Friday, February 26, 2010

Back In the Saddle Again

Recognize this?

A lovely image of winter 2010 in West Virginia?
It's Bella Vista, Arkansas.

Which picture is the original?

If you guessed the latest "Hot Shots" contribution to the douchebag's cluttered advertising shopping blog you'd be wrong.

Submitted? More like stolen.
Notice the submitter's name isn't given. A sure tip-off of a ripoff.

Lo and behold, it was stolen from here:

Last week it was permission, this week it's back to theft.
It takes a thief.
Same old Halburn.
Fucking scumbag.

UPDATE: As of March 8, Halburn was notified of his theft by the photographer. We'll see how long it takes him to comply.

UPDATED UPDATE: It took the content thief three weeks to pull the picture.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Halburn Asks for Permission to Run Photo

In a stunning reversal of past practices, long time content thief Mark Halburn has actually asked for permission to run a photograph.
This picture, taken by talented area photographer Melanie Kipp, was used in his Hot Shots section after she granted him permission.
He says she submitted it. We seriously doubt that.

This is the first time in recorded history that Halburn has asked a photographer for permission to use an image before the fact.

This is just one more example where has forced Halburn to act in an ethical manner. Not because he knows it's the right thing to do, but because he knows we are here to make sure he does it.
How long this will last or if it is a one time aberration is anybody's guess.
We remain vigilant.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Screaming Disrupts Homes At 4:10 a.m.

Halburn was apparently confused from lack of oxygen so we had to make some corrections to his latest screed.

"While most of Putnam County was sleeping, Tuesday,

neighbors of the Hurricane Walmart wereHalburn was treated to a rude awakening: A loud snow plow at 4:10 a.m."

When do you suggest they do plow, nonuts? When the lot is full of cars? It's not like you have to get up and go to work anyway.

"The racket Halburn's screaming woke adults, (and) a toddler, as the plow slammed into Walmart's parking lot and the irritating reverse beeps whining kept the neighbors,all the Halburns awake.
Two calls to Walmart's manager were disconnected by the store, and an email to Hurricane Mayor Scott D. Edwards, who refuses to force the store to put in a sound wall and trees, was not returned."

Didn't you get the letter, crisco? Let me explain it to you.

Here's the letter again, for those of you on Grace Drive.

But,, being a civic minded company, is willing to help. staff artist representation

Here's your fucking wall, you greedy bastard. We even decorated it for you because we know you'd immediately start bitching about what an eyesore it is. Your house sits 12 feet above the road. Do you have any idea how tall a wall would have to be to block anything?

"Neighbors have been enduring the excessive noise since construction started more than a year before the store opened."

Neighbors have been enduring YOUR excessive bitching since you moved to town. Long before the Walmart was even started. The entire county is sick of it.

"On a related note, a trash blog that accurately uses the word "Lies" in its title has posted some video shot in the quietest corner of Walmart's parking lot on a quieter weekday afternoon."

You're damn right that the word "Lies" in our title is accurate. Because we expose YOUR lies, shithead. It's good to see you finally admit it. And the trash we're taking out is YOU.
You're the one that said the noise was everyday, 24 hours a day. So now you're admitting it's not so. Which is it? Just another in a long line of Halburn and lies.

"The video does not show Walmart's 4:10 a.m. snowplow or the endless stream of noisy cars and trucks entering Walmart's parking lot from directly in front of the neighbor's Halburn's second wife's longtime home. The video, like the "Lies" trash blog, has no credibility."

How about we come up and shoot more video then, fuckstick? Because that will show the same thing. There's not an endless stream of noisy cars. There's no excessive noise. Believe us, we'll be back.
And you want to talk about credibility? Who was the whiny bitch that pulled down the Walmart blog because he couldn't take the heat from people calling him out on his bullshit and lies? That's right, it was you.
We knew it was only a matter of time before you missed the attention and put it back up. You're so predictable. You can't help yourself.

How's that journal for your son working out you selfish fuck? That's what we want to know.

This is what your cluttered little advertising shopper has been all along.
Personal opinion, sprinkled liberally with stolen content and plagiarism palmed off as "news" to a bunch of gullible readers.

Putnam neighbors are telling YOU to get a clue, fatboy.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Laugh Of The Day

From a back issue of the Scrote's news blog:

" is NOT a cluttered advertising shopper. We do not overwhelm our news pages with ugly ads. Therefore, space is limited in order to deliver a quality news and issues product to our readers and advertisers!"

Not cluttered? Ugly Ads?
Did you even read what you wrote?
That's the ugliest website I've ever seen outside of myspace, which is the ghetto of teh internets. Seriously Halburn, 1996 called, they want their web design skillz back.

It's all I can do to leave this site alone. It's like the walls closing in on Indiana Jones.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

From the Putnam County Cupid!

