Thursday, December 20, 2018

Topix Folds

Halburn Distraught

Topix, the trailer park of the internet, suddenly closed their discussion forums Thursday.

The forums were a place Mark Halburn would anonymously attack people who he thought had wronged him. Almost always under a fake name.

Here's what users see when they go to the site now.

Halburn was notorious for his Topix attacks.

He even announced his divorce there.

He called a magistrate a slut.

He called Karen Haynes a bitch.

He posted under the name of a murdered child.

He attacked the Nazarene Church.

He attacked potential employers, businesses and government officials.

He even harassed the CEO of Topix.

All under a long list of sock puppet names he created. Because he wasn't man enough to use his real name or say it to them in person.
He wasn't fooling anyone though. The things he said, his unique style of writing, and choice of words gave him away.
Every. Single. Time.

Anything that “rules”, “rocks”, or “sux”?
That was him.
And he's an instant homer. Whatever town he's living in.

That's going to put a crimp into him anonymously attacking people.
He’s going to be crestfallen!
A strongly worded missive will follow.
Maybe he'll try and take credit and say he got them shut down because of all of the harassment.
That wouldn't surprise anyone at all.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Losing Loser Loses Again

Mark Vance Halburn's case in Nicholas Co. was dismissed with prejudice today, December 4, 2018, when the fat son of a bitch failed to appear for a hearing.


This was nothing more than Halburn once again trying to use the legal system to harass his enemies.

Everyone involved had to hire an attorney. Think of all the money that has been wasted in this.  And that's what he wants. He wants everyone involved to spend money because they have it and he never will.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Dishwasher Douche

Appliance Asshole

How hard is it to buy a fucking dishwasher?
Exceedingly, if you're an obnoxious asshole like Mark Halburn.
On October 4 he started his newest round of complaining.

"It is sad to watch a great company self-destruct. Been a Sears customer for decades. Ordered a dishwasher and garbage disposal on 9/21 for delivery and install on 9/26. Only the disposal was delivered by a person that DEMANDED to take a picture of me holding the disposal and, literally, jammed his foot in my door, refusing to leave, until I let him take my picture. The installer and dishwasher never showed and when I called customer service, was told the dishwasher was back-ordered until 9/29. Then I was told, 9/30, then 10/1, then 10/4, then 10/5, then TBD. At one point, Sears asked me to consider a different model. I agreed, drove two-hours, round trip, to the store, only to be told THAT model was on back order. (I can't make this up!) Yesterday, an installer called me and said he was picking up the dishwasher, yesterday, oblivious to the fact that it wasn't arriving until later in the month. Despite the delays, he DEMANDED that I take off work to meet HIS scheduling convenience. When I, honestly, told him that my boss couldn't let me off, on a weekend, for a NON-emergency situation, Mr. installer got rude, "copped an attitude" and told me, "It's my company, I set MY schedule." I then got a call from a Sears rep who didn't understand his attitude and scheduling as they say it will be AT LEAST mid-October before the dishwasher will hit their warehouse. Meanwhile, I hired someone else to install the disposal, yesterday, after Sears decided that I was misquoted on the combination install price. Since Sears can't determine when the dishwasher will arrive, they cancelled my order but have YET to refund my charges. (They are saying 7-10 days!) After decades of buying clothes, appliances and photos from Sears, I am, sadly, finished with this company. Sears, you are your OWN WORST ENEMY!!! Sears is the reason that Sears is closing stores! MAYBE Sears will last 5 more years. I doubt it!"Next he goes to Best Buy.

On the 10th, he's all ready.

Four days later it's:

Then he tries Home Depot.

And apparently that didn't go to his liking either because he immediately jumped on Topix.

Lowes would have told him the exact same thing.


"First Sears, then Best Buy, now Home Depot fails to deliver a dishwasher!!! RETAIL FAILURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

For actual fuck’s sake.
I bought a new dishwasher a few years back.  I picked it out, they brought it later in the week. It was a one time transaction.

But not Mark Halburn. He is incapable of having a normal human interaction
Everything is a huge travesty and personal affront.

This guy has now gone through THREE retailers who can't meet his stringent standards.

Halburn's Kitchen
And it turns out the reason three retailers wouldn't install a dishwasher in Halburn's kitchen was because there was no electric, plumbing or even a hole for a dishwasher.

Her believes his home warranty somehow covers this.
He's going to try to milk that thing every time something happens.
Ripping out cabinets to put in a dishwasher or something similar is not covered by home warranty.

