Monday, December 25, 2017
Monday, December 18, 2017
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Mark Halburn Out Of Jail!!!
The Bad News?
No One Shanked Him

Day 13 was lucky for Mark Vance Halburn.He was released from jail this afternoon after being jailed on November 29 for violating a Family Court order.
Has he learned his lesson?
He better have.
One thing is for sure. Judge Patricia Keller isn’t afraid of him in the least, or his band of disaffected losers.
She locked his ass right the fuck up.
And she will again if he gives her a reason.
family court,
Monday, December 4, 2017
Down The Memory Hole II
Sunday, Mark Vance Halburn’s hate blog disappeared. Not completely
though. All the pages have been replaced with a placeholder that says,
“Please Be Patient
Site under Maintenance”

It probably should read,
“Please Be Patient
Publisher in Jail”
He has obviously gotten one of his associates, or more likely his sugar mama Barbara, to turn off all access to his fake news blog.
Shortly after that, his personal Facebook page and both of the Facebook pages that he uses to pimp his blog were disabled as well.
The most likely explanation for this is that there was some content on there that violated the family court order that he is currently in jail for violating and he’s hoping that will help get him out.
Halburn can be held indefinitely until he complies with the order. In the past, he was ordered not to discuss the case on his blog or social media. This seem to point to something similar.
Sugar mama Barbara is out collecting checks from “advertisers” while Halburn is in jail. Do you think she’s telling them that their ads aren’t being seen?
Less than 5 hours after he was released from jail, he reactivated his personal Facebook page. Shortly after that, his fake news hate blog reappeared. The blog had been scrubbed of any banned references, save one, which was removed in the overnight hours. His personal FB page, however, still has numerous, numerous, numerous pictures of his second ex-wife as well as screencaps of text messages, etc.
“Please Be Patient
Site under Maintenance”

It probably should read,
“Please Be Patient
Publisher in Jail”
He has obviously gotten one of his associates, or more likely his sugar mama Barbara, to turn off all access to his fake news blog.
Shortly after that, his personal Facebook page and both of the Facebook pages that he uses to pimp his blog were disabled as well.
The most likely explanation for this is that there was some content on there that violated the family court order that he is currently in jail for violating and he’s hoping that will help get him out.
Halburn can be held indefinitely until he complies with the order. In the past, he was ordered not to discuss the case on his blog or social media. This seem to point to something similar.
Sugar mama Barbara is out collecting checks from “advertisers” while Halburn is in jail. Do you think she’s telling them that their ads aren’t being seen?
Less than 5 hours after he was released from jail, he reactivated his personal Facebook page. Shortly after that, his fake news hate blog reappeared. The blog had been scrubbed of any banned references, save one, which was removed in the overnight hours. His personal FB page, however, still has numerous, numerous, numerous pictures of his second ex-wife as well as screencaps of text messages, etc.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
The New Mugshot Is Here!!!
Here’s Mark Vance Halburn’s new mugshot.
And just in time for Christmas.
Is that a neck or a chin or what?
80% chins. 20% head. 0% brains.
And just in time for Christmas.
Is that a neck or a chin or what?
80% chins. 20% head. 0% brains.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017
He's In The Jailhouse Now
Silver Bracelets For…
Mark Vance Halburn
He’s back in jail!!!He was arrested today for violating a Family Court order. The case number has a D which makes it a domestic case. So it has something to do with his never ending divorce case. Probably contempt of court.
He was booked into Western Regional Jail at 5:50 pm this afternoon.
Our guess is that it has something to do with his appearance in a fringe video, threatening Judge Keller by saying, “I’m coming for you Judge Keller”, and violating a standing order to not discuss his case in public.

Does this violate his probation in Putnam County?
Magistrate Hunt clearly told him, “Understand me, If you violate that probation, I will have no choice whatsoever but to put you in jail for (90 days).”
BUT… Family Court is a civil court so probably not. This is a civil, not a criminal matter. So he is being held in civil contempt.
BUT… That means the judge can hold Halburn for as long as she wants until he complies with her orders.
Monday, November 27, 2017
Citizen’s Arrest!
Pussy Mark Vance Halburn talks big but doesn’t have the sack to back up his lippy rhetoric.
Seems he’s aligned himself with a bunch of fringe groups consisting of paranoid losers, malcontents, and disgruntled unfit parents who claim to be out to “reform the system.” Many of these are borderline sovereign citizen types.
The latest whackadoo he’s latched onto for his crusade is a woman who started a “group,” of "advocates", called the “National Coalition Family Court & CPS Reform”, which seems to consist of 8-10 fringe nutjobs from each state.

