Steal A Little, Then Get Caught!
This afternoon Mark Vance Halburn was shopping at the Marietta OH Aldi store. As he exited, THREE police cars pulled up and demanded that he stop. They detained him for 15 minutes while they sorted things out.
An employee there had read's report about Halburn being wanted in Dunbar and dropped a dime on him. He was already known to the company because he was a shopper at the Aldi in Dunbar where he would steal the quarters from carts not connected together.
Since the warrant is for a misdemeanor, Dunbar would not extradite him on an out of state stop, so he was released.
Halburn immediately started throwing threats around.
"SHAME ON ALDI for FALSELY accusing a LONGTIME customer of being a WANTED FELON!!!!!"
Notice he doesn't deny that there is a misdemeanor warrant out for his arrest.
He also demanded that the employee who called be criminally charged and called the report "slanderous".
A police spokesman laughed at that demand. "We're not even going to investigate that. We would never arrest any caller who made a call like that in good faith," he said.
Area residents are still urged to keep their eyes open for him and report any sightings to law enforcement.
Monday, April 30, 2018
The Readers' Voice
Overwhelming Response to Wanted Post
PutnamLIES posted the Mark Halburn wanted story on our Facebook page Thursday afternoon.The response was tremendous.
In 24 hours, the post had almost 27,000 views and 250 shares.
The comments readers left are incredible.
But you know what the most amazing thing is though? Look at how wide the range is of people who have had terrible experiences with him.
No, Mark. It’s not just a few “evil politicians.”
It's from all walks of life. Every single person that he has contact with. And many point out his scams.
NOBODY had anything positive to say about him.
The comments all seem to fall under a few distinct categories.
Let's look at a selection of those, shall we?
"Mark is known at every Walmart in a 50 mile radius. He would find an item that was out of stock, use the Walmart app to buy it using pick up today. Less than a minute after placing the order he would go to the pick up area an demand someone get his item. When he was told we were out of stock, he would claim that the website was falsely advertising, then demand to get a more expensive item for the same price."
"Saw him about 3 weeks ago in Cary NC causing a problem at Walmart about price match."
"He’s tough at Walmart customer service until you start walking out from behind the counter. Fuck him and his busted 10 year old discontinued clothing iron."
"This guy is the worst. I had to deal with him so many times at Walmart. Not an intelligent man at all, but speaks to people like they're garbage. He actively acts out for attention. I try not to speak ill of people, but this dude is just all around no bueno."
"One night I had to stay over at Walmart because he wanted a particular color of clock then he called me an idiot for not being able to find him one. I clocked out and then passed him on way out. He said something smart and I called him a fucking jackass. I told on myself the next day to the store manager and was told... "Yea. He is."
"This guy is in the Nitro Walmart all the time. He's went to jail for phone harassment for a Walmart situation. He is strange."
"This dude is always causing trouble in the at Walmart lol"
"This guy’s name is Mark Halburn and he is the scum of the earth piece of shit. I have dealt with him for years working retail at Kmart and Walmart. Always is offended and wants something for free. Same thing at every restaurant he goes to. Is never satisfied and bitches until he gets his meals free. He’s truly a waste of oxygen."
"This guy is psycho! He came to my work and went nuts when his order wasn't ready and we had to call the police because he refused to leave!"
"I took a call from him when I worked Customer Service at CAMC. He is a major asshole, always talking down to people, and always threatening to sue."
"He called Best Buy (in Huntington) a while back and asked if he could come back into the store."
"Banned at all the banks. About damn time. No more dollar deposits for him."
"Our favorite customer from Portrait Innovations, good ol' Mark Halburn, Holy hell!!! His craziness finally caught up to him."
"He loves to call the utility companies and harass the CSRs...and I do mean HARASSS."
"I remember him being banned by Suddenlink."
"He is known at my work (phone company, Frontier) for all the drama he has caused."
"Lol that one time we saw him returning donated canned foods for cash."
"He was at Kroger in Dunbar, he told me to mind my own business, when I asked him a question!"