Motherfucker, they’re installers not fucking contractors.
That’s contracting work. Not installation.
You want demolition, plumbing, and electrical, hire a contractor.

I guarantee he wasn’t honest with them to mention there was no space for  a dishwasher when he bought it .

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Still Mentally Unhinged

Halburn's Vendetta Against Nazarene Church Continues

On October 1, Mark Vance Halburn, in his continuing desperation to regain custody or even visitation of his estranged son, filed suit against a laundry list of defendants.  This time in Nicholas County.

Nicholas County Courthouse in Summersville
It all goes back to his attempt to visit his son at a church camp in Nicholas County in 2017. That didn't work out so well for him and led to him being barred from seeing his son and eventually his arrest and jailing on a contempt of court charge.
It's a rehash of all of the numerous other losing appeals he has filed since his divorce was final in 2013. And all of the items have been previously decided. Res judicata.
He's just attempting to re-litigate the whole thing in a new venue.

This guy is living like a vagrant in South Carolina but he has the time to drive to Nicholas County and file this complaint. He's got a lot of nerve filing this whacko lawsuit when he's got a petit larceny charge in Dunbar hanging over him.
Oddly enough, the address he gave in the filing is in Dunbar. He hasn't lived in West Virginia since January.

He names the usual gang of suspects, his second ex-wife, the judge in his never ending family court case, the guardian ad litem assigned to the son, officials of the WV Nazarene Church, the church itself and 100 unnamed individuals who Halburn imagines have wronged him.

And it looks like he's representing himself again. A fool for a client.
Any Judge worth a grain of salt, will throw this case out on a motion to dismiss.

Lets get right to his complaint.

It's a pretty bold legal move claiming a sitting family court Judge lied. That should gain major style points with fellow judges.
The judge and the guardian ad litem have immunity so any of that is a moot point.
He was also been ordered by Judge Keller not to discuss the case and not file anything without a lawyer. Not sure how this affects that.

You know it's Halburn because there are words in all caps and lots of exclamation points scattered throughout the suit. Lawsuits filed in the Microsoft Word default font really mean business!
Plus he calls everyone names. Who does that in a legal filing but him?
How does that help if he ever wants to see his kid again?

Was the guy drunk when he drafted this?

He also must have just learned what the word triplicate means because he used it like 5 times.

Nazarene vendetta
Halburn's vendetta against the Nazarene Church may have started with his hatred of Charleston pediatrician Joseph Matusic when they attempted to locate a daycare at Teays Valley Nazarene Church. It intensified when his second ex-wife wanted to send her son to the WV Nazarene Camp in Summersville.
Now, in his paranoid mind, church officials have conspired with the judge, his second ex-wife and various other unknown and unnamed individuals in order to deprive him of his parental rights.
Note to fatboy: Crazy people don't get to keep or visit their kids.

Shiny Object
Then he serves up an affidavit from a guy at the Nicholas Health Department that he undoubtedly went and browbeat the guy into signing.

Halburn hangs his hat on the statement:
"I did not observe Mr. Halburn taking photographs of the building."
He obviously stopped reading there.

Because the next sentence is the real payoff:
"However, I was not in the company of Mr. Halburn during the ten-minute inspection period, so I can attest to neither Mr. Halburn's whereabouts or actions during that time."
It’s like the fat bastard didn’t even read that sentence. Because of course he didn’t.The last sentence basically negates the whole affidavit.
All Halburn sees is the guy saying he never entered the building. Shiny object.

He also demands that ownership of the Nazarene Camp must permanently be given to him and all expenses, operating costs, staff and manager costs, maintenance and mortgages related to the camp must be paid by the Nazarene Church.
He's also asking for the Court to grant him full custody of his son, which is something the Nicholas County Court has zero control over.  Plus , he wants his second ex-wife to pay HIM child support and repay the paltry amount ($177 per month) he has been forced by the court to contribute toward his son's support.

Halburn demands that all parties must each be ordered to, immediately, pay $1 trillion in compensatory damages, $10 trillion in punitive damages and $1 trillion, trillion in damages for violating his civil rights.

Even this much is not enough for Halburn's greed.

And if that's not enough, the greedy bastard demands that Judge Keller pay triple that!
He's also asking for Keller to be permanently imprisoned.
This is comedy of the highest grade. This guy takes the cake, hands down.

Dead mother
Halburn has said and done a lot of crazy things.
But the craziest is his ongoing demand that the court revive the cremated corpse of his mother almost six years after her death.

Halburn's mom was not available for comment
And now he's brought it up again.