She has declared January 3, 2018 as “National Citizens Arrest Day” where she and her gang of Gomers plan to go after judges, CPS workers and others involved with the family court system and place them under citizen’s arrest. She’s having her minions post names and photos of judges and other court workers on her Facebook page. Some of the posts appear to come real close to making terroristic threats.
It’s odd though that Mr. Court Reform hasn’t posted the names of any of his persecutors on her list.
This is a guy who for months has been going on the worst produced and engineered internet radio talkshow in existence, beating his gums about judges and how he’s going to show up at events to ask “the hard questions” to judicial candidates and bad mouthing every person associated with his never ending family court case.
And now, showing up at a seedy hotel room in Parkersburg to appear on the above woman’s vanity video project in order to verbally bully and threaten the current judge and guardian ad litem who are overseeing his case. Tough guy talked about how he’s going to put all sorts of stuff about the judge on the internet. He’s swinging his dick around looking into the camera saying things like, “I’m coming for you Judge Keller” and then … he has it pulled off within hours after it appears.
Because at the end of the day, Crisco, you know you can’t do shit.
Last night on his Facebook page he tried to whip his crowd of flying
monkeys into a froth by announcing the event. Most didn’t seem to be
taken with the idea.
“Gee, what could possibly go wrong?”
“Attempting a citizens arrest of a judge could get someone killed.”
“There is no way this citizens arrest thing could possibly end in a positive way”
“It’s got a nonsensical sovereign citizen hype vibe to me.”
“Don’t sound like the best idea.
“I think anyone that participates in this is off their rocker, and will more then likely end up in jail themselves.”
“Or a psych facility… This is all bad…”
And of course Halburn trots out his standard non-denial denial. “I didn’t say I was participating… Only reporting…”
“I didn’t say he was on crack, I just asked the question.”
If the response had been, “This is awesome, you’re a hero, you go” he would have been all about it.
And he may still be.
His angle will probably be, “I’m a reporter. I’m just here covering the event.”
Ask that other reporter who showed his ass at the Capitol earlier this year how that worked out for him.
Why his lack of participation?
Fear of jail. He’s scared shitless of getting locked up again.
All talk, no action.
UPDATE: So now the flip flops have started with these assclowns. The furious backpedaling began shortly after we posted this story. The explanation now is they didn’t mean go out and actually arrest anybody. “That comes later,” their crazed leader tells her drooling audience.
Even though Halburn, a so-called “team member” wrote on his hate blog that the group “is collecting names of CPS and Family Court officials and judges and plans to place them in silver bracelets because of their misconduct.
PutnumCountyNews.com plans to cover the local arrests and bring you photographs.”
Now they say they mean arresting the nation by not buying anything. The sheep have been instructed not to buy gas, coffee, cigarettes, beer, groceries, crack, anything. Don’t go to work, banks, the post office . Don’t use electricity, phones or internet. They actually think Walmart is going to close that day. They think they’re going to shut down the country.
We have news for these losers. What their “arrest” calls for is the lackeys swearing off using or buying things for a day. All that does is shift their purchases by a couple of days at most. Because the “arrest” doesn’t call on consumers to make a sacrifice by actually giving up something, the threat it poses is a hollow one.
Not buying things on a designated day might make people feel better by providing them a chance to vent their anger at “the man”, but the action isn’t going to have any real impact on anything.
Those who really want to send a “message” to “the man” should try not buying anything for several months in a row. See how dedicated they are to the cause then.
The effect of a couple hundred disaffected parents not buying anything for a day will make absolutely no difference to the economy or the courts. There’s not a court in the land that is going to take notice of this buffoonery, much less change anything about the way they operate because a bunch of gullible Gomers didn’t buy coffee & smokes for a day.
So the story is now “arrest” = don’t buy anything.
What it really means is “this effort” = bullshit.
Seems he’s aligned himself with a bunch of fringe groups consisting of paranoid losers, malcontents, and disgruntled unfit parents who claim to be out to “reform the system.” Many of these are borderline sovereign citizen types.
The latest whackadoo he’s latched onto for his crusade is a woman who started a “group,” of "advocates", called the “National Coalition Family Court & CPS Reform”, which seems to consist of 8-10 fringe nutjobs from each state.

She has declared January 3, 2018 as “National Citizens Arrest Day” where she and her gang of Gomers plan to go after judges, CPS workers and others involved with the family court system and place them under citizen’s arrest. She’s having her minions post names and photos of judges and other court workers on her Facebook page. Some of the posts appear to come real close to making terroristic threats.
It’s odd though that Mr. Court Reform hasn’t posted the names of any of his persecutors on her list.
This is a guy who for months has been going on the worst produced and engineered internet radio talkshow in existence, beating his gums about judges and how he’s going to show up at events to ask “the hard questions” to judicial candidates and bad mouthing every person associated with his never ending family court case.
And now, showing up at a seedy hotel room in Parkersburg to appear on the above woman’s vanity video project in order to verbally bully and threaten the current judge and guardian ad litem who are overseeing his case. Tough guy talked about how he’s going to put all sorts of stuff about the judge on the internet. He’s swinging his dick around looking into the camera saying things like, “I’m coming for you Judge Keller” and then … he has it pulled off within hours after it appears.
Because at the end of the day, Crisco, you know you can’t do shit.
![]() |
I’m coming for you Judge Keller |
“Gee, what could possibly go wrong?”
“Attempting a citizens arrest of a judge could get someone killed.”
“There is no way this citizens arrest thing could possibly end in a positive way”
“It’s got a nonsensical sovereign citizen hype vibe to me.”
“Don’t sound like the best idea.
“I think anyone that participates in this is off their rocker, and will more then likely end up in jail themselves.”
“Or a psych facility… This is all bad…”
And of course Halburn trots out his standard non-denial denial. “I didn’t say I was participating… Only reporting…”
“I didn’t say he was on crack, I just asked the question.”
If the response had been, “This is awesome, you’re a hero, you go” he would have been all about it.
And he may still be.
His angle will probably be, “I’m a reporter. I’m just here covering the event.”
Ask that other reporter who showed his ass at the Capitol earlier this year how that worked out for him.
Why his lack of participation?
Fear of jail. He’s scared shitless of getting locked up again.
All talk, no action.
UPDATE: So now the flip flops have started with these assclowns. The furious backpedaling began shortly after we posted this story. The explanation now is they didn’t mean go out and actually arrest anybody. “That comes later,” their crazed leader tells her drooling audience.
Even though Halburn, a so-called “team member” wrote on his hate blog that the group “is collecting names of CPS and Family Court officials and judges and plans to place them in silver bracelets because of their misconduct.
PutnumCountyNews.com plans to cover the local arrests and bring you photographs.”
Now they say they mean arresting the nation by not buying anything. The sheep have been instructed not to buy gas, coffee, cigarettes, beer, groceries, crack, anything. Don’t go to work, banks, the post office . Don’t use electricity, phones or internet. They actually think Walmart is going to close that day. They think they’re going to shut down the country.
We have news for these losers. What their “arrest” calls for is the lackeys swearing off using or buying things for a day. All that does is shift their purchases by a couple of days at most. Because the “arrest” doesn’t call on consumers to make a sacrifice by actually giving up something, the threat it poses is a hollow one.
Not buying things on a designated day might make people feel better by providing them a chance to vent their anger at “the man”, but the action isn’t going to have any real impact on anything.
Those who really want to send a “message” to “the man” should try not buying anything for several months in a row. See how dedicated they are to the cause then.
The effect of a couple hundred disaffected parents not buying anything for a day will make absolutely no difference to the economy or the courts. There’s not a court in the land that is going to take notice of this buffoonery, much less change anything about the way they operate because a bunch of gullible Gomers didn’t buy coffee & smokes for a day.
So the story is now “arrest” = don’t buy anything.
What it really means is “this effort” = bullshit.
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Inquiring Minds
So Mark Vance Halburn says we screwed up.