Especially to Walmart, AEP, PCDA, Scott Edwards, Steve Andes, Raymond "Joe" Haynes (do the Amish even celebrate Valentine's Day?), Mike Hall, Patti Schoen, Gary Walton, Ben Newhouse, Girl of Words, Lee, Lenny, Tyler Hollywood, Tybois, Harry Stamper and all the great readers and commenters at!

I have a heart on for all of you!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Won't Build Sound Wall Or Plant Trees

For the third time in as many weeks I received yet another gut punch.

First it was the WV Supreme Court's unanimous denial of my lawsuit appeal, then I was convicted of trespassing and now Walmart has denied my lifelong dream of them building a sound wall in front of my second wife's house.

I'm a three time loser this year. And February's not even half over.

And of course I've got to spout off about it so once again I try to pass off an opinion piece as "business news".

First of all, the "Atlanta" Walmart I use as an example is 20 miles away from Atlanta. It isn't even in the Atlanta loop. It's so far OTP (outside the perimeter) that it's not even funny.
And secondly, it does have an apartment complex right next to it, and other residential on the sides, but notice I don't show the street view, because that would show that there are no walls anywhere. Hah! You fools!

Now closer to home.

The "busy" Walmart that generates so much "excessive noise"
Look at all the cars.

"Imagine living next to a neighbor that makes or attracts excessive noise day-after-day, 24-hours a day, and gets away with it. In Hurricane, it isn't imagination, it's a sad reality."

I have to imagine it because that neighbor doesn't exist.
The only sad reality here is the one I live in.

Let's go to the videotape:

Shocking isn't it? It's like this 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can hardly hear yourself think over the silence.

"Hurricane Mayor Scott D. Edwards and State Senator William "Mike" Hall have arrogantly told neighbors to switch zoning instead of simply passing and enforcing a noise ordinance that would be fair to everyone."

You know what would be fair? Me doing something for myself instead of putting the burden on the taxpayers of Putnam County. Why should they pay for my greed?
I want a noise ordinance passed instead of changing the zoning.
This is how it always is with me. Why should I have to do anything? Let someone else do it for me.
I know all a noise ordinance would do is address out of the ordinary noise. There is nothing in this case that is out of the ordinary. Any noise here is the expected noise that occurs in any business area. But you know what? I don't care. Never have. Never will. I'M MARK HALBURN, BITCHES!!!

"Of course, the politicians, who preach "We want jobs" could simply get grant money to buy the neighbors out and redevelop the neighborhood, bringing jobs and revenue that benefit everyone."

Now, has come up with a solution.
The solution is for the county to take my second wife's land under eminent domain.
The county pays her the full amount the land is assessed for. Using their own tax estimates, the house is worth $89,100. That's the fair market value. Can you imagine the fit I'd throw if the county valued the house at the price I'm asking for it? That's why I accept their appraisal as the true value.
Is seizing the land for the greater good of the community? You bet your ass it is if it gets me out of town.
It's a win-win for everyone.

My second wife had the opportunity to sell the house years ago and I wouldn't let her. I bet, I lost. Now I have to live with it.

I'd like to take the money and get the hell out of West Virginia. And maybe, on the way out, drive into a bridge abutment. I don't worry though, because does not publish fatal accident photographs out of sensitivity to the family and friends of the victim. That makes me feel better.

"A broker recently met with three homeowners and is trying to meet with the owner of one other home and the crane yard across the street from Walmart in order to market the area as a group. But a sale could be months away."

More like years.
You know why?
It's now a buyer's market. Nobody is going to pay me the price I want. Nobody. How many brokers is this now? I've lost count. They were all INCOMPETENT anyway. If they couldn't sell it at the peak of the boom I don't know what makes me think they can do it now.

"Friends of the store and out-of-state bloggers have attacked as well as family members of this publisher, forcing the removal of the Enduring the Hurricane Walmart blog."

There are some bloggers in other states that are on my ass, but is right here in my own backyard.
I know it. I just can't accept the fact that there are people here who hate me besides the pinhead politicians.
And I'm right when I say
they don't hear the noise. Because it doesn't exist.I know they're at the Hurricane Walmart several times weekly at all hours. I know they're there. I see them through my curtains. I can hear them talking about me.
I chose, for the second time, to remove my whine-fest. I got tons of shit over my lies in it and I couldn't take the heat. Nobody forced me to do anything.
It's not so fun when someone does it to me.

This is just another rehash of the never ending whining that
I've been doing since I came to West Virginia. No wonder people wish I'd just STFU and go away.

Happy Birthday to Our Favorite Girl of Words!

I have a special little birthday "package" for you.
I'd like to deliver it in person but, you know.

Happy birthday anyway!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Halburn Accuses City of Vote Irregularities

Hurricane's excess levy election was held last week. On Saturday those votes were counted and voters approved the levy 241-138.
The levy provides $338,000 in funds for police and street paving.

But Halburn immediately questioned the legitimacy of the election.

Because they refused him admittance into City Hall while the vote was being counted. He says the police harassed him. They made him stand outside in the cold weather.
Man up, you pussy.