"Therefore, this court must order my second ex-wife, Mike Kelly and Patricia Keller to put Mark and (the son) on a charter jet, immediately, upon receipt of this filing, for a final visit. Whatever extraordinary means that my second ex-wife, Kelly and Keller must undertake to make Nancy Halburn available for the final visit are the problems of my second ex-wife, Kelly and Keller and must be paid for at their expense!"
Hmmm. Yeah. Not crazy at all. Not. At. All.

The parties who are named have 20 days after service to respond, assuming he’s served anyone with the complaint.  A real lawyer uses a process server, but he doesn’t have the money.  In the past he's gotten his drunk, child beating buddy or his child molesting pal to do it.

Someone should move for sanctions for even having to respond to his nonsense. In some situations if a party is penniless, or if they frequently file frivolous suits, those sanctions can mean jail time.

It’ll be fun to see what happens, especially what the family court judge (who has 100% immunity) does. This guy’s never going to see his kid again.
Keller could very well throw him back in jail again for filing this without a lawyer. Especially since it's things that she's already ruled on.
Our understanding is the clock starts over again on the 18 months visitation ban with his son if he violates her order.

This lawsuit just demonstrates that he is the most deranged he’s ever been.  At this point, it’s literally just him using all caps, calling names, and asking for a million trillion dollars because of a personal vendetta with the Nazarene Church.

Halburn has never been self aware but this time it’s just too much. He’s too blind to realize this is doing to do big time damage to him ever seeing his kid again.

He is his own worst enemy. And he can't see that.
The weekly counseling he was ordered to get for the Matusic case doesn't seem to be helping. will have more on this story as it develops.

Read the whole complaint here:

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Pet Patrol

Halburn Hauls Hound Home

Yesterday Halburn had to brag to his audience of sycophants and disaffected dads:

It's a dog, asshole. Not a "fur person."
You're not even fit to be around your "son person" and you're getting a dog?
You're a real animal lover aren't you, shitbag?

"El Oroso"
You treated your last dog so well.
Everyone who drove through the Walmart parking lot had to avoid hitting him because you let him run loose all the time.
It's the same dog that you abandoned after your second ex-wife threw you out of her house and you moved to South Carolina.

You're just like one of these bums you see on the street with a dog. Can't take care of yourself , but you're hauling a dog around.

Rescuing a dog from a shelter doesn’t make you a saint. It doesn’t even make you an OK guy.
People do it every day.
This is just another cynical effort by Halburn to make himself look like a normal person. It won't work.

How long before you discard this one, fatass?

Thursday, September 20, 2018

In The Ghetto

Halburn Buys A House

Guess who's now a homeowner? That's right. Mark Halburn.

He just bought a 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 1100 sq ft house in Lancaster, SC. on 9/19/2018 for $48,500.
Halburn fled West Virginia in January with an outstanding warrant. After shacking up briefly with his sugar mama and her parents, she quickly dumped him and he lived for a while in Charlotte before decamping to South Carolina.

Halburn's House
So, here's a guy with a sub 440 credit score and at least one bankruptcy. I can't imagine this motherfucker is going to walk in with his 200-item deep job history and his current $10-an-hour part time job and say "I'd like a mortgage please" and they'll be like "alright, buddy!"
He probably has a shit ton of open lines of credit too.

Most reputable lenders won't even write a mortgage loan for less than $50k. 

So how does he even get approved for a mortgage? Easy. He got the loan from a lender named PennyMac.
We're betting that they're one of those subprime kind of places. Or at least one that does some business in that. No minimum income requirement. No minimum loan amount. No down payment required.
That's the only type of lender that would loan money to someone like Halburn.
It's taken 10 years after the crash of 2008 for it to happen, but  lenders are starting to make lots of high risk  loans again. This has to be one of them.

Probably an FHA loan. so he's got at least a 5% APR. On a 30 year mortgage, that works out to probably a $400 a month payment.

You want to see why this house was only $48,500?

Halburn's neighborhood
That's right, he's livin' in the ghetto. He'll fit right in there. I'm sure the inside of his house is already filthy.

If you're in the area, drive by and blow your horn. He'll love that.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Realtors Warned To Beware

In late July Realtors in the Piedmont region of North & South Carolina area were warned to watch out for stalker Mark Vance Halburn.

Mark Vance Halburn

On July 30, Halburn, using a fake name, posted this on the trailer park of the internet, Topix, one of his favorite places to anonymously attack people.

So we knew there had been an incident.