What did we screw up?
The fact you haven’t seen your son since June because of a restraining order? No, not a screw up. The truth.
The fact that Judge Keller has forbidden you from seeing your son for the next 18 months? No, not a screw up. The truth.
The fact that you were found guilty by a jury and sentenced to two years probation and two years of mental treatment? No, not a screw up. The truth.
You know who screwed up, Halburn?
YOU screwed up.

What did we screw up?
The fact you haven’t seen your son since June because of a restraining order? No, not a screw up. The truth.
The fact that Judge Keller has forbidden you from seeing your son for the next 18 months? No, not a screw up. The truth.
The fact that you were found guilty by a jury and sentenced to two years probation and two years of mental treatment? No, not a screw up. The truth.
You know who screwed up, Halburn?
YOU screwed up.
You know, for someone who doesn’t read this site, you sure do complain about what’s written on it a lot.
What exactly did we screw up, fatboy? Why don’t you tell us?
You like to flap your liver lips. Tell us, pussy. Leave a comment. Take as much space as you need.
What exactly did we screw up, fatboy? Why don’t you tell us?
You like to flap your liver lips. Tell us, pussy. Leave a comment. Take as much space as you need.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
546 Days
In addition to the ongoing restraining order that has forbidden Mark Vance Halburn from seeing his son since June, he received more bad news on Friday.
The judge in his never-ending family court case, Cabell County Family Court Judge Patricia Keller, has issued an order that bars Halburn from seeing his son for an additional 18 MONTHS!
In addition, he must post a $4000 bond if he wants to appeal the order.
Looks like he’ll have to find another prop to use instead of his kid for his upcoming nuptials to his sugar mama Barbara .

If Halburn keeps this shit up, the next time he gets his picture taken with his son, it will look like this.

