Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

From me and the woman who supports me.
Happy Thanksgiving from our shack to your'n.

You'd better save me a drumstick, if you know what's good for you bitch!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Handouts Halburn At It Again

More Fun With Freecycle

Before leaving town, that cheap bastard Halburn couldn't help but beg for something for free on his favorite hillbilly giveaway site, Freecycle.
This time it was a computer for his whacked out old man.

Get a load of this:

"My senior citizen father, who lives on the west coast, could use a working notebook computer with wifi to send email, Facebook, etc. At 76, he finally has the desire to join "the computer age." This doesn't have to have a huge hard drive, lots of RAM, etc. Just something so that he can get online. Can you please help?"

Jeezus, you fat fuck. You don't want much do you?
You fly all the way across the country and you can't get him one yourself?
You're making all that money with that lucrative internet advertising shopper, you're getting rich selling that Woodmen of The World insurance and substitute teaching but you're too cheap to buy your dear old demented dad a lousy computer?
Some son you are.

We're pretty sure they sell computers in California. Although with freeloaders like you there Halburn, it's no wonder that the Golden State has become the Welfare State.

You sure it's not for you so you wouldn't have to lug your own porn laden "
notebook computer" across state lines?

You would have wrapped it up and given it to him like you bought it too, wouldn't you crisco?

Now we see why tigers eat their young.
But we guess giving him a computer beats him driving around killing people.

Happy Birthday To Me!

I'm so excited! Someone gave me a makeover for my birthday present before my big trip. I feel so pretty!
Things are really happening for her. Soon she'll be at the top of the pyramid and I'll be cruising around town in a pink Cadillac!

The Trash Bloggers Alliance even sent me this swell cake.

Many thanks, guys!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Halburn To Leave State Tomorrow

Fat Boy to Make Trans-Continental Flight

TSA intelligence sources have notified Putnam's travel desk that Halburn is flying to California tomorrow to surprise his mom and dad on their 50th wedding anniversary at the nursing home where he abandoned them. The surprise will be that he now drools as much as they do, if they even recognize him at all.

After arriving on his birthday, the 17th, he plans to eat all the cake at the party on the 19th. Unfortunately, he will fly home a few days later.

Due to his domestic terrorist status, hopes he gets the full monty search they're giving out at airports and we pity the poor TSA officer that has to give it to him.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Happy Birthday To Lee!

You showed me up to be a fool.
You really took my ass to school.
I have a really shitty life
When my sole support's my wife.

Happy Birthday to a guy that's been making my life hell.

Friday, November 5, 2010



Correctly Calls Publisher "Alleged Journalist"
Halburn Whines

Halburn gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar once again and once again it's some else's fault.
This time it's Putnam County Prosecutor Mark Sorsaia.
It's always someone else's fault with this fat fuck.

After reading about a memo published on, Putnam County's REAL news source, Halburn stole the scans of that memo and wrote an article complaining about his mistreatment. Boo fucking hoo.

"I do not believe that Mr. Halburn at PutnumLive is a legitimate media source," Sorsaia said in the November 1st memo.
You've got that right, Mr. Prosecutor. Nobody does.

Halburn whines that Sorsaia never contacted him about the call from the secretary of State's office.
A prosecutor doesn't phone a suspect to get his side of the story.
No clarification is needed. The memo speaks for itself.

What apparently prompted the memo was a telephone call from the office of West Virginia Secretary of State Natalie E. Tennant.

What prompted the phone call was this: A Jefferson County judge dismissed charges against a newspaper reporter for taking photos inside a polling place. Halburn then called the Secretary of State to let them know his opinion on the case. He was told that the constitutionality of the issue had not been settled and that a lawsuit addressing the law had been filed but not ruled on. Halburn then started giving his legal opinions about the case saying the First Amendment allowed such photography. Other vague statements were made which were interpreted as an intent by him to disrupt the election. Common sense precautions were taken.
Halburn then called Putnam County County Clerk Brian Wood and made the same statements.

Obviously, Halburn's reputation precedes him not only here but at the Secretary of State's office and every other place where they've had to deal with him. Halburn has a long history of making threats just vague enough that he can weasel out of them by maintaining he meant something else.

They've all read his psychiatric evaluation where the report said, "Given his degree of agitation and volatility, threats made by Mr. Halburn should be taken seriously and dealt with appropriately."

And that's exactly what they're doing.

The Secretary of State is merely doing her job by warning county authorities of potential problems. The prosecutor is doing his job by warning law enforcement and the county clerk of the same thing.
He would be remiss in his duties by not doing so.

As far as we know, Halburn has never taken a law course or worked for a legal firm. He also never went to journalism school. While he is not even qualified to be a journalist, he is certainly not qualified to argue the law. We are not sure why Halburn apparently thinks he is an expert about law. In journalism school, reporters are taught to interview all of the key people involved in a situation to get the complete story. They are also taught to report fairly and without bias. Halburn does neither of these.

Halburn later informed Sorsaia that his memo will be turned over as part of a formal complaint to whatever state agency oversees prosecuting attorneys. "Whatever state agency oversees prosecuting attorneys"? He doesn't even know. Whatta maroon.
Halburn says he doesn't know why Sorsaia would attempt to enforce a law that another West Virginia prosecutor has determined is unconstitutional.

Here's why, nonuts. Prosecutors also do not determine the constitutionality of laws. That role belongs to the judges.

Halburn also says that would never photograph an unwilling subject.
He should tell that to the many people that he's photographed or attempted to photograph over the years. It happened last month at the Buffalo Octoberfest.

As for what Sorsaia was told in the conversation with the SOS's office, we do not know. It appears that the information was serious enough though for him to write the memo and warn law enforcement to beware. applauds Mr. Sorsaia for protecting the voters of Putnam County.

In these days where domestic terrorism is rampant, government cannot afford to let its guard down against miscreants who would do the public harm or try to undermine the electoral process.

Related article:

Authorities Fear Halburn May Attempt To Disrupt Election!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Liar Halburn Spotted At Walmart

Big Ass Needs Lots Of Toilet Paper

Halburn claims he doesn't shop at Walmart. We all know better. Well, one of our intrepid reporters shows you the proof.

Convenience triumphs over principles with him. He has no principles anyway, except what benefits him.

Obviously what benefits his sandal wearing fat ass tonight is 12 rolls of toilet paper. How much fucking toilet paper do you need?
Plus, Mr Environmental Awareness probably drove the 200 yards to get to the store.

We're watching you Halburn. 24/7.
The all seeing eye never blinks.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Authorities Fear Halburn May Attempt To Disrupt Election!


BE DEALT WITH HARSHLY!'s election coverage team has been informed that the Secretary of State's office warned Putnam County officials that Mark Halburn may attempt to create a scene and try to disrupt today's general election.
Click to enlarge the images.

If readers spot Halburn at any polling places or government offices they are invited to take HIS picture and send it to us.