What happened?

Halburn used to contact a real estate agency in Gastonia NC. But it turns out his reputation preceded him.

The first red flag? He specifically asked for a female Realtor.

Why would he do that?
That's his M.O.  Find a woman to intimidate.

After they got more information about him, they took precautions and agents showed him the listing.  During the showing, Halburn became agitated easily and contradicted himself numerous times, creating an uncomfortable situation for the Realtors. After the showing, he began emailing & texting the Realtors in a harassing manner.

Local police were notified and they confirmed Halburn's history of arrests for stalking and harassment in West Virginia. An investigation is now under way.

The Piedmont Regional Realtor Association in Rock Hill, SC then sent the following bulletin to all its members:

It has come to our attention there is someone calling Real Estate Offices asking for a female realtor to show him unoccupied homes listed for sale. He calls and can be very verbally abusive when you advise him to come into the office.

The name he gives is Mark Halburn and the phone number shows up on the caller ID as 304-415-6397. We believe he is not a genuine customer and has a history of arrests for stalking and harassment.
Please use caution and your best judgment if you encounter this person."

This guy doesn't have two dimes to rub together and he's looking at houses?
He wouldn't even qualify for a mortgage.
And if it's a rental, they need to make sure they get a big cleaning deposit because this guy is the worst slob you've ever seen.

Then after all that, last week he group texted a bunch of realtors, saying if they needed high quality photos of their listings from a professional photographer, that they should call him.
Typical Halburn.
Shit all over everybody and then ask for a job.

We applaud Piedmont Regional Realtor Association for being proactive and warning their members about this menace.

As Judge Michael Kelly wrote in Halburn's final divorce order:
"Mr. Halburn's arrests follow the pattern clearly seen by the mental health professionals: he generates needless conflict and then overreacts when his bullying tactics are resisted."

And, as the West Virginia Supreme Court wrote:
"The family court found that "there is no doubt that Mr. Halburn will bully, degrade and infuriate everyone with whom he disagrees or who has refused to accommodate his odious and malicious conduct."
And finally, as Halburn's court ordered mental evaluation states:“Mr. Halburn’s psychological profile and behavior would suggest that he has propensity for aggressive behavior. Given his degree of agitation and volatility, any threats made by Mr. Halburn should be taken seriously and dealt with appropriately.”

8/24 UPDATE: Lippy fires back with his usual rejoinder. 8-24 real estate
We’d just like to remind Halburn.
It’s not libel if it’s true.
The all seeing eye never blinks, motherfucker.
We're watching you no matter where you go.
You can waddle, but you can't hide.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Area Thieving Bastard Steals Senator Ed Gaunch’s column

Out-of-state publisher Mark Halburn has plagiarized yet another article to run in his fake news hate blog.
This time it’s right out of the Gazette-Mail. This was the only news outlet in which Gaunch’s article appeared.
Gaunch confirms he did not send the op-ed to Halburn.

“Mark Halburn is a liar.”

Nowhere in the column on Halburn’s blog does he acknowledge that it is from the Gazette-Mail or provide a link to the original.
It’s just blatant theft from a blatant thief.…/article_b0cf8c95-0142-55a0-…

Then, on  July 19, the plagiarist doubled down and made this statement:

False accusation? Hardly.
A spokesperson for the Gazette Mail confirms that they did not receive Gaunch’s column until July 10. It ran on the 11th.

Halburn didn’t share the link until July 16. So he wants us to believe he left it sitting there 8 days without promoting it? Right.
Halburn is so desperate to drive traffic to his site that he pimps any of his stories as soon as he publishes them.

Amazing how Halburn claims he published an article before it was even written.
He must have hopped in the Delorean and gone ahead in time.

So the delusional liar is delusional. And a thief.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

It's Father's Day

Halburn Hasn't Seen His Son In A Year

Here's a little song for you, Halburn.
How's it feel for another man to be raising your "son", fatass?
At least he's a man the boy can look up to instead of one to be embarrassed and ashamed  about.
The last 365 days have had to be the happiest days in that boy's life.

Friday, June 15, 2018

The Halburn Bunch

Delusional Dipshit Sings

 Nothing about this at all says “I’m fucking nuts.” Not at all.

That's completely off the wall.
A normal, stable person doesn't just sit around and randomly make up songs about himself and how awesome he is.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Halburn Wrong About Valley Park

Claims New Community Center Not Needed

What a civic minded guy!

Halburn’s latest weird ass story on his fake news, hate blog is about the new Community Center at Valley Park and as usual, he has his facts wrong, no surprise.