restraining order
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Summer Camp Follies
Halburn’s Harassment Goes Too Far
Loses Visitation With Son
So, what’s Mark Vance Halburn’s vendetta against the Nazarene Church all about?
Here’s a partial explanation.
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West Virginia Nazarene Camp in Summersville |
Shortly before the camp got underway, Halburn found out the boy would be attending camp there, and began harassing the camp operators relentlessly.
He started publicly on May 27 by asking on his Facebook page: “FB friends: Would you allow your child to attend a church camp, in less than a month, that was cited for 15 violations, by its county health department, a few days ago?”
Nice overuse of commas, by the way, from a so-called professional writer.
He wasn’t worried about the condition of the camp or concerned for the campers. It was just another one of his attempts to harass, abuse, control, and punish his second ex-wife by preventing his son from attending that camp.
He complained non-stop that the camp had health code violations. He actually went to the camp on June 2 and met with an inspector for the Nicholas County Health Department there.
Were there violations? Yes. Minor violations like peeling paint, burned out light bulbs, and missing mulch on the playground. The inspection was made a month BEFORE THE CAMP EVEN OPENED and all violations were corrected before it opened.
It’s a CHURCH CAMP, not a Hilton resort.
On June 15, a hearing was held in Cabell County and over Halburn’s objections, the mother was granted the right to send the boy to camp.
Once the camp started, the harassment increased.
Halburn inundated the camp director with texts.
The director finally texted Halburn telling him he was not allowed on camp grounds.
But on Wednesday, June 21, Halburn returned to the camp anyway. At that point, HE called the Sheriff’s Department and demanded they help him get to the boy.
When they arrived, they escorted him onto the camp grounds. Because the police brought him onto property, he was not trespassing.
Halburn’s plans were unknown. What did exactly he want? To see the boy? To talk to him? To kidnap him? It was unclear.
Think of how embarrassing it would be for a 9 year old to have his 400 pound, sweating bully of a dad barge into his camp with a police escort demanding to see you where you’re with other kids. This poor little boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.
Despite his efforts, Halburn was not allowed to see the boy and was was escorted off the property.
Shortly thereafter, a protective order was issued in Cabell County.
The kicker here?
It wasn’t the Nazarene Church that got the order.
The DVP was issued to the mother on behalf of the son.
It states Halburn cannot directly or indirectly contact his second ex-wife or the boy.
It has since been extended.
The Dad of the Year has not seen the boy since late June.
However, Halburn has had it in for the Nazarene Church for much longer. It could be connected to his Matusic obsession as well.
Dr. Matusic tells that part of the story:
“My ex-wife’s Winfield Daycare was scheduled to move into the Teays Valley Nazarene Church on Teays Valley road in August of 2013. Mr. Halburn’s child was still enrolled at the daycare. When Mr. Halburn found out where we were moving, he called many of the church board’s members and threatened to sue them if they allowed our daycare to move to their church. The church board then terminated our lease, effectively closing that daycare.”
Halburn even posted video of him going to that church to harass them about it.
Three months later Halburn attempted an explanation for his actions concerning the camp .
“I run a news site. I do kitchen inspections. I did one on a Nazarene camp where they sent my son.
I’ve done it on many camps and 280 locations I’ve done kitchen inspections on. The health department does them. I just report the facts.
The camp had 15 violations which is
about 3 times what other camps have had. And I met with a health
department administrator by appointment, Next thing I know they’re
falsely accusing me of taking pictures of the girl’s dorm.
One, I didn’t take pictures. two, I (unintelligble). and three, there were no girls because the camp wasn’t even in session for two and a half weeks later. But yet they went ahead and lied and said that I did that. We have an affidavit from the health department administrator saying I didn’t take pictures. None of this matters to the court. All they say is well you can’t see your son.”
Except Halburn DID take pictures at the Camp on his June 2 visit.One, I didn’t take pictures. two, I (unintelligble). and three, there were no girls because the camp wasn’t even in session for two and a half weeks later. But yet they went ahead and lied and said that I did that. We have an affidavit from the health department administrator saying I didn’t take pictures. None of this matters to the court. All they say is well you can’t see your son.”
![]() |
One of the pictures of the camp Halburn claims he didn’t take. |
What kind of asshole harasses a church and its leadership ?
It’s not their fault this godless heathen’s obsession with his blog, his vendettas against virtually everyone, and his abuse of his second ex-wife destroyed his marriage.
It’s not their fault that he had almost no visitation and now has NO visitation.
That’s ALL on him and his aberrant behavior.
It’s your fault Halburn. All of it.
You walked away from your family through your actions and bad decisions.
How’s that crusading journalist bullshit working out for you now?
Friday, October 13, 2017
Observations From The Sentencing
Just a brief wrap up on the sentencing.
With the threat of an extended jail sentence hanging over his client’s head, Halburn’s doddering lawyer Christopher Butch, immediately started offering multiple excuses why Halburn shouldn’t go to jail.Halburn has sleep apnea and diabetes.
As a reporter he’s subject to be attacked in jail.
No, he’s subject to be attacked in jail because he’s a punk asshole. As he found out in South Central when the Creeper slapped the taste out of his mouth.
He even claimed Halburn is the “caregiver” for his sugar mama Barbara, who seems to have nothing more wrong with her than her eyes don’t always look focused. She almost looks like a blind person. She is still able to accompany Halburn to all his court appearances though.
Nonetheless, it is she who is Halburn’s caregiver since she has shacked up with him at his one bedroom garage apartment in Dunbar and is now paying his bills since his income is below minimum wage.
Butch told about Halburn’s job stocking convenience store shelves for Footprint Retail, and bragged that he pays his child support regularly.
All $ 177.20 of it. After the original amount of $613.77 was reduced three times.
He did everything but fall to his knees and shout,
“He ran out of gas. He had a flat tire. He didn’t have enough money for cab fare. His tux didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole his car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! IT WASN’T HIS FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD! ”
Halburn himself refused to admit any wrongdoing or express any remorse for the crime of which he was convicted and again attempted to offer his tortured version of the story. Halburn kept repeating his wrong address excuse. It’s just another version of the “Use the side gate” story. Magistrate Hunt immediately cut him off and told him to tell it to the appeal court. “We’re not here to rehash the trial, we’re here to talk about sentencing.”
At that point, Dr Matusic read his victim impact statement where he detailed Halburn’s stalking over the period of the last several years.
After all that, Halburn insisted, “I have never threatened him. That’s a lie.”
Magistrate Hunt then told Halburn, “I know from personal experience… You make impossible demands on people. Then you get upset when they don’t do it. So you have to understand why people feel the way they do. You make impossible demands that they can’t meet. It’s not possible.”
At that point, Hunt read the sentence and terms which we detailed in the earlier article below.
Of course Halburn had to play the sympathy card again and said, “I have a permanent hearing loss and a ringing from a mistreated ear infection. I had a hard time hearing what you said a few minutes ago.”
So Hunt repeated it for him.
“Your sentence is 90 days suspended and 2 years unsupervised probation.”
And then, Halburn’s attorney, the obviously confused Fossil McLawyer asked, “When does he have to report your honor?”
Hunt replied, “It’s unsupervised. He doesn’t report anywhere.”
Butch seemed dumbfounded when he asked again, “The 90 days?”
Halburn then had to explain it to his own lawyer, “She suspended it.”
Hunt tells him, “I suspended the 90 days.”
And with that, Halburn walked out with two years probation and bimonthly mental treatment hanging over his head.
An appeal has been filed and PutnamLIES.com will have more on that as it develops.
Read Dr. Matusic's story here:
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Matusic’s Stalker Walks, But…
Found guilty by a jury of his peers for stalking Charleston pediatrician Dr. Joseph Matusic and his family, Mark Vance Halburn was sentenced today in Magistrate Linda Hunt’s courtroom.Halburn gets 90 days jail time suspended, and TWO YEARS PROBATION (unsupervised). Court ordered psychiatric counseling. No fine, only court costs of $1182.70 payable within 6 months.
Here are the details:
Halburn was originally sentenced to 1 year in prison, until the prosecutor pointed out the maximum under the law he violated is 90 days for first offense.
So he got 90 days, suspended for 2 years while under probation. So in essence Matusic gets an extended 2 year personal safety order and Halburn must keep his nose clean for that period.
During the probation, Halburn can’t:
- Violate ANY law of any state.
- Possess, drink or associate with anyone drinking alcohol or other intoxicant, meaning if his sugar mama Barbara has a glass of wine or a beer at diner, he violates the order.
- Visit any establishment whose primary business involves alcohol, that does not include a restaurant that serves alcohol, because that is not the primary business.
- Associate with any disreputable person, I guess Suxt0n is included in that!
- Have any weapon.
- Have any contact, direct or indirect, or cause anyone else to contact Matusic or a family member, including adults (usually PSOs don’t include other adults, just minors).
If he violates any of these terms, he immediately goes to jail for 90 days.
Halburn has filed a motion to dismiss, motion to vacate, motion motion and appeal. BUT the appeal can only be based on errors in the original jury trial. No errors, no new trial. It will be denied.
PutnamLIES.com urges anyone who spots Halburn violating any of these conditions to send us pictures as proof of the violation.
There’s no way on God’s gray earth that this fat bastard can keep his nose clean for two years.
We will have more details as they become available.
Read Dr. Matusic's story here:
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Halburn Faces Justice
Thursday, October 12th at 2:30 pm is the new date for the sentencing of Mark Vance Halburn. Hope Barbara doesn’t have any more fucking appointments
Come to the Putnam County Courthouse and take part in the festivities.
Come to the Putnam County Courthouse and take part in the festivities.
Friday, September 22, 2017
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Halburn Pussies Out
Convicted Stalker Gets Temporary Reprieve