"Very rude- I’ve seen him in Kroger’s treating employees like shit"
"I deal with him at Gino's allll the time."
"He was no better at Tudors, trying to get a cheeseburger for a complimentary sausage biscuit."
"He used to come into Sheetz all the time when I worked there. He would steal donuts out of the trash and sit in the lobby all night lol. We had him banned because he would take receipts out of the trash, write a fake code in them and get $1 off his purchase."
"I gave that man an interview when I worked for DIRECTV."
"He used to work at the Comfort Inn when I was the manager."
He interviewed with me for a sales position before I started at the bank. A trained monkey could do the job but I didn't hire him!!!!!"
"He worked at Target and got fired for harassing guests and threatening a manager... he had a restraining order banning him from there for a while."
"He was also a substitute teacher. Yes, I remember him in 2nd or 3rd grade. How lovely Kanawha County lets people like that teach children."
"He subbed a lot at Ben Franklin when I was there! OMG."
"He used to be my substitute teacher, this isn't his first time being in trouble with the law."
"That’s my old substitute teach from Hayes middle lol he substituted at Hayes all the time."
"He subbed at DMS."
"Didn't he sub at South Point?"
"I can NOT believe SHS allowed this man to be our substitute teacher. He is always in jail...."
"I can’t believe he was one of our subs He use to dig in the trash all the time too & stepping on mice.
He’s also been arrested on stalking and harassment charges."
"He sexually harassed a girl who was in my freshman class in high school. I think he was making remarks about her behind. I do know he was actually investigated by the school and parents and was barred from being a substitute, at the time he would substitute in a few week periods. He was a substitute for my history class and he would literally have a Sheetz fountain drink cup every single day, he would also talk about how much he loved Sheetz. Definitely a real creep. He would stand at the front of our classroom with his legs apart as if he was having a search performed on him and he'd move his hips. I'm not sure if he ever got in trouble at any other school but like I said he was a real piece of work.
"I've seen him at some political events I cater. He was sticking food in his camera bag ... he is crazy ."
"Mom the guy next door to you in the apartments."
"I haven’t seen him in awhile."
"He’s creepy as hell! I told Nana and Popie to get him out, but they are scared he’ll just turn on them. He’s a weirdo...I tell them to be on alert at all times around him."
"He used to snap pics ALL THE TIME at the Wave Pool."
"I went out with him a few times."
"He was at a Gospel sing several years ago taking pictures of children! He got caught and was asked to leave!"
"He use to have a kid in daycare where I worked years ago and it was an odd relationship between the two he would say such creepy things to that child"
"I do not play with this mf'er. He is real life psycho. It took one encounter with him for me to be scarred for life. He's a whole other level of shit show that I never wanna deal with again."
As expected, it didn't take long for this dipshit to be a self-fulfilling version of himself. By Saturday, he posted this:
It looks like the crazy fucker is basically going through the comments and shares and is going to start harassing people/bosses. It won't be a surprise if he starts calling places. Maybe even showing up. Probably private messaging people as well.
It proves exactly what everyone is saying.
Just remember, in West Virginia you have no duty to retreat. If you feel your life is in danger, you can use lethal force.
Which takes us back to ... Who steals cans from a place?
You gotta be pretty fucked up to steal bags of aluminum cans right? Like just how broke could you be? A bag is probably only worth about $5.00. That's homeless bum territory. But that's a story for another day.
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Mark Vance Halburn Wanted By Dunbar PD
Allegedly Stole Cans From Recycling Center
An ex-Putnam County man is on theMark Vance Halburn |
Halburn is accused of stealing numerous bags of aluminum cans from the city's recycling center on Charles Avenue in Dunbar and then fleeing.
Dunbar City Garage and Recycling Center |
On Friday, December 22, 2017, Lt. Michael Lester of the Dunbar Police Department was dispatched to the Dunbar City Garage in reference to a larceny. Upon his arrival, he spoke with a city employee who advised the officer of an issue they were having with Mark Halburn stealing recycled cans. The worker stated that he witnessed Mr. Halburn remove cans from the recycle bins, place them in his vehicle and then leave.