Halburn writes: "the historic Valley Park community center was torn down to make room for the new facility."
The old Community Center
Bullshit The old community center was not historic in any way. It was built in the early 90s, and the adjoining building wasn't built until 1997.

Of course now, Halburn will complain "The building, was less than 30 years old!!!"

The New Valley Park Community Center
He continues with his screed:

"In 2009, then SBA Executive Director Mark Manchin, was visiting Wellington’s to promote the school bond. PutnumCountyNews. com was aware of the need for a county performing arts center and community center large enough to hold high school proms and the annual chamber of commerce dinner. So we asked Manchin if the S.B.A. would pay for one.
“Yes,” was Manchin’s response. “We just built one in Wheeling.”"

 Except in 2009, Mark Manchin couldn't have said "We just built one" in Wheeling,. The only thing Manchin could have been talking about is the J.B. Chambers Performing Arts Center, which is on the campus of Wheeling Park High School. They started moving earth in 2009. It didn't open until 2012.

That Arts Center wasn't "paid for" by the SBA. The SBA gave a $5 million matching grant. The other $5 million was raised through the community and other sources. It took them 16 years to get enough money to have the grant matched.

It's also not a "community center." It's just performing arts center -- theater, concerts, etc.  You can't have proms or other random things there

It's on the damn high school's property.

He goes on:
"There is an, aging, performance stage, at the fairgrounds. It is outdoors where the audience and performers are exposed to the weather. The only “facilities” are porta-potties. Not exactly a great attraction for patrons and performers to come to Putnam County. One key Putnam County official never supported the idea of a state-of-the art center at the fairgrounds: Putnam County Superintendent of Schools Harold “Chuck” Hatfield."

You know why? Because the SBA doesn't fund non-school properties. Period.
The Putnam County Fairgrounds has nothing to do with the schools. It's not owned by the school board.

Where does he think SBA money comes from? Fucking unicorns?
Spoiler alert, dicknose -- it's money from the taxpayers. Even Putnam County taxpayers. You're just bitching that the money was spent out of a different pot.

Aside from the obvious, Halburn -- it isn't like you even live in Putnam County or actually make enough money to even pay taxes, hell, you don't even live in West Virginia anymore.

If the streets were paved with gold, this asshole would complain that it wasn't shiny enough.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Halburn Skips Court Date

Fat Thief Still On The Waddle
A packed courtroom in Huntington was the scene on May 24th where more than 20 spectators (and 5 bailiffs)  waited for the inevitable show... which never happened.

Mark Vance Halburn did not appear for his scheduled hearing in Cabell County for the appeal of his Putnam County conviction for stalking Dr. Joe Matusic and his family.

Convicted Stalker Mark Vance Halburn
It appears that all of Putnam's circuit judges recused themselves, so Cabell County Circuit Court Judge Paul T. Farrell was appointed to handle the appeal.

Cabell County Circuit Judge Paul T. Ferrell[
Halburn's elderly lawyer, Christopher Butch, was there and argued the appeal on Halburn's behalf. A ruling is expected soon.

Since Halburn had a jury trial in magistrate court, the appeal is strictly a review of the record for any errors that may have occurred.'s legal corespondent says it it highly unlikely that any errors will be found.

Court watchers also reported that Mr. Butch may have withdrawn from the case after the hearing.

Why the no-show by a guy that has loudly proclaimed his innocence from the rooftops and literally tells his attorney what to say?
Because of the outstanding warrant in Kanawha County.
Halburn knew if he showed up he'd be arrested, so he was no longer interested in appearing.
Skip a futile appeal vs. an arrest and probation revocation. A no brainer even for a psychopath with no brain.
Halburn fled the state in January, returning occasionally, but staying with various degenerate friends to avoid detection by law enforcement.

Friday, May 18, 2018

I Don't Need Your Rocking Chair

Fats Now Living In One Room

Mark Halburn is at it again. Demanding that he BE SERVICED!
On a Friday evening.
At 7:00 PM.

"Thank you, Fedex, for delivering my recliner, damaged, sideways, and in the rain, then REFUSING to replace it and referring me to the place where I bought it who DIDN'T deliver it DAMAGED, SIDEWAYS and IN THE RAIN!!! Fedex=Failure!"

What a psycho.

“Your driver is LATE!!!!”

The FedEx tracking information

It was left at his front door 8:24am

Then at 10:23pm he rants, "Now Fedex wants to wait until MONDAY to pick it up! ????"