Scared shitless and desperate to do anything to delay going to jail, Mark Vance Halburn’s has managed to get his sentencing, scheduled for tomorrow, delayed. Supposedly because of a “family medical issue”. Which is bullshit because Halburn has no family in the entire state.
He’s talking about Barbara, the woman who he’s currently leeching off of.. They’re not married, so she’s not family. Shacked up sugar mamas don’t count in the eyes of the law.
Legally she’s an just another unrelated person. It’s like “My neighbor is having surgery.”
Too bad.
Appointments like this aren’t just scheduled yesterday. Those are typically made weeks or months in advance.
So why didn’t he mention it three weeks ago? They had to adjust for everyone else when they set the date. It’s bullshit.
Whatever evidence he may have provided to prove the illness was probably fabricated. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s done it.
She’s not sick or he’d be looking for sympathy on Facebook from his audience of flying monkeys, sycophants, and fellow disaffected dads. The last time she had an “episode” it was all he talked about. Endless updates about her condition, tests, prayer requests, etc.. The past several days? Crickets.
All this does is delay the inevitable. You’re going to jail, Halburn, Delaying it isn’t going to make the sentence any shorter. This isn’t going away. You can’t run and you can’t hide.
No word when the sentencing will be rescheduled. He will have to wait until after he’s sentenced if he wants to appeal

Scared shitless and desperate to do anything to delay going to jail, Mark Vance Halburn’s has managed to get his sentencing, scheduled for tomorrow, delayed. Supposedly because of a “family medical issue”. Which is bullshit because Halburn has no family in the entire state.
He’s talking about Barbara, the woman who he’s currently leeching off of.. They’re not married, so she’s not family. Shacked up sugar mamas don’t count in the eyes of the law.
Legally she’s an just another unrelated person. It’s like “My neighbor is having surgery.”
Too bad.
Appointments like this aren’t just scheduled yesterday. Those are typically made weeks or months in advance.
So why didn’t he mention it three weeks ago? They had to adjust for everyone else when they set the date. It’s bullshit.
Whatever evidence he may have provided to prove the illness was probably fabricated. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s done it.
She’s not sick or he’d be looking for sympathy on Facebook from his audience of flying monkeys, sycophants, and fellow disaffected dads. The last time she had an “episode” it was all he talked about. Endless updates about her condition, tests, prayer requests, etc.. The past several days? Crickets.
All this does is delay the inevitable. You’re going to jail, Halburn, Delaying it isn’t going to make the sentence any shorter. This isn’t going away. You can’t run and you can’t hide.
No word when the sentencing will be rescheduled. He will have to wait until after he’s sentenced if he wants to appeal
Monday, September 11, 2017
Silver Bracelets For...
Mark Vance Halburn
Make time in your schedule to see Mark Vance Halburn get hauled out of the courtroom in handcuffs.
His sentencing for stalking Dr. Joe Matusic and his family is September 21 at 2:45pm at the Putnam County Courthouse.
Everyone is invited!!!
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Silver Bracelets For…
A PutnamLIES.com/Trash Bloggers Alliance Exclusive
After a 3 1/2 hour trial today in Putnam County magistrate court, Mark Vance Halburn was was found guilty of violating a personal safety order issued against him on behalf of Dr Joe Matusic.
It took the jury just 10 minutes to return a guilty verdict.
The day began when Halburn arrived at the courthouse and started barking out orders to his attorney, Christopher Butch. The first thing he did was hand him a piece of paper and said, “These are questions for you to ask me.”
He then sat in the waiting area and prayed out loud for the jury to understand that he had the wrong address.
“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others.” Matthew 6:5
He also brought his Sugar Mama, Barbara, for support. And to go to his car and get his root beer that he needed.