After that incident, the worker stated that he set up a video camera by the recycling bin. The video showed Halburn returning in his his vehicle, a silver 2001 Buick LeSabre, WV license 4VV 367. He then exited his vehicle and placed at least three more bags of cans into the vehicle and drove off. This was all viewed by the officer who then swore out a warrant against Halburn.
There may also be an unnamed accomplice.
A warrant was issued for the following charge:
§61-3-13-b Petit Larceny
Halburn is currently on probation for a stalking conviction in Putnam County.
If you see Halburn, do not approach him. Instead, immediately, telephone 911. You can also call the Dunbar Police Department at 304-766-0204.
CashIn Recyclables pays $0.50/lb for aluminum cans. A full trash bag weighs about 5 pounds.
Halburn committed this crime for less than $25.
If this fucker worked half as hard at a real job as he does trying to scam money, he'd be rich.
This will definitely violate his probation in Putnam County. Should be interesting to see how he tries to spin this shit.
Between this, him begging for money on GoFundMe, and moving in with his
probation violation,
Monday, April 16, 2018
Halburn Making Excuses Now
Always splitting hairs
Well, it didn't take long for Mark Vance Halburn to start feeling the heat over his roommate, the child molester. When he publicly answers on his Facebook page, you can bet people are asking him about's article.Let's just examine your statements, shall we, Fatass?
You didn’t say you’re still with Barbara.
You didn’t deny you’re back.
How in the world can you keep a straight face and say they don't live in Raleigh? . The Wake County assessor's office confirms the address AND the basement. You can call it Medfield Estates or Cary or whatever the fuck you want to call it but the zip code and the county says it's Raleigh.
And with a "Fully finished" basement?
And then there's poor old Bob Harper.
"Harper, a 70 year old amputee"
You left out the part that he IS an actual registered sex offender.
Hmmmmm. Look at that address. 49 Tahoe Road.
Don't cloud the issue with facts though, You wouldn't want to confuse your adoring audience.
What kind of sicko molests a little girl?
And what kind of sicko wants to call a molester his friend and roommate?
Were you molested when you were a kid Halburn? Is that why you're fascinated with sex abusers?
"I don't live with Harper"
I live in a building/trailer on the property.
How do we know where you're living?
Because YOU yourself gave that as your address, when asked where to send an advertising check.
Hmmmmm. Look at that address. |
We're sure you have a convoluted explanation. We're just waiting to hear it.
It will be something like, “It’s my MAILING address” or some other bullshit.
Fine … why are you having your shit mailed to a child molester?
Say you don’t live there. Why are you having your shit mailed to a child molester and not to where you’re actually staying?
Because driving 30 minutes out of town and up Bumfuck Holler to pick up your mail is so convenient.
Because driving 30 minutes out of town and up Bumfuck Holler to pick up your mail is so convenient.
Also, the 3rd Degree Sexual Abuse Harper committed is a felony. So you just told everybody that a felon is in possession of several guns, which is really gonna fuck ol’ Pegleg when they execute a search warrant.
Way to throw Bob under the bus, Halburn.
Your friends are limited so we're sure you're scared shitless at this point. When something happens to Buddy Bob, where do you go then?
You'll have to find someone else to leech off of. But look on the bright side. Troy gets out of jail in May.
As expected, Halburn offers the very excuses that we predicted.
child molester,
Friday, April 13, 2018
Returns After Never Really Leaving
After numerous area sightings in the past couple of months, can confirm that Mark Vance Halburn has returned, even if just temporarily.He made this post last night.
And immediately all his flying monkeys start jumping in with prayers.
Why is nobody asking the real question?! It’s like nobody wants to touch the elephant in the room.
What happened to his alleged fiancee Barbara?
And who is this roommate? knows.
It's his one legged child molesting buddy Bob Harper. Halburn is living at Harper's house in Sissonville. knows.
It's his one legged child molesting buddy Bob Harper. Halburn is living at Harper's house in Sissonville.