This doesn't taint the vote, fuckstick.
All it does is prevent YOU from disrupting the process.
You may recall it is YOU that is the person that has vilified Scott Edwards from day one.
YOU, the person that disparages the police and fire departments.
YOU, the person that has a vendetta against every government official that doesn't kiss his fat ass.
And then you condemn them for not cooperating with you?
Why should they?

They don't owe you anything.
The law doesn't require them to let you in.
They can exclude anyone who might interfere with the counting process.
You qualify for that.

Get this through your thick skull, asshole, you're not the media. You're a dick with a poorly designed web site. That doesn't get you any more access than anyone else.

Edwards isn't trying to hide anything. He's trying to keep you from douching up the process.

I'm sure you'll file some sort of complaint accusing somebody of something. You're a habitual complainer. And make sure you forward that complete email (all headers) you allegedly received. Forward it to us too if it's real. We'll be checking on your threat of a complaint.
So go ahead. Waste some more taxpayer money. It's not like you're actually paying any taxes anyway.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fun with Twitter

We noticed some traffic coming from Twitter on Saturday morning and decided to take a look to see what the commotion was and found the following amusing exchange:

SarahWV:# WOW. I started my own local blog because I disliked a hateful local blog, wanted people to find good things if they Googled us ...

SarahWV:# This blog is in response to the one I disliked ... ... Just ... WOW.

FightingFor: wow! That's a life giving family friendly website! (note extreme sarcasm)

daniels313: wow! That looks just like his site. Too funny. That guy used to wear me out with advertising requests. Sweaty nasty dude.

SoldInTheCityDC: can't quite make out the entire subject matter of the blog! I'm getting Putnam County, the basis I'm assuming is frustration...

SoldInTheCityDC: and if that weren't enough to confuse me....the dude in the speedo....illlllllllll

SarahWV: Guy in the speedo is the author of a nasty local blog that pretends it's real news. This site looks like his, is about him.

SoldInTheCityDC: I think I've recovered....

SarahWV: I don't even know what to say about it. Not a fan of the guy either, but this doesn't help Putnam's online image either.

SoldInTheCityDC: Forget being ashamed about the blog...he needs to warn people before stepping out like that!! #myeyes

SarahWV:# RT @fightingfor: @SarahWV wow! That's a life giving family friendly website! (note extreme sarcasm)Dude earned it, but geeeeesh!

SarahWV: I could do with never seeing that speedo again myself. Loved your #myeyes tag! :D

daniels313: I didn't read too much yet, but it was quite interesting to say the least

SarahWV: Well, if it helps people understand the background/bias of the other site, I suppose it's a plus. So ... got much snow? :)

And that's exactly what we're doing. Exposing Halburn for what he is. A bully, a fraud and a charlatan with no ethics. We're here to let anyone who looks see exactly who he is and what he's up to.

If you're really concerned with Putnam's online image, encourage your friends and neighbors not to read his site and let his advertisers know that you won't do business with them until they stop advertising with him.
The one thing that would help Putnam's online image is this guy going away and leaving us alone.
Because we can assure you that we'll be here one day longer than he will.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

This Is The City

Charleston, West Virginia.

It's the capital of West Virginia. It's a great place to live and work.
There are lots of things to do here.

You can take in a baseball game,

go for a hike in the forest,

or go boating on the river.

There's plenty of space for everybody here, both public and private.
Most West Virginians respect the law and other people's property.
When they don't, I go to work. I carry a badge.

It was Sunday, August the 30th. It was hot in the Kanawha Valley. The boss is Mike Rutherford. My name's Vernon.
I was on a department scuba training at the Shawnee golf course pool. The pool had been closed to the general public for a long period of time and had been made available for our training.

While in the pool training, I observed a white male approach and enter the pool area through a closed and posted gate. The male, later identified as Mr. Mark Halburn, came through the gate and into the pool area.
At this time I identified myself as a Kanawha County Sheriff deputy and asked how I could help Mr. Halburn.
Halburn immediately became defensive as he raised his voice and demanded that he was "going to swim". I attempted several times to explain to Halburn that this facility was closed and that we were training. Halburn refused to comply with multiple requests to leave the pool area.
He became agitated and continued to walk toward us at an elevated position in pool area with his hands in his pockets. Halburn continued to refuse to leave the area as he demanded that he was going to swim in this pool regardless because we were.
Halburn was cited for trespassing and had to be escorted off the property by law enforcement.

On January 27th 2010, trial was held in Magistrate Court of Kanawha County.
The defendant, Mark Vance Halburn was found guilty of trespassing. He was fined $250 plus an additional $159.50 in court costs. The case is now pending appeal.

Publisher’s note: The above is taken directly from the criminal complaint in the case of State of West Virginia v. Mark V. Halburn. Kanawha County case 09m-10170.
A criminal complaint is a legal document that is usually filled out by a law enforcement officer presenting evidence to a judge or magistrate. The judicial official determined that the evidence presented in this case was enough to convict. The defendant is now considered guilty since he was convicted in a court of law.