Babs is fascinated by the newfangled cellular telephone.
Once in court, Halburn’s ancient attorney Christopher Butch appeared clueless and shook the whole time. But that was OK because Halburn seemed to run the whole show, sitting back in his chair like he owned the place, telling his attorney what to do and say, shoving papers at him the entire time and whispering to him every minute or so. The poor guy couldn’t keep his concentration because of it. To the point where Halburn was told by the judge several times to be quiet and the prosecuting attorney asked “Which one of these men is counsel”?
It was a cut and dried case.
In his opening statement Assistant Prosecutor Kevin Lawson told the jury there were only two things to remember. There is a protection order, and that Mark Vance Halburn went to the home. The rest you hear, he said, is just smoke and mirrors meant to distract.
Lawson entered the order as exhibit 1, then a Google Earth shot of the Matusic property showing how you can’t see the house from Peach Ridge because the driveway is about a quarter of a mile long,
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Exhibit 2: View of Matusic’s driveway from Peach Ridge Road |
then pictures of the three no trespassing/ private property signs Halburn passed coming up the driveway, then a picture of the mailbox with large reflective numbers on it, and lastly a photo of Halburn’s car in Matusic’s driveway.
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Exhibit 4 – Halburn driving his car up Dr. Matusic’s driveway |
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The red marker indicates the location of Halburn’s car in the picture above |
Magistrate Linda Hunt accepted them all into evidence and they were shown to the jury.
The Prosecution called just one witness. Dr. Joseph Matusic.
Dr. Matusic did an excellent job on the stand.
He testified to the long term harassment and stalking by Halburn.
He explained about the pictures of Halburn’s car taken in the driveway.
The defense tried to bring up a lot of crap such as “Halburn is a local reporter and was going to get pictures” and “Why did you let Channel 13 on your property and not Halburn when he was just doing his job?”
The simple answer given was, “I don’t have a PSO against Channel 13 and you write a blog.”

At that point the prosecution rested its case.
The defendant's first witness was Putnam County Sheriff Deputy Shawn Johnson who testified that he went and took the report, went to the courthouse to verify the protection order and also spoke with Hurricane Fire Department.
Next, when Halburn took the stand they couldn’t shut him up. He would elaborate on anything and everything and talk and talk. The magistrate called him down multiple times because he would drone on and on. She finally said, “Just answer the questions”!
The answer to “did you go on to this property” isn’t a 15 minute response.
Halburn claimed he had an email of the broadcast text sent to him by someone who worked (supposedly) at one of the television stations that he tried to enter as evidence. Magistrate Linda Hunt shut that down quickly. He wasn’t allowed to enter any of his material as evidence. The look on his face was priceless when he had to come to terms with the fact that nobody cared about his mountain of useless, irrelevant and inadmissible evidence.
Halburn repeatedly tried to bring in what everyone told him on the phone and persisted with it. The Prosecutor’s objections for hearsay were sustained every single time.
Then the lies started.
Halburn lied and said that he got lost and turned onto a public road. Except it was a driveway with no road sign on it, a mailbox clearly marked with large reflective numbers and THREE no trespassing signs. He then drove up a 1/4 mile driveway to a house that can’t be seen from the road.
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This shows the distance Halburn had to travel up the Matusic’s driveway. |
Halburn had to make a conscious effort to go out Peach Ridge Road. It isn’t on the way to anywhere. He intended to go there. It’s not a thruway or side street. He drove 2 miles out a road that goes nowhere. Halburn knew exactly where the Doctor lives.
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The route Halburn took to the house. |
But he wants a jury to believe that an address that was clearly on a document he was served with was one he didn’t know.
And that he just made a mistake.
He can’t stop at someone’s house, ask if that’s Matusic’s property and then make the choice to continue to the property and call it an accident. If it was “an accident,” when the person told him it was Matusic’s property he would have turned around and gone home.
He continued to lie and said he was at the bottom of the driveway, except the Prosecution had pictures showing he was at the top of the driveway.
Lawson did a great job of tripping up Halburn’s defense on numerous inconsistencies, such as Halburn stating that he was given a wrong address from Hurricane Fire Department. The house number was on the mailbox at the main road and it is the same as was on the protection order. So that claim was disproved quickly.
Halburn tried to say he never came up the driveway and was nowhere near the house, but when shown the photos of his car at the top of the driveway, he admitted that it was his car.
Halburn continued to use his lame excuse that he was given the wrong address and he was there to take pictures for his news website because he is a “News Reporter.”, He got called out on that by Lawson who pointed out that it’s already been decided by the courts that it is a blog. At that point, Halburn slung his fat ass back in the chair until it looked like it was going to tip over.
On several occasions Magistrate Linda Hunt actually rolled her eyes at Halburn’s statements.
Halburn told the jury that Matusic followed him and therefore that negated the intent of the order.
The jury obviously thought that was just more of Halburn’s bullshit.
Halburn also wanted the jury to believe that Matusic called the police after Halburn blatantly violated the third personal safety order issued against him because Matusic was somehow trying to affect a motion to a family court judge that Halburn filed weeks earlier for sole custody of his son.
At one point, Halburn told his attorney to have Matusic’s fiancee thrown out for “Witness Intimidation.” Halburn’s sugar mama told the judge the fiancee was talking and helping out during the trial.
The jurors were buying none of it.
The surprising thing is that they could actually find six people that didn’t already have an opinion of him.
Then the verdict came in and the words people have been waiting years to hear were read.
“We the jury be unanimously agreed to find the defendant, Mark Vance Halburn, guilty of a misdemeanor offense of violation a personal safety order. So say we all”
Halburn’s lawyer then asked about the sentencing.When asked by Magistrate Hunt if he wanted to do sentencing today, Butch said he didn’t bring his calendar.
She said “We can do sentencing today if you want.”
Butch asked, “Is he going to be sent to jail today?
And then the real laugher came out.
Butch says, “We would ask that you suspend any sentence your honor.”
Hunt asked, “You mean suspend any sentence?”
Butch meant suspend it permanently.
The State then asked for sentencing to take place immediately, but Butch asked for 3 weeks.
They rambled back and forth for several minutes before settling on September 21 for Halburn’s sentencing.
Then Halburn and his entourage of lawyer and sugar mama shuffled out of the courthouse and to the parking lot.
- Halburn and his party doing the walk of shame.
- Can you believe this guy? Who keeps their car this filthy?