Halburn and Harper cozy up...again. |
That's right, Halburn is again living with a registered sex offender.
Harper is another disaffected deadbeat dad who owes more than $50,000 in back child support.
Halburn lived with Harper for a time back in 2012 after his failed relocation to South Carolina and it looks like history is repeating itself now.
Halburn is reportedly now living with Harper, shortly after he said in January, "Goodbye Dunbar. Looking forward to life in Fort Mill."
On January 3rd he claimed, "I moved out of WV today."
So now that he's living with Pegleg McKiddietoucher ... where’s Babs?
On January 3rd he claimed, "I moved out of WV today."
So now that he's living with Pegleg McKiddietoucher ... where’s Babs?
Looks like she got tired of his non-working sponging ass and gave him the old heave ho. Everybody has a limit. Even barren spinsters.
We thought it was odd that Babs’s FB page has five featured photos but none of them are her husband to be ... I’m betting though, one of them is her late husband.
Also ... his birthday message to her is weird. Not tagging her or anything personal .
She didn’t even “like” his birthday post, or his Valentine's Day greeting where he proclaimed his love for her, or any post he made to her page for that matter.
This is a guy who used to take to Facebook to share every thought that entered his head
She didn’t even “like” his birthday post, or his Valentine's Day greeting where he proclaimed his love for her, or any post he made to her page for that matter.
This is a guy who used to take to Facebook to share every thought that entered his head
But there's nothing about Barbara, or LIFE IS GOOD or anything.
He wants everyone to believe he left his alleged fiancee, (who allegedly has so many health problems that he claimed he couldn't be incarcerated because she needed him as a caregiver) left her side and moved in with a child molester to take care of him after his heart attack?
And no one even asks WTF?
And no one even asks WTF?
This guy never really gets his lies straight because he never tells the truth.
He might need to change his relationship on Facebook to "it's complicated", or "Living with a Child Molester."
As in his past out-of-state ventures, Mark Vance Halburn has failed once again and returned yet again, like a bad case of the clap, to reinfest West Virginia, even if only a temporary measure.
Halburn has had an on-going fascination with sex offenders for years and now we know the reason why. He enjoys their company.
It's no wonder the court has barred this degenerate from seeing his son until at least May 2019
So you know his response now is going to be something like, “I didn’t say I was moving to the Carolinas, I just said Goodbye Dunbar.”
child molester,
Monday, April 2, 2018
Halburn Plagiarizes Carmichael Response
Fat bag of dicks literally steals from the Gazette. Again.
Once again, Mark Vance Halburn has blatantly plagiarized another newspaper article from the Charleston Gazette-Mail.This time it is a response from Senate President Mitch Carmichael to an AFL-CIO authored op-ed that ran in the paper on March 21st.
And in plagiarizing it from the Gazette, Halburn eliminated the context in the first paragraph because he had to conceal what Carmichael was writing in response to. He removed the hyperlink as well as the title of that story.
It's not like it was a general letter to the editor that Halburn could steal and then pass off that it was sent to his blog. It was a direct response to an op-ed that ran only in the Gazette.
There is no way in the world that the President of the West Virginia Senate would send that article to him as a letter to the editor responding to an op-ed in the Gazette. What would be the point of that?
Halburn is a guy who has never missed an opportunity to bully, threaten, harass, and jam a camera in the face of a person who has the misfortune of representing the district where Halburn's fake blog is based. When it comes time to clear the air, that's certainly not going to be the first place Carmichael runs to get the message out.
Halburn ends the stolen article with a "Publisher's note" which reads in part, "The columnist’s expressed opinions and information provided are his own..."
They weren't provided, you dipshit. You stole them.
Halburn continues to demonstrate his lack of ethics and integrity by plagiarizing text and publishing it, and by lying to his “readers” by acting like it was sent to him as a letter.
A practice like this is business at its absolute worst, practiced by an immoral charlatan masquerading as a journalist. Halburn will stoop to the lowest, most vulgar, vile, and disgusting ploys to deceive the honest, hard-working citizen. He is the lowest form of scum on the face of the earth.
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