It came from Walmart.

First of all how was it damaged?
The box got wet?
Turned sideways?

What the hell kind of recliner fits in a 31x30x27 box?

When asked why FedEx should replace a damaged recliner, Halburn replied, "Because Fed Ex delivered it, damaged, on its side, when the box was labeled to have a different side up. You're obviously stupid enough to deliver for Fedex!"

Given its size and it being in a box, I don’t see why being sideways was so bad. What difference does it make how the box was sitting?

Here's a solution. Turn it right side up, jackhole.

What difference does it make? You still have to put the fucker together.

But it was damaged and in the rain!

Halburn's chair

Now let's look at that delivery address.
525 Lex Dr, Charlotte NC
Looks like that fat bastard is living in one room of that.

This is in the University City area of Charlotte.

One bedroom. Common living room, kitchen and a shared bathroom.

He's living in ONE room of this townhouse.

How'd you like to be a student living with him?
Especially tonight, during this pants shitting rage over a recliner delivered sideways.

If he's in my place, this is all going up on FB Live.

This is a pretty clear indicator that his sugar mama, Barbara, has kicked him to the curb.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Check Your Fat White Privilege

Fired Again

Halburn had this part time job for several months where he went into convenience stores and moved around shit on the shelves. Now, it looks like he's been fired from yet another job.
The name of the company is Set and Service Resources.

And as usual he's gone to Topix, the trailer park of the internet, to whine about it.
And once again his deeply rooted racism rears its head.

Who is Tammy Ziglar?
She is the Human Resources Director at Set and Service Resources.

Tammy Ziglar
Halburn's excuse is always, "I'm not a racist. I went to the same high school as Jackie Robinson."
In the past though,  he's made slurs against Hispanics and Chinese.

Why do we think that the only race related thing that happened here is Halburn being told, "Quit complaining and get your flabby ass back to work, white boy"?

Monday, April 30, 2018

Shopping Dirty

Steal A Little, Then Get Caught!

This afternoon Mark Vance Halburn was shopping at the Marietta OH Aldi store. As he exited, THREE police cars pulled up and demanded that he stop. They detained him for 15 minutes while they sorted things out.

An employee there had read's report about Halburn being wanted in Dunbar and dropped a dime on him. He was already known to the company because he was a shopper at the Aldi in Dunbar where he would steal the quarters from carts not connected together.
Since the warrant is for a misdemeanor, Dunbar would not extradite him on an out of state stop, so he was released.

Halburn immediately started throwing threats around.
"SHAME ON ALDI for FALSELY accusing a LONGTIME customer of being a WANTED FELON!!!!!"
Notice he doesn't deny that there is a misdemeanor warrant out for his arrest.

He also demanded that the employee who called be criminally charged and called the report "slanderous".

A police spokesman laughed at that demand. "We're not even going to investigate that. We would never arrest any caller who made a call like that in good faith," he said.

Area residents are still urged to keep their eyes open for him and report any sightings to law enforcement.

The Readers' Voice

Overwhelming Response to Wanted Post

PutnamLIES posted the Mark Halburn wanted story on our Facebook page Thursday afternoon.
The response was tremendous.
In 24 hours, the post had almost 27,000 views and 250 shares.

The comments readers left are incredible.

But you know what the most amazing thing is though? Look at how wide the range is of people who have had terrible experiences with him.
No, Mark. It’s not just a few “evil politicians.”
It's from all walks of life. Every single person that he has contact with. And many point out his scams.
NOBODY had anything positive to say about him.

The comments all seem to fall under a few distinct categories.
Let's look at a selection of those, shall we?

"Mark is known at every Walmart in a 50 mile radius. He would find an item that was out of stock, use the Walmart app to buy it using pick up today. Less than a minute after placing the order he would go to the pick up area an demand someone get his item. When he was told we were out of stock, he would claim that the website was falsely advertising, then demand to get a more expensive item for the same price."

"Saw him about 3 weeks ago in Cary NC causing a problem at Walmart about price match."

"He’s tough at Walmart customer service until you start walking out from behind the counter. Fuck him and his busted 10 year old discontinued clothing iron."

"This guy is the worst. I had to deal with him so many times at Walmart. Not an intelligent man at all, but speaks to people like they're garbage. He actively acts out for attention. I try not to speak ill of people, but this dude is just all around no bueno."

"One night I had to stay over at Walmart because he wanted a particular color of clock then he called me an idiot for not being able to find him one. I clocked out and then passed him on way out. He said something smart and I called him a fucking jackass. I told on myself the next day to the store manager and was told... "Yea. He is."

