Piracy like this is journalism at its absolute worst, practiced
by an immoral charlatan masquerading as a businessman.
He will stoop to the lowest, most vulgar, vile and disgusting
ploys to deceive the honest, hard-working citizen.
He is the lowest form of scum on the face of the earth.