Here is a little known fact of the legal system. Halburn chose a jury trial thinking he could trash his victim that much more or he chose a jury trial because no sane judge would believe any of his rants. Anyhow, if you have a bench trial with a judge, and you appeal, then you get an entire new trial at no expense.
Halburn lied about his “businesses” and other sources of income in order to get a court appointed lawyer for his criminal contempt trial so that wouldn’t have been any skin off his nose.
But if he wants to appeal a jury trial, he can only appeal on errors that may have arisen during the jury trial. He will not get a new trial, only an opinion from a judge about any errors. AND he must pay thousands in court costs for the appeal. That’s money he does not have.
We should not make fun of nor torment the mentally ill.
Mark Halburn is an exception because he is the kind of mentally ill that is not bad enough to be in an institution, not mild enough for him to seek effective treatment and irritating enough to his fellow countrymen to piss off just about everyone he interacts with. Halburn is a blowhard and a bully who uses his “intelligence” and gifts of literary skills to extort local businesses out of some semblance of an income. Anyone who encounters Halburn can pretty quickly figure out that his elevator does not quite go to the top floor, but most also see that he is more the kind to post slanderous things than take physical action.
We all watch the news, we all see events where mass trauma and murder have been committed by the mentally ill. People whom others knew were dangerous, but had not quite committed enough to get them either incarcerated or helped before they hurt and killed others. Mr Halburn appears to fit into that category of pathology. We never know when Mr Halburn is going to go the next step but we should all be prepared for the day that happens and take appropriate action when it does. But until then, lets hope Halburn learns from this experience, hope that Halburns new cell mates can help him see the error of his ways, hope that Halburn’s sugar mama/girlfriend/ fiance Barbara is a good influence on him and calms the demons inside him even though she empties bedpans for a living and seems as dim witted as Halburn.. God knows his two ex-wives were never able to do anything.
But anyone who interacts with him should also remember this statement from his court ordered mental evaluation:
“Mr. Halburn’s psychological profile and behavior would suggest that he has propensity for aggressive behavior. Given his degree of agitation and volatility, any threats made by Mr. Halburn should be taken seriously and dealt with appropriately.”
Mental illness often has patterns and cycles and Halburn’s now appears to be on the escalation phase.
In June, he was sentenced in Kanawha County to 6 months in jail for harassing WCHS Radio and the Mayor of Charleston. While awaiting this trial, he trespassed at a church camp and has a personal safety order from that incident which prevents him from seeing his own son. In the weeks after that, he visited several churches of the same denomination and left flyers on worshipers’ cars while they were attending church services.
Halburn will be sentenced on September 21 at 2:30pm. The State will ask for the maximum sentence of 90 days.
It would be better than jail for him to do the time in a mental hospital.
Actual incarceration isn’t going to fix his problem.
He needs to be involuntarily committed.
PutnamLIES.com will have more on this story as it becomes available
Read Dr. Matusic's story here:
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
He’s At It Again
Area Man Tries for Third Consecutive Restraining Order
Last Sunday, Mark Halburn struck again.This time it was at the Nitro Church of the Nazarene.

He left the same self serving flyers on peoples’ cars once again.

He’s so transparent.
You can tell it’s him by his insistence upon using both that God-awful Verdana font and excessive exclamation points.
And for the love of all that’s holy, stop calling yourself a “single father,” Fatsack.
He has been harassing the church nonstop since he was removed from their church camp in Summersville earlier this summer. It appears he was upset about health code violations that occurred prior to the camp’s opening and went there demanding access and was then removed.
After that, he started to use fake names to harass them via one of his favorite methods, Topix.

Then, several weeks later in another post, he claims he filed some sort of a claim against the church, obviously in an attempt to shake them down.

He follows it the next day with this:

And then, a few days later, he drops this one:

PutnamLIES.com urges the leadership of the Church to get a restraining order against Halburn immediately, covering ALL Nazarene churches for the protection of their pastors, worshipers and property.
As his mental evaluation stated:
“Mr. Halburn’s psychological profile and behavior would suggest that he has propensity for aggressive behavior. Given his degree of agitation and volatility, any threats made by Mr. Halburn should be taken seriously and dealt with appropriately.”
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Halburn
Mark Halburn, the Dunbar domestic terrorist, has a driving problem. Seems he doesn’t believe laws apply to him. He has a string of traffic tickets, which as usual, he says are not his fault. But nothing ever is, is it?
He has a big beef with the police in the town where he squats. Dunbar
PD has issued numerous citations to him, mostly for speeding. Usually
about twice the posted speed limit.
HE, apparently, gets to determine what he considers “a normal rate of speed.”
So he blames the mayor.
To the point where he’s literally got like a half dozen online videos of him stalking the Mayor’s neighborhood to try and prove some lame point about speed limits in the town.
He conveniently leaves out the fact that he would have still been exceeding the limit even if the speed limit been 25 mph.
A ticket beef was what sent Halburn to jail in July 2014 after an incident at Dunbar City Hall.
And, the guy who is so obsessed about other peoples’ behavior seems to have no problem with videotaping and driving at the same time.
Greenlee was also the target of numerous sock puppet postings by Halburn on the trailer park of the internet, Topix.
To show the extent of Halburn’s vendetta, Roger Wolfe, the candidate he was promoting above, had formerly been Dunbar’s mayor before he was removed from office in 2008 when he approved pay raises for four department heads and approved other city expenses without city council’s approval. The State Ethics Commission later fined him $35,000 in 2011 after they found he violated the Ethics Act for receiving reimbursements without proper authority.
All of which Wolfe has refused to pay.
He’s the type of politician who Halburn would normally rail against, but this time gets a pass because it advances Halburn’s agenda.
Or maybe he feels a kinship with a fellow deadbeat.
So PutnamLIES.com was completely gobsmacked when Halburn posted this on Mayor Greenlee’s Facebook page Saturday.
Seriously? What a sniveling ass kisser. What’s your angle now,
Halburn? Hoping the replacement mayor will be a pussy that you can push
It doesn’t matter. You’ll always be a fat loser living in a one bedroom garage apartment, with no job, no future and no son.
Related Stories:
A Father’s Day Card From Dunbar PD
Another Speeding Ticket In Dunbar
HE, apparently, gets to determine what he considers “a normal rate of speed.”
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30 in a 15. TWICE the posted limit. |
So he blames the mayor.
To the point where he’s literally got like a half dozen online videos of him stalking the Mayor’s neighborhood to try and prove some lame point about speed limits in the town.
He conveniently leaves out the fact that he would have still been exceeding the limit even if the speed limit been 25 mph.
Halburn Stalks Mayor Greenlee’s Home on 19th Street
21st Street
20th Street
18th St
A ticket beef was what sent Halburn to jail in July 2014 after an incident at Dunbar City Hall.
And, the guy who is so obsessed about other peoples’ behavior seems to have no problem with videotaping and driving at the same time.
Greenlee was also the target of numerous sock puppet postings by Halburn on the trailer park of the internet, Topix.
Here’s an attack he made on January 8,2017.

And another one made before the recent election.

To show the extent of Halburn’s vendetta, Roger Wolfe, the candidate he was promoting above, had formerly been Dunbar’s mayor before he was removed from office in 2008 when he approved pay raises for four department heads and approved other city expenses without city council’s approval. The State Ethics Commission later fined him $35,000 in 2011 after they found he violated the Ethics Act for receiving reimbursements without proper authority.
All of which Wolfe has refused to pay.
He’s the type of politician who Halburn would normally rail against, but this time gets a pass because it advances Halburn’s agenda.
Or maybe he feels a kinship with a fellow deadbeat.
So PutnamLIES.com was completely gobsmacked when Halburn posted this on Mayor Greenlee’s Facebook page Saturday.

It doesn’t matter. You’ll always be a fat loser living in a one bedroom garage apartment, with no job, no future and no son.
Related Stories:
A Father’s Day Card From Dunbar PD
Another Speeding Ticket In Dunbar
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
New Trial Date
The new trial date has been set for Mark Vance Halburn’s violation of a personal protective order for stalking Charleston Pediatrician Joseph Matusic, his wife and daughters.

The new date and time is August 31 at 9:00 AM in Putnam County before Magistrate Linda Hunt.
Halburn faces a penalty of not less than ninety days nor more than one year in jail or fined not less than two thousand dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, or both.
Halburn has requested a jury trial.
PutnamLIES.com and the Trash Bloggers Alliance will be sending correspondents.
The public is invited and urged to attend.
Halburn was convicted in Kanawha County on June 8 for telephone
harassment and sentenced to six months in jail for those shenanigans.
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Substantial Penalty For Early Withdrawal
Last weekend PutnamLIES.com saw several postings on the internet trailer park, Topix, all having to do with Mark Halburn and City National Bank.
Here’s one of them:
“Hey Halburn, why did City National cancel all of your bank accounts? Were you overdrafting too much? Did it hurt your feelings when they laughed at you when you said you were getting an attorney? They know you can’t afford an attorney and they know that no attorney would take your case even if you could. It’s not worth it. So you are in your mid 50’s and not only do you not have a retirement but you also do not have a checking account.
Yeah you are a great example for the kid. I guess Donnie can show him how to open a savings account.”

Those posts were pretty much proven to be true today when Halburn went to the City National Bank branch on Poplar Fork in Teays Valley and started raising hell and screaming at the employees. So much so that they hit the hold up alarm. Halburn was still there when the Putnam County deputies arrived and he was told in no uncertain terms not to come back or he would be arrested for trespassing.
Guess that failing hate blog and his sub-minimum wage income aren’t working out too well for him.
Here’s one of them:
“Hey Halburn, why did City National cancel all of your bank accounts? Were you overdrafting too much? Did it hurt your feelings when they laughed at you when you said you were getting an attorney? They know you can’t afford an attorney and they know that no attorney would take your case even if you could. It’s not worth it. So you are in your mid 50’s and not only do you not have a retirement but you also do not have a checking account.
Yeah you are a great example for the kid. I guess Donnie can show him how to open a savings account.”

Those posts were pretty much proven to be true today when Halburn went to the City National Bank branch on Poplar Fork in Teays Valley and started raising hell and screaming at the employees. So much so that they hit the hold up alarm. Halburn was still there when the Putnam County deputies arrived and he was told in no uncertain terms not to come back or he would be arrested for trespassing.
Guess that failing hate blog and his sub-minimum wage income aren’t working out too well for him.
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