"This guy is in the Nitro Walmart all the time. He's went to jail for phone harassment for a Walmart situation. He is strange."

"This dude is always causing trouble in the at Walmart lol"

"This guy’s name is Mark Halburn and he is the scum of the earth piece of shit. I have dealt with him for years working retail at Kmart and Walmart. Always is offended and wants something for free. Same thing at every restaurant he goes to. Is never satisfied and bitches until he gets his meals free. He’s truly a waste of oxygen."

"This guy is psycho! He came to my work and went nuts when his order wasn't ready and we had to call the police because he refused to leave!"

"I took a call from him when I worked Customer Service at CAMC. He is a major asshole, always talking down to people, and always threatening to sue."

"He called Best Buy (in Huntington) a while back and asked if he could come back into the store."

"Banned at all the banks. About damn time. No more dollar deposits for him."

"Our favorite customer from Portrait Innovations, good ol' Mark Halburn, Holy hell!!! His craziness finally caught up to him."

"He loves to call the utility companies and harass the CSRs...and I do mean HARASSS."

"I remember him being banned by Suddenlink."

"He is known at my work (phone company, Frontier) for all the drama he has caused."

"Lol that one time we saw him returning donated canned foods for cash."

"He was at Kroger in Dunbar, he told me to mind my own business, when I asked him a question!"

"Very rude- I’ve seen him in Kroger’s treating employees like shit"


"I deal with him at Gino's allll the time."

"He was no better at Tudors, trying to get a cheeseburger for a complimentary sausage biscuit."

"He used to come into Sheetz all the time when I worked there. He would steal donuts out of the trash and sit in the lobby all night lol. We had him banned because he would take receipts out of the trash, write a fake code in them and get $1 off his purchase."


"I gave that man an interview when I worked for DIRECTV."

"He used to work at the Comfort Inn when I was the manager."

He interviewed with me for a sales position before I started at the bank. A trained monkey could do the job but I didn't hire him!!!!!"

"He worked at Target and got fired for harassing guests and threatening a manager... he had a restraining order banning him from there for a while."


"He was also a substitute teacher. Yes, I remember him in 2nd or 3rd grade. How lovely Kanawha County lets people like that teach children."

"He subbed a lot at Ben Franklin when I was there! OMG."

"He used to be my substitute teacher, this isn't his first time being in trouble with the law."

"That’s my old substitute teach from Hayes middle lol  he substituted at Hayes all the time."

"He subbed at DMS."

"Didn't he sub at South Point?"

"I can NOT believe SHS allowed this man to be our substitute teacher. He is always in jail...."

"I can’t believe he was one of our subs He use to dig in the trash all the time too & stepping on mice.
He’s also been arrested on stalking and harassment charges."

"He sexually harassed a girl who was in my freshman class in high school.  I think he was making remarks about her behind. I do know he was actually investigated by the school and parents and was barred from being a substitute, at the time he would substitute in a few week periods. He was a substitute for my history class and he would literally have a Sheetz fountain drink cup every single day, he would also talk about how much he loved Sheetz. Definitely a real creep. He would stand at the front of our classroom with his legs apart as if he was having a search performed on him and he'd move his hips. I'm not sure if he ever got in trouble at any other school but like I said he was a real piece of work.


"I've seen him at some political events I cater. He was sticking food in his camera bag ... he is crazy ."


"Mom the guy next door to you in the apartments."
"I haven’t seen him in awhile."
"He’s creepy as hell! I told Nana and Popie to get him out, but they are scared he’ll just turn on them. He’s a weirdo...I tell them to be on alert at all times around him."


"He used to snap pics ALL THE TIME at the Wave Pool."

"I went out with him a few times."

"He was at a Gospel sing several years ago taking pictures of children! He got caught and was asked to leave!"

"He use to have a kid in daycare where I worked years ago and it was an odd relationship between the two he would say such creepy things to that child"

"I do not play with this mf'er. He is real life psycho. It took one encounter with him for me to be scarred for life. He's a whole other level of shit show that I never wanna deal with again."

As expected, it didn't take long for this dipshit to be a self-fulfilling version of himself. By Saturday, he posted this:

It looks like the crazy fucker is basically going through the comments and shares and is going to start harassing people/bosses. It won't be a surprise if he starts calling places. Maybe even showing up. Probably private messaging people as well.
It proves exactly what everyone is saying.
Just remember, in West Virginia you have no duty to retreat. If you feel your life is in danger, you can use lethal force.

Which takes us back to ... Who steals cans from a place?
You gotta be pretty fucked up to steal bags of aluminum cans right? Like just how broke could you be? A bag is probably only worth about $5.00. That's homeless bum territory. But that's a story for another day.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Mark Vance Halburn Wanted By Dunbar PD

Allegedly Stole Cans From Recycling Center

An ex-Putnam County man is on the run waddle and the Dunbar Police Department is asking for your help to put him back behind bars.

Mark Vance Halburn
Halburn is accused of stealing numerous bags of aluminum cans from the city's recycling center on Charles Avenue in Dunbar and then fleeing.

Dunbar City Garage and Recycling Center

On Friday, December 22, 2017, Lt. Michael Lester of the Dunbar Police Department was dispatched to the Dunbar City Garage in reference to a larceny. Upon his arrival, he spoke with a city employee who advised the officer of an issue they were having with Mark Halburn stealing recycled cans. The worker stated that he witnessed Mr. Halburn remove cans from the recycle bins, place them in his vehicle and then leave.

After that incident, the worker stated that he set up a video camera by the recycling bin. The video showed Halburn returning in his his vehicle, a silver 2001 Buick LeSabre, WV license 4VV 367. He then exited his vehicle and placed at least three more bags of cans into the vehicle and drove off. This was all viewed by the officer who then swore out a warrant against Halburn.
There may also be an unnamed accomplice.

A warrant was issued for the following charge:

§61-3-13-b Petit Larceny

Halburn is currently on probation for a stalking conviction in Putnam County.

If you see Halburn, do not approach him. Instead, immediately, telephone 911. You can also call the Dunbar Police Department at 304-766-0204.

CashIn Recyclables pays $0.50/lb for aluminum cans. A full trash bag weighs about 5 pounds.

Halburn committed this crime for less than $25.
If this fucker worked half as hard at a real job as he does trying to scam money, he'd be rich.

This will definitely violate his probation in Putnam County. Should be interesting to see how he tries to spin this shit.
Between this,  him begging for money on GoFundMe, and moving in with his girlfriend sugar mama and her parents, Halburn has hit rock bottom now.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Halburn Making Excuses Now

 Always splitting hairs

Well, it didn't take long for Mark Vance Halburn to start feeling the heat over his roommate, the child molester. When he publicly answers on his Facebook page, you can bet people are asking him about's article.

Let's just examine your statements, shall we, Fatass?

You didn’t say you’re still with Barbara.

You didn’t deny you’re back.

How in the world can you keep a straight face and say they don't live in Raleigh? . The Wake County assessor's office confirms the address AND the basement. You can call it Medfield Estates or Cary or whatever the fuck you want to call it but the zip code and the county says it's Raleigh.
And with a "Fully finished" basement?
And then there's poor old Bob Harper.

"Harper, a 70 year old amputee"

You left out the part that he IS an actual registered sex offender.

Hmmmmm. Look at that address. 49 Tahoe Road.
Don't cloud the issue with facts though, You wouldn't want to confuse your adoring audience.

What kind of sicko molests a little girl?
And what kind of sicko wants to call a molester his friend and roommate?
Were you molested when you were a kid Halburn? Is that why you're fascinated with sex abusers?

"I don't live with Harper"
I live in a building/trailer on the property.

How do we know where you're living?
Because YOU yourself gave that as your address, when asked where to send an advertising check.

From: Date: April 7, 2018 at 7:15:11 AM EDT Subject: Re: Advertising  49 Tahoe Road, Sissonville, WV 25320
Hmmmmm. Look at that address.

We're sure you have a convoluted explanation. We're just waiting to hear it.
It will be something like, “It’s my MAILING address” or some other bullshit.

Fine … why are you having your shit mailed to a child molester?
Say you don’t live there. Why are you having your shit mailed to a child molester and not to where you’re actually staying?
Because driving 30 minutes out of town and up Bumfuck Holler to pick up your mail is so convenient.

Also, the 3rd Degree Sexual Abuse Harper committed is a felony. So you just told everybody that a felon is in possession of several guns, which is really gonna fuck ol’ Pegleg when they execute a search warrant.

Way to throw Bob under the bus, Halburn.

Your friends are limited so we're sure you're scared shitless at this point. When something happens to Buddy Bob, where do you go then? 
You'll have to find someone else to leech off of. But look on the bright side. Troy gets out of jail in May.

As expected, Halburn offers the very excuses that we predicted.